Is this a possible hope, or another bull**** ?


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If he has no evidence this works in people then he really has nothing more then a theory. He must know there is a big difference between mice and humans plenty of things work on mice but do not work as well for us.

....scientists don't come out with theories and say it will come to fruition in two years...When a doctor is that assertive, he's laying it out's don't do that normally -- they are conservative by nature....That article shows to the contrary....I can see being pessimistic when it comes to L'oreal and Neogenic...but this is medicine, doctor, etc..different ball you're a negative dude


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Yeah, it's funny though -- we're such a media-driven, shallow, image based society now....way more so than in the 70's...I think balding in the 60's and 70's wasn't such a big deal for women...I think it is a bigger deal now for women -- more so than they admit to
i treat my baldness not for women, but for myself. honestly i dont think that society is any more media driven now than in the 60s or 70s, just there are more forms of media to choose from (marshall mcluhan wrote the medium is the message in the 50s... media was pervasive even then). before everyone used to listen to the radio, read the newspaper, magazines, comics, books, etc. now they use their cell phone and check their twitter. i have no idea what women think of baldness and i really dont care. for what its worth patrick stewart was regularly ranked very highly as one of the sexiest men in the world. he was completely bald norwood 7. of course he was also a great actor, and wealthy, and had the french accent.


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....scientists don't come out with theories and say it will come to fruition in two years...When a doctor is that assertive, he's laying it out's don't do that normally -- they are conservative by nature....That article shows to the contrary....I can see being pessimistic when it comes to L'oreal and Neogenic...but this is medicine, doctor, etc..different ball you're a negative dude

it is not the first time mr cotsarelis has promised something.

I really hope my sceptisism is wrong and i wish you are right with your words, Still there are some factors why this can really go,since it was discovered in march 2012 if he decides now to make medicine of it , it has to work somehow, in these 5 months he must have done some research or something, since it follows up it has potential to really work. If it was recently discovered and they said 5 years away then you clearly think its bull****.Pgd2 seems logical. but as i said why didnt he post results or research of blocking pgd2, it has to work first thats why they have trials did he prove to the pharmacy companies that this works? which is the first phase, second phase is the safety i dont think we have a problem there because anti pgd2 is allready on trials so thats good too , so are they just going to do phase 3? that is also something that sounds weird in this.


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Im not negative but I mean if you look at the facts we have seen so far there is no evidence this actually works in humans. There is a very big difference between mice and humans. Im sure he knows that though so its certainly possible like you said that he is more certain maybe he tested it in other ways. Im not a researcher so I admit he knows a whole lot more then me on all of this and if we cant trust him who can we trust?

somone uk

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the reason its only 2 years, is because a anti pgd2 has allready been tested before... you see correct me if im wrong but pgd2 is responsible for asthma on the lungs or something.. and they were ready with the phase 2... and ur correct about the second thing we havent seen suifficient evidence yet.. yes pgd2 is 3x times more on the balding scalp but its been like 6 months since they have found this.. have they blocked pgd2 in the scalp? no... so we cant be for sure... its the main cause but pgd2 thing seems logical... i just dont understand why cotsarelis didnt research more on this... he goes right to make medicines... and yes this wasnt in medical news or other medicine sight... show us some results cotsarelis so we can feel secure about this!!!
if that's the case then i am really not holding my breath

if it's a drug that has already been through trials for something else we would of 'accidentally' discovered it works for male pattern baldness already. Like we did with minoxidil.

uncomfortable man

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How many false alarms must we endure before this misery is wiped clean from the planet? I swear this section makes me want to kill myself (and I'm the king of Impact so that's saying something).

Armando Jose

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My Regimen
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If Mr. Cotsarelis would have the same "head" of another good hair scientist as Mr Zouboulis
He would test the investigation....,

uncomfortable man

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Great point.