Incredible recovery from NW5: the power of super aggressive regimens!


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Everyone with a morsel of intelligence already knew that It was possible, we don't need an anecdotal thread with a couple of pics to prove it to us. Even if that was considered proof.

I guess you're completely fine with calling pretty much everyone in this thread stupid, then.

If everyone knew it was possible, there wouldn't be 22 pages of people being shocked at my progress. Use your head.


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Hardly surprising to see ignorance about transgender people on this thread. I suppose these people think that homosexuality is a choice too because hey you've got a penis right your brain must therefore release the chemicals when you see women...

Sorry no, biology is a bit more complicated than you simpletons think.


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I guess you're completely fine with calling pretty much everyone in this thread stupid, then.

If everyone knew it was possible, there wouldn't be 22 pages of people being shocked at my progress. Use your head.

They are surprised you actually did it, not that it's possible, you haven't broken any records by regrowing from NW5 to what looks lie a 2.5 combed forward on the pic you put up.

EDIT: Also I remember when you positive repped me when I made a mildly rude post concerning one of the outspoken members of this forum. I could have said that in the comment but I didn't because I knew it was not fair on the guy who the comment was aimed at. That is exactly what Notcoolanymore did and IMO it's not on. If the people who repped you wanted their comment heard they would have posted it in the thread. I'm gonna stop commenting here like you asked because I have nothing more to say, your regrowth is impressive no doubt and I hope you are happy with it and that it improves even more in the future.


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Literally just made an account after seeing this thread. Was super amazed at regrowth, gave me hope! But then I saw that you are taking spironolactone and progynova, like what in the actual f***. I agree with hairloss23 and others, this doesnt really help anyone
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I agree with Hairloss23 as well. I think we all knew it was possible to regrow hair like that but at the cost of turning into a women. I've seen lots of trans people do it and also go the opposite direction and lose it! Kinda sickens me in this day an age they can't develop something, the evidence is right there.

Agustin Araujo

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It's gotten out of hand here, this is recedingyt's thread and her thread only, no one else's. Everyone who's been coming on here giving her a difficult time needs to start showing respect, including those who have rated her posts unfairly for sharing her story and for speaking out for herself.

As of this post, anymore attacks towards her, anyone else, and rating any posts unfairly will not be tolerated and will result in action. Keep it constructive.


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You guys really need to stop being assholes to her.

Great results recedingyt! Hair looks great.


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Abu Hairy Al-Forhedi

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Recedingyt, you get offended so easily.

The truth is; this is NOT a hair loss regiment, its a SEX CHANGE regiment. I dont think it should be under "mens success stories." At least move it to the "women section"

You identify as a women, so I dont see the problem.

Snake oil

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Incredible that the moderator erased my simplistic question, why it´s allowed with childish bullying when the regime is non drug related.
Or is this post offensive also?


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Seems like many people think I'm being unreasonable/oversensitive just because I ask for the bare minimum of respect be shown to me (in the form of not using a slur to describe me or trying to lecture me on things you know nothing about, such as Gender Dysphoria). Imagine if I went around this forum calling you guys baldies, cue ball, Mr. Clean, or any other offensive name to call a bald person... A lot of you would probably get offended.

Consider this: You guys might deal with a lot of BS as a result of hair loss, but have you ever been verbally or physically assaulted because of it? Do people murder bald people because they're bald? Have you ever been denied service (from medical professionals even!), housing, been disowned by family/friends, or lost a job because of you being bald? These sorts of things happen to trans people every day. Yes, even today these things still happen in large numbers. So yeah, excuse me if I don't take kindly to the sort of ignorant language/arguments people use to justify those sorts of deplorable acts, but don't try to pretend that I'm being unreasonable because I'm not.

I honestly deal with enough bull**** in my every day life... I don't need to deal with even more BS every time I come to this forum, especially since I am trying to help. Pro tip: whether or not you think I actually am helping is irrelevant because clearly there are some members who are interested in my story or this thread wouldn't be as big as it is.

Snake oil

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Seems like many people think I'm being unreasonable/oversensitive just because I ask for the bare minimum of respect be shown to me (in the form of not using a slur to describe me or trying to lecture me on things you know nothing about, such as Gender Dysphoria). Imagine if I went around this forum calling you guys baldies, cue ball, Mr. Clean, or any other offensive name to call a bald person... A lot of you would probably get offended.

Consider this: You guys might deal with a lot of BS as a result of hair loss, but have you ever been verbally or physically assaulted because of it? Do people murder bald people because they're bald? Have you ever been denied service (from medical professionals even!), housing, been disowned by family/friends, or lost a job because of you being bald? These sorts of things happen to trans people every day. Yes, even today these things still happen in large numbers. So yeah, excuse me if I don't take kindly to the sort of ignorant language/arguments people use to justify those sorts of deplorable acts, but don't try to pretend that I'm being unreasonable because I'm not.

I honestly deal with enough bull**** in my every day life... I don't need to deal with even more BS every time I come to this forum, especially since I am trying to help. Pro tip: whether or not you think I actually am helping is irrelevant because clearly there are some members who are interested in my story or this thread wouldn't be as big as it is.

