Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Yeah, but you are forgetting the most important thing about the Brotion: FRAGRANCE PLEASANTNESS!!
I don't see how that's a bad thing though? If you're going to apply it to your hair multiple times a week, wouldn't it be nice if it had a pleasant fragrance?


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I don't see how that's a bad thing though? If you're going to apply it to your hair multiple times a week, wouldn't it be nice if it had a pleasant fragrance?
It would, but if that is one of the “important points” he presented at Sitri, one can’t help but feel it is a scam. Or a failure, at any rate.

Time to find a new hype train.

Btw, if you are Norwood 2.5 or so, as your username suggests, why do you need the brotion? Finasteride not working for you
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Yeah, but you are forgetting the most important thing about the Brotion: FRAGRANCE PLEASANTNESS!!

My apologies, you're right! Actually I didn't even look at the photos till today. I have spent the last couple of days analysing the 'fragrance pleasantness' data from the presentation. My conclusion is that the fragrance is, wait for it, pleasant.


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The owner of bellicapelli forums wrote this today.
"The administration and moderation of the forum have decided to eliminate all discussions related to the preparation of a home made lotion (but remember always prepared by a laboratory) with components similar or similar to the Dr.Brotzu lotion whose formulation is under patent of the FIDIA pharmaceutical company.

The administration of the forum has been informed in Italian and international law firms and in high-level pharmaceutical laboratories.
Even partial reproduction of a product (belonging to the category of cosmetics) whose patent has been filed constitutes a crime that can be prosecuted, even criminally, and there can be serious consequences for the laboratory that should participate in it."

This was his reply to beps63.
" I downloaded and flanked the photos before and after posted by Beps.
Beps if you are Dr. Giuseppe Brotzu I invite you to contact the administration of the forum by writing to and to clarify your role well throughout the story.
If these results refer to a home made lotion we will inform you that our position is the one described above and that the forum will not support such initiatives.
Dr. Giovanni Brotzu has always been kind and courteous with the administration of the forum always answering our questions so it is intolerable that some users offend his figure and that of his collaborators.
Those who do not understand these simple rules of civilization will be banned.
The disappointment of certain users is understandable but this does not authorize them to offend people and their work.

I sincerely hope that you are able to resume the discussion in a civilised manner


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It would, but if that is one of the “important points” he presented at Sitri, one can’t help but feel it is a scam. Or a failure, at any rate.

Time to find a new hype train.

Btw, if you are Norwood 2.5 or so, as your username suggests, why do you need the brotion? Finasteride not working for you
Well... my plan is to find out whether or not Brotion is a viable option this year. If it's not, then yes... I'm hopping on the finasteride.


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The owner of bellicapelli forums wrote this today.
"The administration and moderation of the forum have decided to eliminate all discussions related to the preparation of a home made lotion (but remember always prepared by a laboratory) with components similar or similar to the Dr.Brotzu lotion whose formulation is under patent of the FIDIA pharmaceutical company.

The administration of the forum has been informed in Italian and international law firms and in high-level pharmaceutical laboratories.
Even partial reproduction of a product (belonging to the category of cosmetics) whose patent has been filed constitutes a crime that can be prosecuted, even criminally, and there can be serious consequences for the laboratory that should participate in it."

This was his reply to beps63.
" I downloaded and flanked the photos before and after posted by Beps.
Beps if you are Dr. Giuseppe Brotzu I invite you to contact the administration of the forum by writing to and to clarify your role well throughout the story.
If these results refer to a home made lotion we will inform you that our position is the one described above and that the forum will not support such initiatives.
Dr. Giovanni Brotzu has always been kind and courteous with the administration of the forum always answering our questions so it is intolerable that some users offend his figure and that of his collaborators.
Those who do not understand these simple rules of civilization will be banned.
The disappointment of certain users is understandable but this does not authorize them to offend people and their work.

I sincerely hope that you are able to resume the discussion in a civilised manner

good move. 0 tolerance for bs testimonies and assholes leaking supposed pics of miraculous regrowth and then dissapearing. with that policy from the start, half of the inconveniences and rage could have been avoided.

those semi-coherent "updates" posted by that beps account are bs too, whoever is behind that account. if you want to share an info, either make an official signed statement (or at least a paragraph of meaningful text) or btfo, dont fish for attention by showing up and leaking incomplete 5-word-sentence news every 3 months.
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Fidia don’t want people to replicate this lotion, but they are not willing to sell the lotion. What is wrong with them


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They wouldn't weaken it . You weaken it and you run the risk of customers thinking its sh*t. You wont keep buying something if its not doing much - not buy more of it. You'd by more the better it was
Yes, but how would the customers would.know what to expect if you keep them in total darkness?

I am telling you, this is their plan, and Brotzu is just messing with it by disclosing info that should have never reached the market before the release.
That's why they refused to give him.any info about the trials to present at Sitri.

