I'm leaving the board...



Yeah you heard it. I think I will be leaving the board very soon, it does not serve its purpose for me anymore. I felt like it was a place to vent for me etc, but I think I've already said everything I have to say about my feelings towards hairloss. I'm very f*****g tired of using the meds that won't help my situation at all so I think I will be dropping all meds except 0.5 mg/day finasteride pretty soon. Dunno, I probably have some aggressive type of hairloss since nothing I've tried seems to help, the hair just keeps detoriating at an alarming speed.

Another thing is that I'm spending too much time here for my own good, just posting sh*t about this and that when I really should be concentrating on finishing my studies and getting my life back on track. Hairloss is a b**ch but I can't believe how much I'm letting it shock me. I've literally wasted 1.5 years of my youth for fighting hairloss and being constantly stressed about it, not to mention the money I've put on treatments that haven't worked. I'm a student and I don't work so I really don't earn too much money to be spilled around.

I've also thought a lot about my possibilities to succeed in life without hair... and I have come into the conclusion that I won't be looking any better 10 years down the line, I am at my best right now at my mid-20's, this IS the best of me. I have to live now, I can't waste any more time weeping about hairloss and this and that. I bet my hairloss is not even big a deal for any of my friends or family, it's just me who's exaggerating everything in my head. This forum can be a real b**ch for persuading you to think that you're worthless without hair, and I must admit I fell into that trap. There's some really fucked up sh*t about everyones experiences with hairloss, but fortunately I live in a different country where hairloss is not generally seen as a life-threatening illness or a physical defect comparable to having an extra nose or something. So I will keep trying to accept myself for what I am, which will soon be a naturally balding man who keeps his hear buzzed neat. I've been through a lot of sh*t in my lifetime which has made me more than a little self-conscious about my appearance, so it will be hard to fully accept this hairloss curse because my self-confidence has never been very high.

I might still be lurking around here but I've done posting for now. There's too many users who have been VERY helpful towards me so I'll just thank everyone here instead of naming anyone. So cya and good luck with your hairloss battle whether it's using meds or just accepting it and shaving your head or whatever you wanna do.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
I have come into the conclusion that I won't be looking any better 10 years down the line, I am at my best right now at my mid-20's, this IS the best of me. I have to live now.

f*****g good point. Make the most of your time while you still can.


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I am gonna miss you Bro......but I think you are doing the right thing. Good Luck and God Bless!
Don't go posting on "Hair loss help" now....they have some nasty mofos there :nono:

GrowHairGrow! said:
Yeah you heard it. I think I will be leaving the board very soon, it does not serve its purpose for me anymore. I felt like it was a place to vent for me etc, but I think I've already said everything I have to say about my feelings towards hairloss. I'm very f****ing tired of using the meds that won't help my situation at all so I think I will be dropping all meds except 0.5 mg/day finasteride pretty soon. Dunno, I probably have some aggressive type of hairloss since nothing I've tried seems to help, the hair just keeps detoriating at an alarming speed.

Another thing is that I'm spending too much time here for my own good, just posting $#iT about this and that when I really should be concentrating on finishing my studies and getting my life back on track. Hairloss is a b**ch but I can't believe how much I'm letting it shock me. I've literally wasted 1.5 years of my youth for fighting hairloss and being constantly stressed about it, not to mention the money I've put on treatments that haven't worked. I'm a student and I don't work so I really don't earn too much money to be spilled around.

I've also thought a lot about my possibilities to succeed in life without hair... and I have come into the conclusion that I won't be looking any better 10 years down the line, I am at my best right now at my mid-20's, this IS the best of me. I have to live now, I can't waste any more time weeping about hairloss and this and that. I bet my hairloss is not even big a deal for any of my friends or family, it's just me who's exaggerating everything in my head. This forum can be a real b**ch for persuading you to think that you're worthless without hair, and I must admit I fell into that trap. There's some really f***** up $#iT about everyones experiences with hairloss, but fortunately I live in a different country where hairloss is not generally seen as a life-threatening illness or a physical defect comparable to having an extra nose or something. So I will keep trying to accept myself for what I am, which will soon be a naturally balding man who keeps his hear buzzed neat. I've been through a lot of $#iT in my lifetime which has made me more than a little self-conscious about my appearance, so it will be hard to fully accept this hairloss curse because my self-confidence has never been very high.

I might still be lurking around here but I've done posting for now. There's too many users who have been VERY helpful towards me so I'll just thank everyone here instead of naming anyone. So cya and good luck with your hairloss battle whether it's using meds or just accepting it and shaving your head or whatever you wanna do.


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and I have come into the conclusion that I won't be looking any better 10 years down the line, I am at my best right now at my mid-20's, this IS the best of me. I have to live now, I can't waste any more time weeping about hairloss and this and that.

