I'm Crushing On This Girl And I Simply Don't Know What To Do. Help.


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Last crush I had a girl in a school when I was 17yo. It was a mutual though.

Zero after.

goddamn I liked your other Avatars better... even though they were of 14 year old girls. I mean, wtf is this man? get your sh*t together.


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What is her age? Young girls might care more about your hair than older girls, although there are exceptions of course.
Anyway, go for it. What do you have to lose, really. Either she blows you off or she lets you place your head between her beautiful legs for an hour straight ;)

31. I haven't put my head between a girls legs in OVER A YEAR. Who am I? WTF HAS HAPPENED?!?!

Jack Ito

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Not to hijack the thread but I know as soon as I give in and settle with a fat or beat face chick there will be a cure for hairloss, I f ing know it.

Yes and by that time you'll be married to the fat bin with 3 kids and 7 grandchildren. That's life pal


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Bucky, don't overthink this. You got this. No turning back. Ask her out on a date. Let her prove to you how much she is into you. If not, at least you moved forward finally. If it doesn't work out, you still have your dog to cuddle with but if does, your "dog" is going to be very happy for you and do the "happy dance".


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It's all mind-set really. Regardless of the hair situation, if you do not display confidence during your meet, you're screwed.

I have always, always had confidence in myself - and I'm not saying this trying to put myself above anybody else believe me, we're all in this together, but I have been losing hair since I was 16 years old and I have had no problems with women. And some of these women were damn fine too - and I can safely say that it was due to my confidence. I mean I simply run sh*t.

So, I could sit here and give you the ol, "man up," spiel, but I know it's not that easy. My advice is you need to constantly run through your head your skills, what you're good at, your heart, and what you have to offer not just to a woman but to anyone who interacts with you. Add in some good posture, hold your shoulders steady and plum with your chest, and above all:

Speak softly, and carry a big stick.
-Theodore Roosevelt

Thought "It's all about confidence brah" was going extinct here.

Guy upped the ante with body language game lol.


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I know exactly how you feel, on one hand you want to meet her and everything goes great etc,on the other hand you don’t want her to reject you because of baldness cos your confidence will hit rock bottom.

I have been in your shoes and I never actually met up with many of the women I had been talking with and I regret it now because I might have actually hit it off with one of them..

If I were you I would buy some nice clothes and shoes meet her and hope it goes well, cos you might have regrets later in life. Good luck man.


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How diffused is the rats nest? Can a sprinkling of toppik get you through the initial date if yes don’t shave if not maybe buzz it.

It all depends on what photos of you she has seen so far.


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How diffused is the rats nest? Can a sprinkling of toppik get you through the initial date if yes don’t shave if not maybe buzz it.

It all depends on what photos of you she has seen so far.
Last time he posted an image it looked fine and everybody said so.

Since then he makes out he's lost more but wont take a picture.


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Last time he posted an image it looked fine and everybody said so.

Since then he makes out he's lost more but wont take a picture.


still slays