I´m just amazed how this forum works.
Moderators defending you due to your drug regime (since they are drug abusers also), while in other non drug thread starts all pathetic comments are allowed, with no action from the moderators.


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I´m just amazed how this forum works.
Moderators defending you due to your drug regime (since they are drug abusers also), while in other non drug thread starts all pathetic comments are allowed, with no action from the moderators.

The reason "natural" threads get disrespected is because they don't work. Labeling us "drug abusers" is pathetic.

Snake oil

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The reason "natural" threads get disrespected is because they don't work. Labeling us "drug abusers" is pathetic.

How do prove that natural remedies work?
What company will invest enormous amount of money that they cannot patent?

Keep inhaling your drugs, since the companies are thinking of of your well being.
Seems by your post alone that they should expand possible side effects, but then again it´s a gaining industry.


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There are 139 male to female transsexuals out of 5.5 millions of men in my country: - Transgender_FR.pdf

I see the discourse imported from the US making its way through our universities. The discourse that actions should be taken to help those (139) men!

You cannot make fun of them, you cannot minimize their trauma, they even f-ing added the gender x for the jobs in the public sector a few weeks ago:

All of these actions for a couple hundreds of people. To help 0.0001% of the population. I feel like I'm having a bad dream.

I don't say your problems don't matter recedingyt, they definitely do, and you have the right to complain, and to be treated with respect.

But as you can see, you're getting institutional help, you have LGTB associations all over the world fighting tooth and nail for your cause. While you're part of an absolute minority.

While bald men are hundreds of millions and have no one saying anything nice about them. Except maybe Patrick Stewart and Larry David. Well no, not even Larry David, he hates and mocks bald men himself.

I hope I'm not offending you (too much :p ). I'm just stating the reality and how I think it's not fair.

I know more than 139 trans people just in my immediate area. Not even my entire state (there's probably thousands of us state wide). The world is bigger than just Belgium, you know.

Regardless, I don't see how the numbers matter. You think of it as rare for these things to happen because in your experience it is rare.

But for the trans person these experiences are commonplace. Every day you go out as a trans person you have to worry about these things.

You can't honestly say you know what that feels like because you've never been there. Baldness isn't even close to being on the same level.

If anything, the rarity of trans people just makes it even crazier that more isn't being done to help these people have the same basic rights as everyone else because it's not as if a ton of resources would need to be expended to accommodate them.

I also just happen to think you're flat out wrong about there being more being done for trans people than baldness.

I mean think about it, there are how many companies putting tons of capital into hair loss research? There's pretty much nothing even remotely similar for trans people. There's tons of new treatments and new studies being done for hair loss and virtually nothing in the field of trans science.

The organizations we have are almost universally aimed at preventing suicide, preventing/treating STDs, and giving us access to basic medical care (e.g. hormone replacement therapy) since most doctors flat out refuse to see a trans patient because they are trans.

The worst part is these organizations aren't even offering "special" services. It's basic things that most cis people can get access to without a second thought, but trans people have a hard time getting even these basic needs taken care of... and you honestly think more is being done for us?

You think the public ridicule you deal with for being bald is even close to the same level of scrutiny/ridicule associated with being trans? HAHAHAHA.

You really are delusional if truly you think that and I'm a trans person who was once bald so I think I know what I'm talking about in that regard.

Try going out dressed up as a woman sometime Fred. Really put some effort into it too, have some fun with it. You probably won't pass, but that's kind of the point.

Then you will really know what it's like being trans. Think of it as a social experiment.


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I'm not asking for preferential treatment though. All I want is to be able to get my hormones without having to travel 150+ miles, get 2 letters of recommendation (which in and of itself is a multi-month hoop jumping process), and wait like 6 months to find a doctor who will see a trans patient.

I'm asking that insurance companies cover trans procedures the WPATH considers medically necessary (which most do not and will actually refuse to take you on as a client just for being trans) and at least help with the cost of doctors appointments/blood work (which is ludicrously expensive here). I'm asking that I can get equal opportunity in hiring, which contrary to your belief I currently do not. Me being a minority doesn't help me in the slightest in that sense.

They see a non-passing trans woman and they throw my application in the garbage, it's as simple as that. And I'm not talking about jobs I'm unqualified for, I'm talking about minimum wage slave jobs like McDonald's. Why else would I be doing p**rn?

It's my only option until I can pass, which isn't something I can feasibly do without surgery and my insurance company refuses to help me with that, dooming me to sex work or worse if I want to have an income. This may not be true for all areas of the world, but it is currently my reality and if you can't see why I'm upset by you guys making a mockery of my story then you have no empathy whatsoever.

- - - Updated - - -

Anyway that's enough about this topic, I do not want my thread to become a political debate because that's not what this is about. I do not want to debate personal opinion about whether I'm valid as a woman or not. The only thing I'm asking for here is the bare minimum of respect be given to me, my identity, and my story which I think is more than a fair request. Please keep all future posts directly on topic and at least attempt to stay in respectful territory.


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You have to do what you have to do to make money. Unfortunately the reality of this world is that you need money in order to survive and well, honestly you seem like a nice person and you're having great progress so keep up the good work.
We're all in the same boat after all, and can only hope for the best.