Is male pattern baldness Is The Worse Thing That Can Happen To A Young Man

IS male pattern baldness the worst thing to can happen to a young man?

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Would you guys say having a micropenis is worse? Asking for a friend

I wouldn't say it is IMO.

Baldness is there for all to see and people will make it their business to judge you and make comments about it (since it is so "common"). It can destroy social and romantic opportunities before they even begin.

No one knows you have a micropenis apart from your lovers/girlfriend/wife, people in the change room and your doctor.

Even if people make a comment about the size of someone's penis, it would be less far acceptable than teasing someone for their lack of hair.

I'm not discounting those that do have micropenises though, that sh*t must suck.


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It depends, with male pattern baldness it's visible to all at first glance but other issues are worse like having hemorrhoids, being invalid, losing the vision, losing a limb, suffering cognitive impairment. So I would say no it's not.


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Women get off more from clitoris stimulation anyway, and she'll get wet with a hot guy regardless of his penis size IMO.

Hmm... it's definitely a case by case situation, this one.


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Less than 4" erect?
10 centimeters then. Pheeeeew
6 inches or less:rolleyes:......................................... if you are a p*rn star:D
15 centimeters then? But that is the average!

Guys, make up your minds!

On a related note: I have a female friend who once refused a man because he had it too big and in the past she had experienced that that size had hurt her. The guy did not actually get laid. See there is justice?


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You enter bald category once you either experience any of the following: shave your head right down, thin all over, receded substantially, prominent hole in the crown. At that stage, most guys will lose some of their looks if not all.

Wolfpack, that is an interesting signature that you have. However, my interpretation of it is probably different than what you intended it to mean. Sometimes, I believe in life that certain people were destined to succeed (stars) while others were meant to "shoulder the burden" and struggle in life (the darkness). The stars look very good in contrast to those who were meant to struggle in the darkness I have a quote that relates to this, but it is way too vulgar to post on If you want, maybe I'll PM it to you.


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Being very short is probably worse than being bald. I'm talking about anything below 5'6. I know a guy who is 5'2. He's a very nice guy but unfortunately I just cannot picture a woman wanting to be with some one that short.

I'm sure that having a micro penis sucks, but at least that is not visible for everyone to see. Baldness surely is.

Fred, I actually know 2 guys who lost all of their hair early on. There was one college athlete from my gym who was at least an NW5 at 20. I talked to him a few times and I'm sure that his hair loss affected him terribly. Sometimes he'd just have this glazed kind of look on his face. How can you not be affected by such severe hair loss at such a young age? Yet on the other side of the coin, I've got a friend who was an NW5 at 25 (when I met him) and he's probably the most self-assured bald guy that I've ever seen. Yet he never let his hair loss affect him and he's actually married to a hot wife right now. I really wish that I could be like him, I really do. Yet I can't. Hair loss is affected me very badly now; I'd probably go batsh*t insane if I started losing my hair very aggressively as a teen-ager.
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Being very short is probably worse than being bald. I'm talking about anything below 5'6. I know a guy who is 5'2. He's a very nice guy but unfortunately I just cannot picture a woman wanting to be with some one that short.

I'm sure that having a micro penis sucks, but at least that is not visible for everyone to see. Baldness surely is.
Depends on the ethnic background. I see alot of short very good looking Puerto Ricans hook up with very hot looking women. However, the women tend to be short themselves.


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I can't think of anything worse, except maybe waking up in the middle of the night with your father staring at you in the dark and whispering: "Just be confident bro".
Who needs confidence, when you have modesty. Modesty will attract more women than fake "confidence" unless you can "fake it until you make it."


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male pattern baldness is the worst thing that can happen to a young man aside from being maimed or left handicapped from an accident or disease. Even then it depends on the disease. I'd rather have diabetes or Crohn's disease or something like that than male pattern baldness. I'd also rather lose a finger, toe or maybe a foot/leg (just the one) than lose my hair. I genuinely believe male pattern baldness is worse than any of those.
It's not worse than being blind, losing an arm or being paralysed. As for impotence? That's a toss up, but when do young men ever become impotent? Except the guys on finasteride of course!


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I'd rather have diabetes or Crohn's disease or something like that than male pattern baldness.
I think it would depend on how severe the Crohn's is. I know a woman whose son was diagnosed at the age of eight after suffering an acute, excruciating attack. He's close to 20 now, and things have steadily gotten worse for him over the years. He has not been able to live a normal life, needs routine painful injections (which his poor parents give to him) and is now slowly recuperating from a surgical procedure. I don't know what it's like to be a young, bald male, so maybe for some a painful disease that does not take away from their appearance wouldn't be as depressing.


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Hemorrhoids are OK as long as you don't sit down.

No they're not, they bleed, get inflamed, burn, itch, it's much worse than male pattern baldness. Imagine that after each bowl movement this sequence of events happened, what kind of life is that?

With male pattern baldness you get outcast at worse.


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I am looking into buying a house buried in the woods. I will see my family occasionally and run my business. I will hunt turkey with my bow, chop wood, and eat over a wood burning stove. That's all I need. Yes, it's one of the worst things that can happen. I am going to exclude society from my life because that is simply the smart thing to do. Women? f*ck women. Only a weak, pathetic man NEEDS a woman.