
Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Tbh this makes sense if you follow the theory that they've been very hush about the lotion because it would overtake rogaine and finasteride, and thus over companies would try to produce it. That's been the promise all along, and it would make sense because they haven't advertised this lotion at all.

Fidia is IMO more about total amateurship than genius thinking way ahead like that.


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Bola also wrote tommorow when in Italy it was 1 am :D. 24 hours have not passed yet.

Royaume is spreading unverified rumours :D. Poor guy has nothing left to do.
That sh*t is not even on bellicapelli.

That's all its left of him. Poor bald soul.. I tried to advert, many times.


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Tbh this makes sense if you follow the theory that they've been very hush about the lotion because it would overtake rogaine and finasteride, and thus over companies would try to produce it. That's been the promise all along, and it would make sense because they haven't advertised this lotion at all.

Man you really want this to work too bad. The creative ways you come up with to make things look better than they actually are...


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For the people who say Fidia are acting badly and haven’t done x or y - Fidia don’t owe us anything.

They said in 2017 they saw a hair loss product being developed and finished by 2018. Since then they haven’t said anything but neither do they owe us any sort of update . We’re just a bunch of crazies on a forum who make up a tiny tiny minority of their target market.

Even the events at Sitri are of little significance . It wasn’t for marketing it was literally intended for Doctors at the convention. Our reaction doesn’t matter to them.

If they have an amazing product they will make an announcement when they’re good and ready and launch a marketing campaign in conjunction with it .

All we know is homemade results are good and the sitri results were sh*t . In due course we’ll hopefully try it ourselves.


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Probably today/tomorrow we could hear something official from FIDIA. The admin of BelliCapelli says he is in contact with the product manager and he is asking him 3 questions: about the exact release date, the efficacy in relation to what was shown last month at the congress and the reason of all the delays since 2016.

View attachment 88681

This is a bit of fresh air for those who are not following the Discord's channel.


@Xander94 Are you ready, bro?? :D:D:D:D:D:D

Okay, so I said a bit earlier that we definitely won't be hearing anything from Fidia...

I just translated this, and now I know we DEFINITELY won't be hearing anything official from Fidia. Why would you post this and say that we will? This is just another bullshit rumor of someone contacting somebody to ask a bunch of questions which will receive ambiguous answers, not to mention you WILL NOT FIND ANYTHING OFFICIAL FROM FIDIA, i.e ON THE FIDIA WEBSITE. Can't believe you would even post this bullshit. Go back to your Discord thread and come back when you have something legitimate to offer, instead of just coming to stir the pot as has been the case. f*****g ridiculous.


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what company?
Idk, they sell jacuzzis. Some company in ITaly
@INT you're right, I just find the conspiracy theories entertaining. It's most likely Fidia just hasn't finished the production of the lotion, and thus they have no reason to advertise.