It`s over now


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Im 20 y old and practically 75% bald now. In 6 month time I will be 100% bald. I have tried everything. Finasteride, minoxidil and laser. None of it works.

Didnt graduate because of this. Have lost many things in life due to this f*****g hell!

Never had a girlfriend, almost no friends and a dark future is waiting me. I used to be popular among the girls and have great grades in school but now its over. I also had acne which destroyed a couple of years before the hairloss began, when everything looked very bright.
I cant compete anymore with my friends and their f*****g straight hairlines. I just dont fit into my group of age anymore. Its heartbreaking but true. Its destroying my life.

The worst part about it is that I soon have less hair than my father which is 54 years old. Thats 34 f*****g years between us!!!!

I have lost faith in life. Just dont see the meaning of life anymore. Im not the person I used to be. Cant recognize me when I look in the mirror anymore. No words can describe my sadness. Cant believe what I have been forced to go through. There is no GOD - thats for sure. I just wanna kill myself to end the pain.

uncomfortable man

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Welcome Frankie. You sound like an nw4, which if you are is advanced for your age. Everything you have said resonates with me. I too dropped out of college due to hairloss. One day I was giving a presentation in class and looking out at everybody I could tell they weren't even listening to what I was saying....just staring at my head. That is when I decided that I couldn't go through with it. Those are supposed to be the best years of your life and it just became too unbearable for me. It is true that hairloss can destroy lives if you let it. But let's be honest, it is so hard to not be devistated by going bald while your young. You suddenly find yourself on the other side of the fence and nobody can relate to you. You've come to the right place and particularly the right section. There is so much to cover on this sore topic. Lord knows I've anylized it up and down but fwiw, it helps.
P.S. if you don't mind shooting us a pic of your head, just to confirm your not exaggerating. There are a ton of exaggeraters on this site btw.


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superfrankie said:

Im 20 y old and practically 75% bald now. In 6 month time I will be 100% bald. I have tried everything. Finasteride, minoxidil and laser. None of it works.

Didnt graduate because of this. Have lost many things in life due to this f****ing hell!

Never had a girlfriend, almost no friends and a dark future is waiting me. I used to be popular among the girls and have great grades in school but now its over. I also had acne which destroyed a couple of years before the hairloss began, when everything looked very bright.
I cant compete anymore with my friends and their f****ing straight hairlines. I just dont fit into my group of age anymore. Its heartbreaking but true. Its destroying my life.

The worst part about it is that I soon have less hair than my father which is 54 years old. Thats 34 f****ing years between us!!!!

I have lost faith in life. Just dont see the meaning of life anymore. Im not the person I used to be. Cant recognize me when I look in the mirror anymore. No words can describe my sadness. Cant believe what I have been forced to go through. There is no GOD - thats for sure. I just wanna kill myself to end the pain.

frankie post a pic

and buddy theres a lot more to life then hair


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superfrankie said:
Im 20 y old and practically 75% bald now.

Here we go again folks .....!! :whistle:


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My Regimen
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Come on, s.a.f., don't be shy. Start the shitstorm with your comrades. :bravo:

Bald Dave

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There is alot more to life than hair mate. I know it can be hard at such a young age to go through this but you have to realise that as you get older nobody cares about hairloss. Losing your hair at 20 can be devistating but just try and live your life to the best you can i.e go out with friends, do your hobbies etc. Its easier said than done I now as I've been in your shoes but after so many years of looking for answers I have finally accepted my fate and realised that hair isn't everything :hump:


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Quantum Cat said:
how long were you using Finasteride and minoxidil for?

I quitted both recently. In other words 9,5 months. Plus laser therapy. (not the bullshit hairmaxcomb). Studiolaser with 135 diodes.


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Thanks guys. Appreciate the support. By the way. Im from Sweden so my chances with women are even more slim than your chanses :punk:

I understand people think Im exaggerating. I have an older brother. He´s 22 and he´s is completely bald! so I know it will happen to me aswell. Remember that he´s been on propecia, minoxidil and laser aswell. Our father started to notice hair thinning when he was 35 years old. Just cant see the logic behind this.

It sucks when people always commenting that I look older than my biological age. When I was 18, some people took me for 25.I know what they refered to. I was also humiliated infront of my relatives when my grandmother said infront of everybody: "Oh gosh, you are starting to losing your hair". Like I didnt know that f****r! :puke: That`s something I will never forget.