The presentation was created initially by Fidia, but Giovanni alone was the one that added the data about the studies, not Fidia - if you check the presentation, the last update was made on his PC, the day before the presentation (the name of the user Nanni comes from Giovanni)

Fleece Johnson

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Different t different places. Most of it thicker than my head hair.

Does it need to match the thickness exactly?

Also, I’ve heard that you can’t pack hair so closely to have a natural appearance, and so you need to have longer hair.

Does that mean BHT + shave will always look pluggy?

If you are going to shave, thickness need to match for natural appearance. Forget about BHT if you are going to shave. You need FUE + SMP for that.


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The owner of bellicapelli forums wrote this today.
"The administration and moderation of the forum have decided to eliminate all discussions related to the preparation of a home made lotion (but remember always prepared by a laboratory) with components similar or similar to the Dr.Brotzu lotion whose formulation is under patent of the FIDIA pharmaceutical company.

The administration of the forum has been informed in Italian and international law firms and in high-level pharmaceutical laboratories.
Even partial reproduction of a product (belonging to the category of cosmetics) whose patent has been filed constitutes a crime that can be prosecuted, even criminally, and there can be serious consequences for the laboratory that should participate in it."

This was his reply to beps63.
" I downloaded and flanked the photos before and after posted by Beps.
Beps if you are Dr. Giuseppe Brotzu I invite you to contact the administration of the forum by writing to and to clarify your role well throughout the story.
If these results refer to a home made lotion we will inform you that our position is the one described above and that the forum will not support such initiatives.
Dr. Giovanni Brotzu has always been kind and courteous with the administration of the forum always answering our questions so it is intolerable that some users offend his figure and that of his collaborators.
Those who do not understand these simple rules of civilization will be banned.
The disappointment of certain users is understandable but this does not authorize them to offend people and their work.

I sincerely hope that you are able to resume the discussion in a civilised manner
The guys wasn't doing mass production or distributing the home made lotion to anyone. How can there even be legal action against him?

Does anyone who understands laws know if making a homemade lotion (for personal use) is illegal?


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Who said that the lotion isn’t coming out this year? Fidia?
They haven’t made any kind of movement ever since the conference, even after that horrible presentation and all the backlash that Brotzu family got. Also, like @SwissGuy contact said 6 months are way too soon for the terms of marketing and selling.


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The owner of bellicapelli forums wrote this today.
"The administration and moderation of the forum have decided to eliminate all discussions related to the preparation of a home made lotion (but remember always prepared by a laboratory) with components similar or similar to the Dr.Brotzu lotion whose formulation is under patent of the FIDIA pharmaceutical company.

The administration of the forum has been informed in Italian and international law firms and in high-level pharmaceutical laboratories.
Even partial reproduction of a product (belonging to the category of cosmetics) whose patent has been filed constitutes a crime that can be prosecuted, even criminally, and there can be serious consequences for the laboratory that should participate in it."

This was his reply to beps63.
" I downloaded and flanked the photos before and after posted by Beps.
Beps if you are Dr. Giuseppe Brotzu I invite you to contact the administration of the forum by writing to and to clarify your role well throughout the story.
If these results refer to a home made lotion we will inform you that our position is the one described above and that the forum will not support such initiatives.
Dr. Giovanni Brotzu has always been kind and courteous with the administration of the forum always answering our questions so it is intolerable that some users offend his figure and that of his collaborators.
Those who do not understand these simple rules of civilization will be banned.
The disappointment of certain users is understandable but this does not authorize them to offend people and their work.

I sincerely hope that you are able to resume the discussion in a civilised manner

Your move @beps63


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The guys wasn't doing mass production or distributing the home made lotion to anyone. How can there even be legal action against him?

Does anyone who understands laws know if making a homemade lotion (for personal use) is illegal?
I’m pretty sure the reason that the private group couldn’t keep their alternative lotion regime was the fact that it was illegal to replicate the lotion.


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There is certainly problems that fidia have encountered that we are not hearing about, could be to do with classifying this as a cosmetic, if thats the case we are in for a long wait.


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Good answer. Would explain their lack of communication as well. When did they enter the patent and how long does this process take? Would they do it anyway after unsuccessful trials - especially with so much positive undertones in the patent information?
Patent was granted like less than 2 weeks after they apply for one.


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i dont think just because they got a patent it means that this can be marketed as a cosmetic, outside agencies can certainly interfere and question it such as regulatory agencies, im just speculating no evidence for this claim.


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”Lotion Works differently from what you are used to. After a month, you stop losing hair, in the following months will begin faster growth. From August to April the number of hairs increases, the stasis in the growth of new hair, is from May to July, where they remain stable. In about two years of use it is possible to recover leaks that you had lost in the previous 5 years. This is our experience.”