Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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This is the actual screenshot convo between Brotzu's son and the guy who used the "self-made" lotion. The translation is somewhat along the lines of "Here are the results" "Great! How many months" "three" "Keep using it for better results!"

didnt know it takes 3 months to turn off the lights and put some concealer on your head

Lance Vance Dance

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The texture of his hair in the light.... anyone else seeing it kinda like clumpy, like it could be gel etc but to me does look like he’s using some kind of product, would of thought before and after would of just been natural to show a natural and true comparison


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The texture of his hair in the light.... anyone else seeing it kinda like clumpy, like it could be gel etc but to me does look like he’s using some kind of product, would of thought before and after would of just been natural to show a natural and true comparison
It's Toppik.


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What about the temples?

i ve made a post about it yesterday, i cant find any objection to that (except that we dont really know what the guy has been using).

has anyone contacted that guy? or is it just another mythical internet person whose only input is a set of dubious pics and the "I'm using the lotion and it works, thanks Doctor" comment?

I mean, if that convo is legit and it turns out those pics are a manipulation, then the only possible conclusions are:
1. some random guy decided to troll the forums and brotzu himself, or
2. it really is some elaborate attempt of scamming and making people believe in bs which has gone terribly wrong and got out of hand
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i ve made a post about it yesterday, i cant find any objection to that (except that we dont really know what the guy has been using).

has anyone contacted that guy? or is it just another mythical internet person whose only input is a set of dubious pics and the "I'm using the lotion and it works, thanks Doctor" comment?

everything was discussed here yesterday in this forum and no need to repeat it, (who's the guy, why he contacted G.brotzu, what's the lotion he used..)
may be these infos were discussed before you join the forum yesterday (create your account)? so good luck for browsing almost 50 pages.


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So this cavallopazzo person appeared out of nowhere after months of silence on Italian forum. What is also strange that his temple photo is from 2017. Wat is his stats now?


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Look at this picture from Italy forum:

Different shades all over the head. Looks like Toppik.


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Maybe Fidia was wrong to buy it in the first place?

Well if you assume the crown pic is fake it's logical to assume that the other one is a trick too. Could be the first growth after a hair transplant?

yeah it doesnt make sense. maybe its minoxidil or some other product.

i mean the guy could easily login, post more pics or a video to demonstrate that he really got results. but thats obviously not the goal here.


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Anyone in contact with the guy who posted the before-after pics? I’d gladly pay him to upload a video where he’s combing his hair and exposing the scalp to prove it’s not toppik. Anyone who has used hair fibre products will say it looks very much like it I’m afraid.