Dude dont take that attitude especially when you suit the buzz so much. You dont look that good with longer hair and Im sure you will suit a shaved head. Dont talk about living now, you should be living now but dont think that your life is going to end soon just because you get abit thinner, you should be living now, tomorrow and the day after that, etc. f*** hair. f*** 13 year old girls who say balding is wrong and ergggghhhh!!
Maybe this board has served its purpose for you, maybe it is time to move on and not let anything get you down, so Ill say Goodbye and Good Luck in your studies, women, career but I wont wish you luck for your chosen English football team.


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this whole no hair no hot women is bullshit. the more i lose the hotter the women i'm with get. i am now dating a CEO of a massive advertising agency, she's 27 and seriously hot. hair loss has nothing to do with the women you get, humour, confidence and most importantly the ability to be dominating is what makes it happen.


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God's speed, GrowHairGrow,

I wish I had been more available to talk with you over the past-- like you, I've lost a lot of my momentum on my boards. I've absolved a lot of my emotional problems with hairloss, which is why I came to these boards in the first place.

Over the next few days or weeks, I'll be sending the Admin my letter of resignation-- effectively terminating my IP address from coming to this site ever again.

Godbless man, my heart is with you completely.



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GHG, glad to hear you discovering who you really are inside but your BDD will always haunt you unfortunately every time you look in the mirror. As long as you can avoid a mirror, I think you will be fine. I think our biggest enemy is the mirror. When we look into the mirror we see an image totally different from how others perceive us. When you look in the mirror, you tend to draw attention to all your imperfections and then you feel depressed and you feel every time you are in public, there is a spot light on all your imperfections. Honestly, most people will not notice your imperfections unless their just as critical as you are. Actually, if that is the case, you are better off avoiding those type of people because they will bring you down as well. I think you will be back just because this is the only place where you have found people just like yourself going thru the same issues and you can anonymously share your feelings and pretty much everyone will support you. My advice is try to avoid the mirror as much as you can. Good luck GHG but I know you will be back.

hair today gone tomorrow

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DoctorHouse said:
GHG, glad to hear you discovering who you really are inside but your BDD will always haunt you unfortunately every time you look in the mirror. As long as you can avoid a mirror, I think you will be fine. I think our biggest enemy is the mirror. When we look into the mirror we see an image totally different from how others perceive us. When you look in the mirror, you tend to draw attention to all your imperfections and then you feel depressed and you feel every time you are in public, there is a spot light on all your imperfections. Honestly, most people will not notice your imperfections unless their just as critical as you are. Actually, if that is the case, you are better off avoiding those type of people because they will bring you down as well. I think you will be back just because this is the only place where you have found people just like yourself going thru the same issues and you can anonymously share your feelings and pretty much everyone will support you. My advice is try to avoid the mirror as much as you can. Good luck GHG but I know you will be back.

house...but by avoiding the mirror wouldnt u just be putting a "band-aid" on the problem?

I think by constantly looking at the mirror over and over again....(exposure therapy i believe its called) would eventually help him tackle the problem over time...no?


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HTGT, I do not think you can cure BDD. Its a part of you. Some people have very mild cases and some people can suppress it but it is not going to disappear. It correlates with your self-esteem. Its only human nature that the biggest critic on all your imperfections is yourself. A mirror is unavoidable in society. There are mirrors everywhere and if you get into the habit of not looking in them then you avoid constantly reminding yourself of your imperfections. I am sure when some people with BDD wake up in the morning and they look in the mirror and see a big zit on their face, they might get real depressed and think everyone is going to focus their eyes on their big zit. If its not a zit, then its a wrinkle or a grey hair, or a receding hairline, and the process never stops. Society bases everything on looks and we are programmed to look into the mirror and make sure we look good. By avoiding the mirror, you are making a statement you do not give a crap how you look and can care less what everyone thinks. You use the mirror only as reassurance of what you already know. So avoiding the mirror is what is recommended for someone with BDD. Just try it, if you don't believe me. Just use the mirror once in the morning to do whatever is necessary and avoid the mirror for the rest of the day and you will find that you will stop dwelling on your hair loss or imperfections and are able to concentrate on other things. On days, that I avoid looking in the mirror other than to get ready in the am, I do not even think about my hair or anything else about my physical attributes. On days, I get obsessed and look at every mirror, I focus on my hair at a "microscopic level" that I get real depressed and have that sick feeling in my stomach( even though I have never been told I have any signs of hair loss in the public eye). My BDD is not going away, that's apart of me. How many people have that feeling? Taug, I know you understand what I am saying. One thing I want to say, I have never let my BDD stand in the way of my profession as I am very successful. I hope it will never stand in your way, Taug because you will miss out too much in life if you let it.


