Is Hair More Important Than Ever In 2017?


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strong internet flirting


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Don't get sad. Look into treatments and top tier transplants. Develop a plan of action and build a regimen.

Don't let this disease take over your life. Our only option is to ACT. If you get depressed, come here and vent, you're among fellows.

It really wasn't taking over my life until I went full autist and started reading lookism and Sluthate, ever since I have been apart of those community's it's all I think about non stop.


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It really wasn't taking over my life until I went full autist and started reading lookism and Sluthate, ever since I have been apart of those community's it's all I think about non stop.

That's when realism hits you. Thank God for the Internet. Anonymity on the Internet allows us to know more about human nature.

What I learned is that we are animals just like all the other species around us. We have reason, and abstract thinking, but we still work pretty much like them. Animals judge each other on their looks and external behavior (aggressivity/passivity): that's how an individual looks and behaves that makes them worth dominating (alpha/beta) and, as a consequence, worth breeding with or fighting against or just hang out with.

Hair loss is, among animals, seen as a sign of disease (eg mange) and very old age (which are correlated in the wild). Our subconscious still thinks like that. Looks and basic behavior are everything.


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Last chick I smashed on a night out, she chased me down for my number at the bar, went out on a date and we hooked up. Didn't go any further than that. Only body shot I could find of her to prove she isn't a whale. She was born in Rio, moved to Canada when she was 8. That was July. Then I went full autist and it's been dry ever since.
I would raw dog, and empty my balls all over her.

At-least you have memories that are jerk-worthy.

uncomfortable man

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Question is, will the cure come out before male pattern baldness is outlawed and they herd all the bald men and women into trains for Aushwitz?


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Question is, will the cure come out before male pattern baldness is outlawed and they herd all the bald men and women into trains for Aushwitz?
UM, nice to see you posting again. How are you doing?


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That's when realism hits you. Thank God for the Internet. Anonymity on the Internet allows us to know more about human nature.

What I learned is that we are animals just like all the other species around us. We have reason, and abstract thinking, but we still work pretty much like them. Animals judge each other on their looks and external behavior (aggressivity/passivity): that's how an individual looks and behaves that makes them worth dominating (alpha/beta) and, as a consequence, worth breeding with or fighting against or just hang out with.

Hair loss is, among animals, seen as a sign of disease (eg mange) and very old age (which are correlated in the wild). Our subconscious still thinks like that. Looks and basic behavior are everything.

Is a head shaved even though you can see a NW2-NW2.5 hairline, the same thing as a man that's completely bald on the top all over? Or is there a difference in that?


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Charles Manson must be a really nice person in order to be able to get such a cute girlfriend. You just have to be yourself.

Bet he's a TRUMP supporter. Don't they have the same forehead symbol?


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The guy who runs my gym is 50 years old, 5'7, NW6 who is a 40lbs overweight and is dating a 7 out of 10 woman who is 34!

He literally inspires.

He is alpha as f*** though - he's a boxing coach - and he's one of those people who are super out going and will take the piss out of people in a none cruel way.

I also have a few bald friends with decent looking girls (6s and 7s).

So if you cant get an average looking girl its something wrong with you as a person rather than how you look (because you are clearly decent looking).
Well after the gym, why don't we grab a beer? Drinks on YOU#


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Is a head shaved even though you can see a NW2-NW2.5 hairline, the same thing as a man that's completely bald on the top all over? Or is there a difference in that?

I think there is a difference because the hairline and the density are still visible. When women talk about 'sexy bald men', they talk about shaved NW1,NW2. A shaven man is not bald, but the subconscious may still consider him 'old' and 'strange' and 'ugly'. Generally women don't like shaven men unless they have very good aesthetics (you do have very good facial aesthetics).

It's the same thing with sphynx cats. They are not bald: they just have very very fine and short hair, but not bald patches. Anyway they look very ugly, but healthy nonetheless.


My Regimen
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I think there is a difference because the hairline and the density are still visible. When women talk about 'sexy bald men', they talk about shaved NW1,NW2. A shaven man is not bald, but the subconscious may still consider him 'old' and 'strange' and 'ugly'. Generally women don't like shaven men unless they have very good aesthetics (you do have very good facial aesthetics).

It's the same thing with sphynx cats. They are not bald: they just have very very fine and short hair, but not bald patches. Anyway they look very ugly, but healthy nonetheless.

Thank you for the clarification.