Since I have dark hair Im forced to shave my hair every 24 hours now(which takes enormous energy). Longer than that and I look like a 80 y old monk. Now I have to accept I look like Hitman. :firing:

...and uncomfortableman : THAT my friend, I understand.

And by the way: I hate the soaps you have. Gossip Girl, OC, MTV etc. Always guys with straight hairlines and colgate teeths. So ridiculous. Makes bald guys like me to feel very alone and abondoned. Every b**ch in Sweden is watching this shallow programs.


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Bald Dave said:
There is alot more to life than hair mate. I know it can be hard at such a young age to go through this but you have to realise that as you get older nobody cares about hairloss. Losing your hair at 20 can be devistating but just try and live your life to the best you can i.e go out with friends, do your hobbies etc. Its easier said than done I now as I've been in your shoes but after so many years of looking for answers I have finally accepted my fate and realised that hair isn't everything :hump:

I know its easier said than done. Just ask me. How old are you btw?
I dont want to look back on my younger days and realize that I didnt do things I wanted to do. That I was a slave under my hairloss. I will never forgive myself if I allow that to happen. But friends. They just dont understand how this feels. Thats why I come here.

I have friends who´s self-images are based on their hair. Shallow yes, but its true. Whats makes me son-of-a-b**ch-mad is that these guys are the ones who shake their heads and tell me: "hey mate!, dondt think about your hair so much" haha talk about contradictory. :jackit:


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my hair fast dissappearing too. At first i was happy it was slow but its stepped up a gear. Very disheartening, Sometimes the meds just cant fight it. Im 23 and expect to be nw5a by 30 odd. f*** it man. more to life as the fellas say. Its hell i imagine to lose it all but dont ruin rest of your life freting about it. Live the pain then try accept it. uman doing that currently and geting there i suspect. When your down and beaten what you gun do? Lie down and die?.. or get up and use it as a rebirth?


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iwantperfection said:
my hair fast dissappearing too. At first i was happy it was slow but its stepped up a gear. Very disheartening, Sometimes the meds just cant fight it. Im 23 and expect to be nw5a by 30 odd. f*ck it man. more to life as the fellas say. Its hell i imagine to lose it all but dont ruin rest of your life freting about it. Live the pain then try accept it. uman doing that currently and geting there i suspect. When your down and beaten what you gun do? Lie down and die?.. or get up and use it as a rebirth?

Isn't it money brings b****s, b****s bring lies?


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Iwantperfection: Your attitude is good. More of that for me. Just dont like your pic, thats all. Brad Pitt. Come on. He shouldn´t be here ffs ;)

barcafan: your fuckyou-pic is hilarious. Cant stop laughing :inlove:

Quantum Cat

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If none of the meds work for you, I would say seriously start considering a hair transplant. But take time to do a lot of research into the best surgeons

uncomfortable man

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s.a.f said:
superfrankie said:
Im 20 y old and practically 75% bald now.

Here we go again folks .....!! :whistle:
I know we have heard that before, especially from this age group but I have a feeling Frankie is the real deal. Like I said, shoot us a pic. I heard Sweden is full of supermodels.
barcafan said:
Isn't it money brings b****s, b****s bring lies?
:$ 4 u IWP.
iwantperfection said:
As usual pepperami man has something smart to say :)
Don't you mean pepperoni? It's ok IWP, we all know your a male model, hence not the best speller. :whistle:


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Thankyou Kanga. merely a line from 'all eyes on me' , the best song pac ever did. So red faced? No.

Pepperami is a meat snack. A long thin piece which when used as i did means a skinny guy.

Any more shots you want to take. To be honest im geting bored of hiting them out of the park.

Dont know why i bother. I write the guy a few words which he appreciated and i get hated on by the usual suspects. My last post here i think. Anyways good luck to the op. :)

uncomfortable man

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Just playin with you IWP. Don't get butt hurt. I didn't know what a pepperami is. :dunno:


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Bald Dave said:
There is alot more to life than hair mate. I know it can be hard at such a young age to go through this but you have to realise that as you get older nobody cares about hairloss. Losing your hair at 20 can be devistating but just try and live your life to the best you can i.e go out with friends, do your hobbies etc. Its easier said than done I now as I've been in your shoes but after so many years of looking for answers I have finally accepted my fate and realised that hair isn't everything :hump:

congrats i know it sounds corny but it really makes me happy inside to hear stuff like this