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I've been through a lot of $#iT in my lifetime which has made me more than a little self-conscious about my appearance, so it will be hard to fully accept this hairloss curse because my self-confidence has never been very high.

What else is troubling to you about your appearance?


blaze said:
I've been through a lot of $#iT in my lifetime which has made me more than a little self-conscious about my appearance, so it will be hard to fully accept this hairloss curse because my self-confidence has never been very high.

What else is troubling to you about your appearance?

Asymmetrical face, big forehead and only having 4 fingers on my right hand (I was born with 5, but one of them was defected so it had to be removed). But yeah, thanks all and you guys are wrong... I won't be back unless I'll have some success with my hair or I'll happen to graduate. I'll just come back to inform you guys how I'm doing come next summer. Like I said, I've wrote everything I have to say for now. So have a good one.

Bald Dave

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Good luck GHG! I am so glad you've seen sense dude!


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Wait - who says you can go out and get a life??!!

Kidding man - keep the faith.

May you have a good hair day today and a better one tomorrow.

If you're reallly gonnna leave - then T'was good to know ya.

:bravo: :punk:

hair today gone tomorrow

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DoctorHouse said:
HTGT, I do not think you can cure BDD. Its a part of you. Some people have very mild cases and some people can suppress it but it is not going to disappear. It correlates with your self-esteem. Its only human nature that the biggest critic on all your imperfections is yourself. A mirror is unavoidable in society. There are mirrors everywhere and if you get into the habit of not looking in them then you avoid constantly reminding yourself of your imperfections. I am sure when some people with BDD wake up in the morning and they look in the mirror and see a big zit on their face, they might get real depressed and think everyone is going to focus their eyes on their big zit. If its not a zit, then its a wrinkle or a grey hair, or a receding hairline, and the process never stops. Society bases everything on looks and we are programmed to look into the mirror and make sure we look good. By avoiding the mirror, you are making a statement you do not give a crap how you look and can care less what everyone thinks. You use the mirror only as reassurance of what you already know. So avoiding the mirror is what is recommended for someone with BDD. Just try it, if you don't believe me. Just use the mirror once in the morning to do whatever is necessary and avoid the mirror for the rest of the day and you will find that you will stop dwelling on your hair loss or imperfections and are able to concentrate on other things. On days, that I avoid looking in the mirror other than to get ready in the am, I do not even think about my hair or anything else about my physical attributes. On days, I get obsessed and look at every mirror, I focus on my hair at a "microscopic level" that I get real depressed and have that sick feeling in my stomach( even though I have never been told I have any signs of hair loss in the public eye). My BDD is not going away, that's apart of me. How many people have that feeling? Taug, I know you understand what I am saying. One thing I want to say, I have never let my BDD stand in the way of my profession as I am very successful. I hope it will never stand in your way, Taug because you will miss out too much in life if you let it.

thats interesting...Ive looked it up a little and this is what i found...as far as treatments

Typically the psychodynamic approach to therapy does not seem to be effective in battling BDD while in some patients it may even be countereffective.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) coupled with exposure therapy has been shown effective in the treatment of BDD. Low levels or insufficient use of serotonin in the brain has been implicated with the disorder and so SSRI drugs are commonly used, and with some success, in the treatment of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Drug treatment will sometimes also include the use of an anxiolytic.

BDD tends to be chronic; current information suggests that symptoms do not subside, but rather worsen through time. Indeed in most patients, the symptoms and concerns diversify and social contacts may further deteriorate. As so, treatment should be initiated as early as possible following the diagnoses.

I assume you have it?...have you ever tried to get treatment for it?


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I have mild BDD. I never let it stand in the way of my life so I have it under control. I would say everyone on this forum has some mild to extreme BDD. Otherwise, they would not be on here. People without BDD would not care if they lost their hair. They accept it and do not use any type of hair loss treatments. They accept their imperfections and never seek any concealers or plastic surgery to change their imperfections. I am not saying BDD is a bad thing, it only becomes a bad thing if it controls your life and keeps you from succeeding in your goals.

Hans Gruber

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good luck GHG,i agree its good that you have seen that you cant let hairloss get ya down and stop you from living and im sure you'll grow in confidence as you get older.....................if i was you id check back here from time to time,especially to catch up on new treatments and if you need to be amongst people that know what ya going through

either way,have a good one :) :)

ps.Cricket is fuckiing awesome man! :punk:


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DoctorHouse said:
I am not saying BDD is a bad thing, it only becomes a bad thing if it controls your life and keeps you from succeeding in your goals.

I am saying that BDD is a very bad thing and is evil. and ruins things. :ididit: