Is this just a little up lifting?


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Oh come on....stop with this's that gonna help you?

My very, very hot girl friend dates a guy who has visible hairloss...I assume that he'll be completely bald in 3-4 years.
If you ask her about his hairloss she will say that she doesn't give a damn. I'AM NOT making this up!

She was instantly attracted by his sense of humor and confidence. It's the first thing you notice about him. It attracted me too so now he is one of my best friends. He even has a beer belly.

Enjoy life.


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about as uplifting as a fork in the eye


but you should never trust things you read on the internet, the responses are probably all from fat truckers and nuns/


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Dario said:
Oh come on....stop with this's that gonna help you?

My very, very hot girl friend dates a guy who has visible hairloss...I assume that he'll be completely bald in 3-4 years.
If you ask her about his hairloss she will say that she doesn't give a damn. I'AM NOT making this up!

She was instantly attracted by his sense of humor and confidence. It's the first thing you notice about him. It attracted me too so now he is one of my best friends. He even has a beer belly.

Enjoy life.
Tell me something I don't know, I posted this to cheer up the ones stuck in negative land who can't see past the black to feel the sunshine on their face.


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My Regimen
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some girls hate bald guys and some girls love them... end of story.


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If they look like this.[attachment=0:1h8qsyc4]statham-i.jpg[/attachment:1h8qsyc4]


  • statham-i.jpg
    32.5 KB · Views: 282

uncomfortable man

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I don't know, that Yahoo Answers has so many cookie cutter responses that all sound something like,"I think bald is sexy, but it also depends on the face and if he has a good body. Personality is what really counts anyway. Just don't do that whole combover thing..eww." over and over again. Sometimes you get those brutally honest but totally shallow b****s that make you feel like sh*t. At least half the women that say "bald is sexy" are referring to men w/o male pattern baldness who shave it off because they follow it up with "you can always grow it back.". That chapped my hide so much that I wrote my own question on Yahoo Answers entitled, Ladies, I need to make this clear. From now on could you please refer to men with full heads of hair who CHOOSE to shave it off as just SHAVED and not bald? There is no such thing as bald by choice. BALD means you cannot grow hair on the top of your head. I am bald and I did not choose to be this way. When you say "Bald is sexy", I find it aggravating and misleading since I assume you are talking about guys without male pattern baldness as those are the kind of men you prefer anyway. O.K., thank you.


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s.a.f said:
If they look like this.[attachment=0:1zi603m3]statham-i.jpg[/attachment:1zi603m3]
Then I guess I'll be fine.

uncomfortable man

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I want to see a picture of you slowburn as I'm sure your hairloss is minimum to undetectable, which would explain why you contest the perspectives of guys like HP and myself who are actually experiencing what it is really like to be bald in this society.


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Majority rules. Majority of women are not "attracted" by hairloss.

So the way for those most bothered by the negative opinions of the opposite sex is for people to delude themselves into pretending it isn't true?

Not all women are bothered no... But until "every" woman stops being so then nothings going to change.

Of course hairloss doesn't really matter... When compared with serious things, it barely whispers an importance. But people don't wake up and suddenly realize this... they realize it when they are 70 years old, when their formative years have passed and it's much too late to do anything about it.

Fair attempt though, although I'm unconvinced you yourself didn't get more out of this then anyone else.


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hair is hair, with it or without it u can get girls if ur attractive and they like ur attractive face


you cant polish sh*t

end of story

uncomfortable man

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If you are as bald as me then there are so many things you need to excel at to compensate for the lack of hair. You need to have a handsome face, an impeccably fit body and fashion sense, make above average money compared to some average guy who has a full head of hair and has none of those other things. Is hair really worth that much in a woman's eyes? Everyone is just so brain washed when it comes to this that it is inescapable when I go out I will always get at least a few looks from people that scream- you pathetic, pittyfull f***. I will never know how it feels to just be accepted and feel normal.


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Dario said:
Oh come on....stop with this's that gonna help you?

My very, very hot girl friend dates a guy who has visible hairloss...I assume that he'll be completely bald in 3-4 years.
If you ask her about his hairloss she will say that she doesn't give a damn. I'AM NOT making this up!

She was instantly attracted by his sense of humor and confidence. It's the first thing you notice about him. It attracted me too so now he is one of my best friends. He even has a beer belly.

Enjoy life.

