Crescina was the ultimate italian snake oil compound, so much that it became a meme in Italy.
People nowadays use Crescina as a joke. Like if you say you're going bald, people will jokingly answer "i guess you need to buy Crescina then? Lol"
Crescina also means Regrowing in italian, so the name of the product is scammy as f***.
Basically, it became infamous because it got a CRAZY amount of marketing in Italy, so much that you would see ads for it on TV all the f*****g time.
So, because of this massive marketing, normies outside of the hair loss forum communities got scammed, HARD.
And a lot of people started believing the ads, saying that hair loss had gotten cured.
Crescina is infamous because it represents everything wrong with hair loss treatments:
It had it all:
- Fake study promising good % of regrowth (10-15%)
- Massive marketing
- Easy to use, just apply to the head
- Reputable doctor
And it was just f*****g water. It never regrew anything on ANYONE!
Because of all the marketing, there are still NPC people that think that it works.
FFS, my ex girlfriend wanted to buy me Crescina once i told her i was thinning.
So the Ieson guys are basically saying thay Trinov will probably be the new Crescina.
Which ingredients of Crescina should have an effect on hair loss? Also no advertising was done for Trinov since today.