
Established Member
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To be honest I'm a bit upset about this whole thing... I liked the fresh approach of Dr Abdullah's opinion and to be honest it wasn't endorsing anything except an alternative approach. I find it upsetting that posts get deleted purely on the merit of 'Oh he was a scammer I've seen plenty around' when it wasn't actually proven - and he seemed quite informed at the least. For most people here who find that the big 3 produce average or no results, would like to see reasons for finasteride not working, which he provided.

The point his son was trying to make is that there is an inconsistency in this screening process and could be corrupt. For example....

"Dr. Ghadavi whatever his name is of Revivogen is LINKED to this forum board.. I won't say how"[/i]

I've said this before, there is some kind of financial link between hairlosstalk and Revivogen - and talking about this product is much more corrupt that Dr Abdullahs original posts. Being on Revivogen for 9 months and it having not maintained ALONG with 0.25mg of propecia makes me skeptical about its validity, this boards backing on such minimal results. (both on this board and the web)

Now I don't care about what his son said but is there a way we can see the original post because I didn't think that thread was going to be deleted and didn't get to copy his opinion.



p.s. if this comment gets me banned that sucks because I contribute here and am just arguing for freedom of speech. OR atleast don't ban someone on the basis of suspicion.


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sammo said:
I find it upsetting that posts get deleted purely on the merit of 'Oh he was a scammer

He was banned because he claimed he was a Dr and Dr's and company reps are against the rules.

Plain and simple.

I never said he was banned because he a "scammer"...

sammo said:
"Dr. Ghadavi whatever his name is of Revivogen is LINKED to this forum board.. I won't say how"[/i]

I've said this before, there is some kind of financial link between hairlosstalk and Revivogen -

What link?

Who is paying? Please tell me because I could use the money.

Prove it. Prove it. Prove it.

Prove this or drop it.

Can you even find a thread where I recommended revivogen?

I think the product is garbage...I have never once endorsed it nor has the site owner ever said to do so. Too be honest I forgot the damn product existed until a couple days ago.


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My Regimen
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sammo said:
Now I don't care about what his son said but is there a way we can see the original post because I didn't think that thread was going to be deleted and didn't get to copy his opinion.




yea can we see the original post?

Hans Gruber

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and i thought all the fun happened in off topic! what the hell is this all about,how many fake accounts am i witnessing arguing among themselves in this thread?


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Hey just a quick bump here

I am really looking forward to all the proof to the accusations.

If anyone has forgotten then, I will be more than willing to repost what has been said just a few pages back. :)


Cassin said:
JohnRambo said:
what about doc007?? He always seems to give advice even though he doesnt know what he is talking about half the time...

Does he claim to be a doctor?
Ofcourse he does...Doctorhouse does too but he really doesnt give medical advice...He mostly asks for advice...


Established Member
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I still consider myself fairly new to this site. If Revivogen was being pushed so hard on this site how come it never crossed my mind to try it? If this site is linked to Revivogen in anyway they're not doing a very good job of promoting it.

Cassin you're the worst sales person ever.


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I agree... Revivogen receives no special treatment. If you look in the archives, the owner of does say he has had personal success with it after switching to Revivogen + spironolactone after 3 years on finasteride, but he never pushed it on others.


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Why can't doctors can't be allowed to have an opinion on this board? Wouldn't we want to hear from doctors if anyone? Wouldn't they have a better idea about treating things than the common 'davidoff' for example. If this whole board was a discussion and opinions by literary, doctors and academics we may find ourselves closer to medically proving things do / don't work.

I agree Cassin that you personally don't endorse Revivogen, but the fact its heavily talked up on the hairloss talk online store - then also Hairlosstalk has a 'has seen' banner on the revivogen site, so your telling me no sponsorship / promotion deal has been done here?

In addition to right at the top of the board home page... "New! Revivogen Announcement ... January 21, 2008

A new study done on Revivogen shows very promising results..."

Anyway I'm a big fan of this board, and its a good discussion, and discussions are ok. I'm not having a go at you Cassin I'm just putting some arguments foward :)




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KoussaMehshe said:

americans have to be, by far, the dumbest race this planet has ever witnessed.

i could buy an americans opinion, thats how unvaluable it is.

fyi you assholes, dads an australian wide recognized dermatologist. and for any aussies here, he's the Dr. on the Easter Friday Appeal for Childrens Hospital telephon board on Channel 9.

anyway please close this thread and no one bring up the topic of my old man again. he was still gentle hearted enough to say "they think im a scam, i dont blame them, the nets a weird place" but the guys too kind hearted to see he's wrong.. your just a bunch of assholes.

thank god your all going bald.
Well his "lotion" that he makes must not be worth more than your fathers penis foreskin because he is totally bald and you are already an admitted NW2. Good luck with the foreskin lotion.

What is with these assholes from Australia?


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Harie said:
Did anyone actually believe that he was a doctor after reading his 1st post?

i did :shakehead:
after the thread was deleted i started to have second thoughts .
i guess i'm too naive .

KoussaMehshe said:
ontop of that REVIVOGEN negative threads are DELETED as soon as they are posted.

i've been reading here for over 6 month I know that's not true.

Cassin said:
mj9 said:
well if this is true then this guy is sad and needs to get a life.... why would you want to stir things up on a hairloss forum... what would anyone achieve from that...

Stick around, its going to happen a few dozen more times before October. :)

why ? what happens in october ?


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kadosh said:
why ? what happens in october ?

The end of the World! (of Warcraft)


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sammo said:
Why can't doctors can't be allowed to have an opinion on this board? Wouldn't we want to hear from doctors if anyone? Wouldn't they have a better idea about treating things than the common 'davidoff' for example. If this whole board was a discussion and opinions by literary, doctors and academics we may find ourselves closer to medically proving things do / don't work.

How can we verify their real? Its impossible.

Besides, it won't happen since there are far too many problems it creates. There won't be a haven of free thinking academics on a site discussing this on a forum. It will never happen. They will create essay's...not threads.

There is other reason's but we're beating a dead horse here.There are other sites you can go to that allow it I think.

If you guys want some relatively unbiased opinions from doctors, email Dr Lee and Dr Proctor. I have spoken to both of them and while they do sell products, I found their answers to other matters very useful.

sammo said:
I agree Cassin that you personally don't endorse Revivogen, but the fact its heavily talked up on the hairloss talk online store - then also Hairlosstalk has a 'has seen' banner on the revivogen site, so your telling me no sponsorship / promotion deal has been done here?

Good Christ....that's the store...we're talking about the forum. A store is where those things tend to happen.


Experienced Member
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Nice sope opera drama here =)
fun to read this thread ona boring night


Senior Member
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Hey check it out, it is the annual Rivogen success stories convention
