Is balding the worst flaw? It sure feels like it is


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I am not against you but some might say that if you have to ask if you are boring, then you might be boring.
idc if people here interpret me as boring. i know irl that since im not chad, i have to get every advantage i can, and that includes behaviour etc


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everything you do as a chad will be interpreted non boring.

behave like a jerk? badboy, low inhib
don't talk much (which is boring)? mysterious
reads? hot guys reading
likes computer games? lol how quirky

Who the f*** cares about chad? Guess what. You're not chad, you're not a genius, you're not rich, YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL

Deal with it, just don't be a short bald f*** or poor and if you are then rope!


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Who the f*** cares about chad? Guess what. You're not chad, you're not a genius, you're not rich, YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL

Deal with it, just don't be a short bald f*** or poor and if you are then rope!
or improve and become chad


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Here's what I think. Everyone but especially the balding should watch the movie Fight Club and then come back. Part of why I went with being trans was because it certainly wasn't/isn't boring.

I often asked myself what would Tyler Durden do? A less rarified version would be from the movie Risky Business and what the f***!

You young guys can join the French Foreign Legion or the military--tons of chicks like military guys and the haircuts are great equalizers.

Become an environmentalist or adventurer and roam the banks of the Amazon. That's not boring.

Take a chance, take a risk, re-invent yourself:

It's only after disaster can we be resurrected; it's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.


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Here's what I think. Everyone but especially the balding should watch the movie Fight Club and then come back. Part of why I went with being trans was because it certainly wasn't/isn't boring.

I often asked myself what would Tyler Durden do? A less rarified version would be from the movie Risky Business and what the f***!

You young guys can join the French Foreign Legion or the military--tons of chicks like military guys and the haircuts are great equalizers.

Become an environmentalist or adventurer and roam the banks of the Amazon. That's not boring.

Take a chance, take a risk, re-invent yourself:

It's only after disaster can we be resurrected; it's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything.
tyler durden doesn't exist without a nw1 hairline


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tyler durden doesn't exist without a nw1 hairline
Touche but that thinking will get you nowhere.... The point is re-invention. We all have gifts and talents but moaning and wallowing is not a good one for people to have. I just got some chick's text number and all she texts about is how unfair the world is and how guys get all the good jobs and breaks and snooooze. I told her we could discuss it on the phone but I wasn't going to click with thumbs on and on and on. Nothing appeased her. That's boring.... So go forth all and sin no more--quote from Wall Street--become a trader, that's not boring, "Money never sleeps, Pal" in the words of the great Gecko.


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I think you've realised a hair system isn't going to solve sh*t. I had the same realisation months ago.

Unless you get your natural hair back deep down you know you're a balding f****r
its going to solve something, but not everything. far from it


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I don't proselytize but for people truly in suicidal ideation, then come discuss things on the hormonal threads. There are interim solutions but to my knowledge, the only people on here regrowing substantial amounts of non-Telogen Effluvium hair loss are using hormonal medications. Baldness is a hormonal affliction and that's where the obvious solutions are. People can try to cycle or bank sperm and most of it is not permanent. That's why many MtF's seek orchiectomy.

It's fine to wallow for a while but then in the words of Arnold, "come with me if you want to live...."


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Yeah well hair system is going to steal time that could be spent trying to save natural hair. For that reason it can be considered as the worst option
i have sides with everything and my regrowth cap is probably at Norwood 2.5

getting a system is a nice hack because my overexpressed ar in skin, my underexpressed aromatase, everything points towards the fact that I shouldn't have hair, but I would, kind of. the physiological state that came with norwooding has its perks too, in my case. very masculine. lean muscle. lean face. if i get a hairline it's over. without it I'm just another npc without identity that has to "settle". basically getting a system would mean embracing hedonism which seems the best option to me considering I don't want to spread my norwood genes, or find women in their thirties attractive


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i have sides with everything and my regrowth cap is probably at Norwood 2.5

getting a system is a nice hack because my overexpressed ar in skin, my underexpressed aromatase, everything points towards the fact that I shouldn't have hair, but I would, kind of. the physiological state that came with norwooding has its perks too, in my case. very masculine. lean muscle. lean face. if i get a hairline it's over. without it I'm just another npc without identity that has to "settle". basically getting a system would mean embracing hedonism which seems the best option to me considering I don't want to spread my norwood genes, or find women in their thirties attractive
You can still try to regrow hair under a wig. I have done it for 12 months now and I still wear my wig--I will today for instance, when I go out because short hair or really shortish hair still doesn't frame one's face the way that chick hairstyles usually do. That's why we notice the Jean Seberg/Mia Farrow cut because they are boyish and therefore unusual.

A hair system is perfect because you don't have to sweat shedding and you can try some more aggressive potential solutions. I advise them to all folks who contemplate HRT because I shed to NW7 in about a month but lookee what was waiting for me on the other side of the shed, more hair than I could ever dream of back to my 18/19 hairline even if it peters out at some point. My dream has come true so some dreams do come true even with young men who are balding....
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Being almost 30 and having dreams of being a "Chad" is pretty douche-chilling, ngl.

You remind me of Uncle Rico.

guys a clown at this point.

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An ugly face with good hair beats an average face w/ bald any time

No. It. Does. Not.

Being an average faced bald guy is way better than being straight-up ugly. Sure, u often won't be considered universally attractive by women anymore but nor are 80% of other men. Nor are almost any men under 5'10". Because women have high standards. But that's not the same as being ugly. If you're ugly it doesn't even matter if you have hair or not, which is why "get a haircut" is the meme it is in certain communities.

Without being mean, the dude posted ITT with the messed up side profile is a classic example. You can pretty much guess what kind of life he has just by looking at him. The reverse applies to very looking men.

I can see how hairloss drastically affects men who are a 7/10, especially young men. They have something to lose, & a drop in their attractiveness could have a profound affect on their looks, confidence, self-image, & life. Dropping from a 7/10 to a 5 or 4 is a much bigger deal than going from a 4 to a 3. But this idea that every balding guy is ugly is just clearly not true


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Baldness alone doesn’t mean much. Majority of people need hair as a halo to carry their attractiveness. But I’d much rather be a 6 foot bald chad than short and ugly with good hair. It just depends on many factors including your height, your frame , your skin tone , etc. even your age comes into play because if you have a silver/ grey beard bald can give you a distinguished look. But being straight up ugly? That is far worse.