Since no one really knows what's causing male pattern baldness, I think we should all be open to new ideas. That being said, I think it's obvious that it is a phenomenon that has evolutionary roots. By that I mean that I think one can explain male pattern baldness with a combination of evolutionary anthropology and biology, both hormonal and molecular.
Think of it this way: Aging happens because we eat. If there's not a lot of food around, your body will wait. It won't develop as quickly. What's my evidence for this? Everyone knows that a calorie-restricted diet will extend lifespan for every type of organism from yeast to humans. Knocking down the insulin receptor does the same thing. No one really knows why. But I have an easy evolutionary explanation for that. Your body is patient. The real evidence, for me, comes from women who undergo early menarche. Early menarche correlates with insulin resistance. So, think about it: if a girl eats a lot (carbs), her body will think there's plenty of food around. So, then her body will want to have that baby! Don't wait! That food supply may die down at some point! She'll develop early. She'll experience early menarche. That's how we're programmed in an evolutionary and hormonal sense. Take advantage of all the resources around! Guys don't have an analogous landmark in development (or do we?), so it's harder to see there.
The way our bodies measure how much food around is with insulin/sugar. If you're less sensitive to insulin from eating so much sugar/carbs, then your body thinks there's plenty of food around. Think of it like listening to loud music all the time. your ears will become less sensitive to music. If you have the insulin up too loud, you'll develop faster, AGE faster, and lose your hair sooner. So, that's why carbs are so important. We're not meant to have that much of them, and we're overloading the aging machinery. People are living longer because we can treat infections and diseases that would have killed people years earlier, but it does NOT mean that we are biologically aging slower. We are aging FASTER. Hence why age at menarche is getting earlier and earlier, along with the age of hair loss onset.
The other thing that causes one to be less sensitive to insulin is inflammation. So, avoid the gluten etc., and foods that our bodies don't recognize as food (anything processed).
male pattern baldness definitely has evolutionary roots, and is not unavoidable, IMO. Maybe some of us will go bald even if we live a perfect lifestyle (perfect diet, sleep well, no stress, etc.). Just like obesity, your genetics determines where you fall on the bell curve, but the environment is what determines where the center of the bell curve falls. Since you can't control your genetics, you should look into controlling your environment. With food getting more and more sugar added to it, and more and more processed, the center of that bell curve is moving in the wrong direction. Castration is also very interesting...more on that next.
Think of it this way: Aging happens because we eat. If there's not a lot of food around, your body will wait. It won't develop as quickly. What's my evidence for this? Everyone knows that a calorie-restricted diet will extend lifespan for every type of organism from yeast to humans. Knocking down the insulin receptor does the same thing. No one really knows why. But I have an easy evolutionary explanation for that. Your body is patient. The real evidence, for me, comes from women who undergo early menarche. Early menarche correlates with insulin resistance. So, think about it: if a girl eats a lot (carbs), her body will think there's plenty of food around. So, then her body will want to have that baby! Don't wait! That food supply may die down at some point! She'll develop early. She'll experience early menarche. That's how we're programmed in an evolutionary and hormonal sense. Take advantage of all the resources around! Guys don't have an analogous landmark in development (or do we?), so it's harder to see there.
The way our bodies measure how much food around is with insulin/sugar. If you're less sensitive to insulin from eating so much sugar/carbs, then your body thinks there's plenty of food around. Think of it like listening to loud music all the time. your ears will become less sensitive to music. If you have the insulin up too loud, you'll develop faster, AGE faster, and lose your hair sooner. So, that's why carbs are so important. We're not meant to have that much of them, and we're overloading the aging machinery. People are living longer because we can treat infections and diseases that would have killed people years earlier, but it does NOT mean that we are biologically aging slower. We are aging FASTER. Hence why age at menarche is getting earlier and earlier, along with the age of hair loss onset.
The other thing that causes one to be less sensitive to insulin is inflammation. So, avoid the gluten etc., and foods that our bodies don't recognize as food (anything processed).
male pattern baldness definitely has evolutionary roots, and is not unavoidable, IMO. Maybe some of us will go bald even if we live a perfect lifestyle (perfect diet, sleep well, no stress, etc.). Just like obesity, your genetics determines where you fall on the bell curve, but the environment is what determines where the center of the bell curve falls. Since you can't control your genetics, you should look into controlling your environment. With food getting more and more sugar added to it, and more and more processed, the center of that bell curve is moving in the wrong direction. Castration is also very interesting...more on that next.