So what? That is generic. We don't know what he looks like. Plus you said "you ASSUME he'll be completely bald in 3-4 years". Not the same as your average guy who is already bald.


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uncomfortable man said:
If you are as bald as me then there are so many things you need to excel at to compensate for the lack of hair. You need to have a handsome face, an impeccably fit body and fashion sense, make above average money compared to some average guy who has a full head of hair and has none of those other things. Is hair really worth that much in a woman's eyes? Everyone is just so brain washed when it comes to this that it is inescapable when I go out I will always get at least a few looks from people that scream- you pathetic, pittyfull f***. I will never know how it feels to just be accepted and feel normal.

Weird, last summer i shaved my head every day without any shadow and i never got any of those looks nor comments you always claim to get. I dont think it's the baldness that's the cause of those occurrences that always seem to happen to you. This is all provided that it isn't all in your head, which i (and i'm sure i'm not alone here) think is the case.


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Some people on this board really need to man up, balding really isnt the worst thing in the world and these people need to get a grip on whats important. i Hope when i get to NW6 then i wont be like some people here, you know who you are.


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Eureka said:
Majority rules. Majority of women are not "attracted" by hairloss.

So the way for those most bothered by the negative opinions of the opposite sex is for people to delude themselves into pretending it isn't true?

Not all women are bothered no... But until "every" woman stops being so then nothings going to change.

Of course hairloss doesn't really matter... When compared with serious things, it barely whispers an importance. But people don't wake up and suddenly realize this... they realize it when they are 70 years old, when their formative years have passed and it's much too late to do anything about it.

Fair attempt though, although I'm unconvinced you yourself didn't get more out of this then anyone else.

These are my thoughts exactly.

uncomfortable man

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barcafan said:
Weird, last summer i shaved my head every day without any shadow and i never got any of those looks nor comments you always claim to get. I dont think it's the baldness that's the cause of those occurrences that always seem to happen to you. This is all provided that it isn't all in your head, which i (and i'm sure i'm not alone here) think is the case.

Why would you shave your head with a razor everyday? Besides, you are 19 years old and judging from your drivers license photo have no visible signs of hairloss, so why would anyone give you looks? FYI, even when you shave with a razor you will always be able to see a shadow, which is why it is easy to tell the difference between an nw1 and an nw6 even when both are shaved down to the skin. Like someone said in another thread people look for an end to your face and move on, but get stuck on you if your forehead extends all the way to the back of your head. Don't compare your situation with mine to make this all look like it is in my imagination. We are not in the same boat Barfcan. But if you want to know what I'm talking about then you should shave the top of your head with a razor and leave the back and sides at a 1, or 2 if you are feeling brave and then tell me you don't notice any crooked looks.


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You have to live it to know how it feels you cant just imagine what it would be like with a bald head. And yes maybe UCman is maybe not handling it as well as the average NW6 but this is a hairloss forum so anyone on here is not exactly handling their m.p.b as well as the average balding/bald guy. Remember he is'nt just a guy with hairloss he's at the most extreme end of the spectrum, and he's just venting.
Its easy to say man up about it but when I was a NW6 nobody had any idea that it bothered me I still went about my everyday life and never mentioned it to anyone but in many situations (such as social life) the unfairness would be eating me inside. And for those who dont believe you get comments just wait until your hairloss progresses, the average joe does'nt notice your bit of diffuse or recession but if you have a big shiney dome its the main thing about you that they notice.
Sometimes I could read peoples minds as they were looking/talking to me you could see them glancing up and thinking "wow that young guy is totally bald, I wonder if he was bald at 18"?

uncomfortable man

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Thank you, S.A.F.! I know you understand because you've been there and it is understood that being an nw6 was hard enough for you to go through hell and high water to get out of that situation. Admittedly, I am over sensitive when it comes to this- it's just how I am. Maybe I just have the kind of personality that I want to please everyone (however unrealistic that is), which is why it drives me crazy that people judge me unfairly for superficial reasons. I know this is my problem and I need to get over it somehow but like you said, it just eats me up inside.


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uncomfortable man said:
I want to see a picture of you slowburn as I'm sure your hairloss is minimum to undetectable, which would explain why you contest the perspectives of guys like HP and myself who are actually experiencing what it is really like to be bald in this society.
I am a diffuse thinner you cry baby. Chill your balls already.