Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

The 7TH Sense

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Do we know for how long the trials by Fidia will have lasted in total? If it's only 6 months as the other trials we may not know the full potential of the lotion once we get the results. Maybe it's not really relevant for us with androgenetic alopecia but the little girl from Brotzus presentation showed continuous improvement of her condition up until 16 months as can be seen here:

Good point, that was a recurring thought I had too.
I can answer by remembering the trials included in the patent: 5 groups using 4 formulations of the lotion, basically the first group had a total stop of the loss at the 7th day, then a diffuse fuzz at the 20th, then continuously improvement with great regrowth since the second month.
You can find more detailed explanations and the big trial here, in case you forgot, just before the end which refers to the other patents mentioned:

I double checked the patent today to answer to Marlin's post on IESON, with a friend who studies chemistry at university because, being myself a student of computer engineering, I couldn't fully understand what reactions and molecules lie under the words and acronyms written by the Doctor with only my 8-credits class of chemistry included in my course plan. Now I know even more. ;)

So, if FIDIA did follow correctly the patent (let's suppose it's a serious company), improvements should be seen even in 6 months, since the fact those Brotzu's first trials lasted only 4 months. :)


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Maybe I just don't understand how drug classification and FDA approval work in terms of marketing an unapproved product. While I still think the lotion will be considered a drug and not be FDA approved, I do think it can be sold through over-the-counter monograph approval, but that still will take a long time. If anyone actually understands the regulations, feel free to chime in and help me understand better. I also can't find this list of preapproved fda ingredients that contains all of the ingredients in the lotion. All I could find was how an unrelated DGLA based product is still in phase II trials.

this came up in the thread earlier

i suggest it you are that concerned go back and read some of the thread

i dont think its going to take long to be available in USA because ingredient are not new they are approved

so weather its a drug you need a prescription or cosmetic it does not matter it won't have to go through long FDA trials of safety because they are harmless.

i honestly dont really understand what your point is if its beyond those things.


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Personally for me... my reason for the pessimism it's because we've seen this play out very recently and almost the same way.
Jak were supposed to be our savior, at least thats what many of us thought. It worked wonders on AA (just like brontzu does) and seemed to be tested on everyone except a male with Androgenetic Alopecia.
Then this past October we got our first picture of what a man with Androgenetic Alopecia looks like after he's used Jak inhibitors. Lo and behold the hair he lost from Androgenetic Alopecia never grew back.
This leads me to believe the Brontzus lotion might only work for AA and those of us with androgenic alopecia are going to be screwed once again.
God i hope im wrong on this, but they are following the same pattern as jak. Test everyone but male Androgenetic Alopecia patients until the end.
I hate this ride and I want to get off


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Personally for me... my reason for the pessimism it's because we've seen this play out very recently and almost the same way.
Jak were supposed to be our savior, at least thats what many of us thought. It worked wonders on AA (just like brontzu does) and seemed to be tested on everyone except a male with Androgenetic Alopecia.
Then this past October we got our first picture of what a man with Androgenetic Alopecia looks like after he's used Jak inhibitors. Lo and behold the hair he lost from Androgenetic Alopecia never grew back.
This leads me to believe the Brontzus lotion might only work for AA and those of us with androgenic alopecia are going to be screwed once again.
God i hope im wrong on this, but they are following the same pattern as jak. Test everyone but male Androgenetic Alopecia patients until the end.
I hate this ride and I want to get off
The lotion is supposed to inhibit scalp DHT, improve microcirculation and repair the damage done by dht. Jak inhibitors work in a very different way, the lotion is supposed to work similarly to minoxidil and finasteride.

The 7TH Sense

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Jak inhibitors work in a very different way, the lotion is supposed to work similarly to minoxidil and finasteride.

...BUT in different ways. :)

" Without using specific terms, you must know that finasteride and Equol both attack DHT, but while finasteride inhibits sistemically all his receptors through the inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase type 2, Equol just binds to the DHT itself creating a new molecule which can no more attach to the receptors. So I think adding finasteride to the lotion can provide a "second barrier": while Equol makes DHT unoffensive, fina can deactivate the receptors, making impossible for the proper DHT little leftovers to damage the hair follicle.
We can debate if it is useful to include fina because the lotion has no sides, but for me, if one wants to be very sure, could do.
About minoxidil, forget it. For the first time in 20 years, Brotzu explained the mechanisms behind it: it's a vasodilator which acts on the perycite, but can not act deeper on the endothelial cells. PGE1 does the same but acting on them AND on the perycite, plus causing no shedding. Also minoxidil causes hairs to dirt, this lotion seems like water and it dries in 15 minutes (Beps and group buy thesis). "

This is a message I've sent to an user last week, and I share it with you because THIS TIME we have a product that was originally developed to fight Androgenetic Alopecia (after diabethic microangiopathy) and only AFTER they saw it worked on AA. No JAK inhibitors, we perfectly know that in the AA bulbs die because of the "malfunctioning" of the immune system, so they found a way to "destroy" the white globes which attacked the bulbs. Androgenetic Alopecia is not caused by this and it's extremely logical why JAK can't cure it.


