
I think at the end of the day cassin has been here the longest...So he can probably smell these fakers from a mile away..Just take his work for it and stfu amsch...


what about doc007?? He always seems to give advice even though he doesnt know what he is talking about half the time...


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surely a warning would have been more appropriate... a ban was a bit harsh (unless he was continously breaking rules)?!


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KoussaMehshe said:
...cause HE made my lotions and gave me advice...
KoussaMehshe said:
...he makes lotions that even my lil bro uses and works

does he rub these lotions on you? does it make you feel funny? maybe you should alert the local authorities.

anyway, don't delete this thread, it is too hilarious!



americans have to be, by far, the dumbest race this planet has ever witnessed.

i could buy an americans opinion, thats how unvaluable it is.

fyi you assholes, dads an australian wide recognized dermatologist. and for any aussies here, he's the Dr. on the Easter Friday Appeal for Childrens Hospital telephon board on Channel 9.

anyway please close this thread and no one bring up the topic of my old man again. he was still gentle hearted enough to say "they think im a scam, i dont blame them, the nets a weird place" but the guys too kind hearted to see he's wrong.. your just a bunch of assholes.

thank god your all going bald.


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And he says we are dumb.

KoussaMehshe said:
americans have to be, by far, the dumbest race this planet has ever witnessed.

Well after reading your post and being of the "race" American I guess I must now be asshamed. NOT!!



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KoussaMehshe said:

americans have to be, by far, the dumbest race this planet has ever witnessed.

i could buy an americans opinion, thats how unvaluable it is.

fyi you assholes, dads an australian wide recognized dermatologist. and for any aussies here, he's the Dr. on the Easter Friday Appeal for Childrens Hospital telephon board on Channel 9.

anyway please close this thread and no one bring up the topic of my old man again. he was still gentle hearted enough to say "they think im a scam, i dont blame them, the nets a weird place" but the guys too kind hearted to see he's wrong.. your just a bunch of assholes.

thank god your all going bald.

Well you just validated everything I have done. Its pretty clear who you are and you have proved this entire thing is a farce.

Lets play along a bit more

Why don't you address my questions? C'mon...answer them all. Lets see it.


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I am doctor squeegee and you Americans are dumb asses!!!!!!! :crazy:


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cassin - so what was this guys motive? what was he trying to achieve? how did you know he was at it?


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mj9 said:
cassin - so what was this guys motive? what was he trying to achieve?

To stir sh*t up. I am certain some of the vets recognize who this guy is now.

mj9 said:
how did you know he was at it?

I have been doing this for awhile and this fellow has visited us before. Just trust me. You guys have been swindled.

I have no doubt this dr exists...he just wasn't the person who came here.

Still don't believe me? Lets see if he can back up the accusations he threw my way.

I'm waiting.

And just so you don't get confused...I want all of these issues proved. Post what proof you have. Lets see it.

KoussaMehshe said:
Dr. Ghadavi whatever his name is of Revivogen is LINKED to this forum board.. I won't say how


KoussaMehshe said:
My dad was basically allowing people to know how to make revivogen for free, and CASSIN isn't getting paid for this

I have no clue what you're talking abut, who pays me?

KoussaMehshe said:

History of the forum...people used to want a revivogen study.

KoussaMehshe said:
Why does the MODERATOR keep defending it?

I have never even talked about or recommended revivogen. I have never used it nor would I. I think its garbage.

KoussaMehshe said:
ontop of that REVIVOGEN negative threads are DELETED as soon as they are posted..

BS....there is plenty of them.

KoussaMehshe said:
I just posted one before and was deleted you didn't. Another outright lie.


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KoussaMehshe said:
I asked my dad to come on and give a lending hand with some guys here because I occassionaly read on this site and hairlosshelp

and what the moderator Cassin did here was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen

dad is the most easiest going bloke especially in his line of work and thats why people even take their children to go see him

ontop of dat, I was making fun of him tellin him he made new friends online on this forum and you know what the first thing he said?? Theyre good kids, theyre like you shitty about their hairloss.

and for your information you assholes that bagged him, my dad is completely bald (he went completely bald very very young) and i got his genes yet im a NW2 when by now I should have lost most of my hair cause HE made my lotions and gave me advice.

your bloody loss and I told him to never come back to this forum again
I am sure your dad is so proud of his foul mouthed son who uses vulgar language to make his point. Most real doctor's children have a little more class than you do. Secondly, you have only a few posts and nobody has even heard of you. I don't remember anytime in the past, you interacting with this forum. I call this nothing but shenanigans. I wouldn't be surprised if this is Davidoff creating this whole scenerio just because he is bitter about being banned. Its funny how your dad practices in Australia which ironically where Davidoff was living. How come he never mentioned you. If your dad is for real then how come we cannot find anything about him on the net. If he is so generous with his medical care then why is he not mentioned. Another part of this irony is that Davidoff is a big fan of Revivogen and so is your dad. How convenient that is. And if you post on HLH, what is your screen name? Could it be Davidoff?


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Cassin said:
mj9 said:
cassin - so what was this guys motive? what was he trying to achieve?

To stir s*** up. I am certain some of the vets recognize who this guy is now.

well if this is true then this guy is sad and needs to get a life.... why would you want to stir things up on a hairloss forum... what would anyone achieve from that...

anyway if this guy does not come back with a valid explanation then he is obviously a sad liar who is misguiding innocent hairloss victims and should be shot :firing: :firing:


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Did anyone actually believe that he was a doctor after reading his 1st post? The post where he said minoxidil made your blood vessels shrink, and that finasteride was a waste of time...If anything, the guy pushed Revivogen like it was going out of style.


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mj9 said:
well if this is true then this guy is sad and needs to get a life.... why would you want to stir things up on a hairloss forum... what would anyone achieve from that...

Stick around, its going to happen a few dozen more times before October. :)