Is male pattern baldness Is The Worse Thing That Can Happen To A Young Man

IS male pattern baldness the worst thing to can happen to a young man?

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Boring answer: It's all relative and dependent on the person's individual characteristics. To a 25 yo 6'2" muscular black bouncer it won't matter that much. To a 5'6" skinny, pale-skinned dude looking for a career in media it might indeed be one of the worst, if not the worst thing that could happen to him.
lol very true, I'm like 5'11 skinny pale so I am still screwed. Literally need to be very masculine for it not to be TOO bad, but even then hair would be better. male pattern baldness is honestly a curse, especially at a young age.


My Regimen
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Worse than hairloss?

You could become completely impotent
You could become blind
You could have always been 5' short
You could discover you have schizofrenia

And I am not mentioning the diseases that kill you

PS: notwithstanding, hair loss is a tragedy for a kid. I have a feeling I have never been truly young because of it.


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Worse than hairloss?

You could become completely impotent
You could become blind
You could have always been 5' short
You could discover you have schizofrenia

And I am not mentioning the diseases that kill you

PS: notwithstanding, hair loss is a tragedy for a kid. I have a feeling I have never been truly young because of it.
Mhm true but they're all much rarer. And I would take incompetence and a NW0 over being able to use dick and a NW7- I'd only be banging prositutes anyway at that stage


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No, erectile dysfunction is worse.

Also cancer, early onset alzheimer's, and quadriplegia.


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In terms of common aesthetic parameters, I'd say shortness and being severely non-white are the worst things.


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Where is just "No"?


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As a 'social disease', we are easily reminded that male pattern baldness by itself is bad -
Coupled and compounded by other generally accepted deficits or short comings,
male pattern baldness frequently makes matters seem much worse.


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To a 5'6" skinny, pale-skinned dude

Whether you can "pull off" the bald look depends mostly on facial aesthetics. Masculine features, strong jaw/good facial hair, low forehead, good head shape will determine how hard you get hit by balding. Being skinny and pale can be fixed relatively easily with lifting and tanning.


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Whether you can "pull off" the bald look depends mostly on facial aesthetics. Masculine features, strong jaw/good facial hair, low forehead, good head shape will determine how hard you get hit by balding. Being skinny and pale can be fixed relatively easily with lifting and tanning.

Isn't tanning very bad for you?


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Isn't tanning very bad for you?

Getting a tan from the sun, without getting burnt, is not bad for you. Although it will age your skin quicker, it's worth it, rather than being a pale ghost.

That Guy

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There is absolutely no such thing as a healthy tan; this has been proven by science for many years now.

I recently started wearing sunscreen religiously, as hairloss has caused me to pay more attention to my overall health. I notice that I actually have developed fine lines under my eyes and faintly on my forehead. This is no surprise, as I am fair skinned and have taken some nasty sunburns these past couple of years. I already look older than I should due to the recession, so I'd rather stave of wrinkles as long as I can, because I just don't need that on top of early hairloss.


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Wrong, it is.

I know it's hard to accept because you want to have that "healthy glow".

But no amount of tanning is healthy.

For some reason, it's taboo to even mention this.

It explains why skin cancer remains the most common form of cancer.

When I come back from my holiday in a month, I guess I will get mocked again at work for not being tanned.


I didn't think this was true, but yeah you are right, I just looked it up.

Amazing how few people know this. I can tan quite well and my fallback was always to get really tanned and shave it all. :(


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Mhm true but they're all much rarer. And I would take incompetence and a NW0 over being able to use dick and a NW7- I'd only be banging prositutes anyway at that stage

Other things that can happen to you just seem worse.

Hair loss in one's teens is pretty unique.

A unique kind of suffering and mental torment for which you receive no sympathy.

Or was it only me? Who knows, I'd need to find someone who lost all his hair from age 16 to age 22.

To this day, I'm still looking. In my everyday life I mean, I know there have been worse cases on this forum.

I just never had the coping skills some people seem to exhibit. I knew exactly what going bald meant.
yea exactly I'm very red pilled as well and its laughable how blue pilled the NHS is in UK


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Really hope this treatment in Japan comes to fruition by 2020 but doubt it will


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It's among the worst fairly common predicaments, and I suspect it's not rarely life-destroying. Oddly, the number of kids who lose out on their youth due to the cosmetic defect could be greatly diminished, if the medical establishment viewed youthful hairloss as a defect that men might have a well-justified interest in treating as aggressively as possible. (And I actually just have the currently available options in mind, let alone what might already have been developed if there had been massive R&D funds readily available over the last several decades.)
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My Regimen
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It is extremely bad, but many people seem to ignore this.

No amount of tanning from the sun is healthy.

That said, you can obtain a good tan with lotions, and with virtually no harmful side-effects.

My colleagues want to eat at a nice restaurant tomorrow to "enjoy the sun".

I will be prepared, caked with full-spectrum sunscreen as always.

When I see these women in their 50's ravaged by the sun at work, it gives me the chills.
What lotions will give you a good tan?


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Only events worse then balding is being castrated or loosing your eye sight. Rest are a joke in comparison.


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Would you guys say having a micropenis is worse? Asking for a friend