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...BUT in different ways. :)

" Without using specific terms, you must know that finasteride and Equol both attack DHT, but while finasteride inhibits sistemically all his receptors through the inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase type 2, Equol just binds to the DHT itself creating a new molecule which can no more attach to the receptors. So I think adding finasteride to the lotion can provide a "second barrier": while Equol makes DHT unoffensive, fina can deactivate the receptors, making impossible for the proper DHT little leftovers to damage the hair follicle.
We can debate if it is useful to include fina because the lotion has no sides, but for me, if one wants to be very sure, could do.
About minoxidil, forget it. For the first time in 20 years, Brotzu explained the mechanisms behind it: it's a vasodilator which acts on the perycite, but can not act deeper on the endothelial cells. PGE1 does the same but acting on them AND on the perycite, plus causing no shedding. Also minoxidil causes hairs to dirt, this lotion seems like water and it dries in 15 minutes (Beps and group buy thesis). "

This is a message I've sent to an user last week, and I share it with you because THIS TIME we have a product that was originally developed to fight Androgenetic Alopecia (after diabethic microangiopathy) and only AFTER they saw it worked on AA. No JAK inhibitors, we perfectly know that in the AA bulbs die because of the "malfunctioning" of the immune system, so they found a way to "destroy" the white globes which attacked the bulbs. Androgenetic Alopecia is not caused by this and it's extremely logical why JAK can't cure it.
Reading your post I feel already cured. Why did people not use the liposome vehicle and equol before ?? I dont understand.


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Let me save you the time going back into the thread to find what you think is there: There is no relevant information about the potential FDA approval anywhere in this thread, all 266 pages. Other than people saying "apparently ingredients are fda approved" with no evidence, and "it's a cosmetic, not a drug" with no evidence, there is no evidence anywhere to support these claims.
"Another difference between the EU and U.S. systems of regulating cosmetics is that the EU allows the marketing of cosmetic products with certain medicinal effects, while the United States has required extra regulatory hurdles because they are classified as drugs".
"Certain claims may cause a product to be considered a drug...Some examples are claims that products will restore hair growth."

There is not a single shred of evidence that this will be a cosmetic in the USA, much less FDA approved. And please, it is not discussed to the necessary extent in this thread, so do not waste time trying to find it because it's not there.

If I'm an idiot and missed some crucial piece of information somewhere, then I'm more than happy to be wrong and I beg you to show me and I will edit this post. Until then, if you're in the USA, fully expect to have to buy this online from Europe, because it will not be available in the USA.

No problemo as long as I can get it shipped to freedomland and the shipping isn't twice as expensive as the lotion itself.


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This leads me to believe the Brontzus lotion might only work for AA and those of us with androgenic alopecia are going to be screwed once again.

And if that did happen, absolutely no one would be held accountable for the blatant lies and manipulations yet again.

I just hope that the overwhelming speculations and heated discussions in this thread are indicative of the level of despair and fury in the balding community. It's time we reached critical mass and realized we just can't afford to stand idly by.


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So now we're expecting news on February ? Or it's actual release ? I thought there would be news sometime this week or next, what happened to that?


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Let me save you the time going back into the thread to find what you think is there: There is no relevant information about the potential FDA approval anywhere in this thread, all 266 pages. Other than people saying "apparently ingredients are fda approved" with no evidence, and "it's a cosmetic, not a drug" with no evidence, there is no evidence anywhere to support these claims.
"Another difference between the EU and U.S. systems of regulating cosmetics is that the EU allows the marketing of cosmetic products with certain medicinal effects, while the United States has required extra regulatory hurdles because they are classified as drugs".
"Certain claims may cause a product to be considered a drug...Some examples are claims that products will restore hair growth."

There is not a single shred of evidence that this will be a cosmetic in the USA, much less FDA approved. And please, it is not discussed to the necessary extent in this thread, so do not waste time trying to find it because it's not there.

If I'm an idiot and missed some crucial piece of information somewhere, then I'm more than happy to be wrong and I beg you to show me and I will edit this post. Until then, if you're in the USA, fully expect to have to buy this online from Europe, because it will not be available in the USA.

wow dude'

you are really obnoxious.

think what you want to think.

Tired of trying to help some of you.


My Regimen
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I'm asking questions, backing myself up with relevant quotes from legitimate sources.
You're replying with
"this was already discussed before" when it wasn't.
"the ingredients are preapproved". Provide me a single link proving it. One. single. link.
Just because you're saying things doesn't automatically make them true. All I want is for you to provide a link, not say "find it yourself" when there's nothing to find. You clearly have genuinely no idea what the f*** you're talking about.

I already did this i combed threw 200 pages of this thread to pull relevant factual information on FIdia these pulls i did an reposted are located on page 249

Im not doing it about the science.

it took me two hours

and the reply i got from the person who was doing what you re doing but a bout Fidia was STILL debating actual facts as written.

So no I'm not doing it again.


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I know what you posted. I read through every single testimonial that you quoted. Nowhere in any of them is FDA classification mentioned or FDA approved ingredient lists, or anything regarding how the lotion will be handled in the USA. I don't know what you expect me to think. According to the FDA regulation guidelines, this lotion will in no way be considered a cosmetic in the USA. Therefore it will not be an FDA approved drug and it will not be legally marketed in the USA. If anyone with the actual ability to form a logical point wants to correct me, please do, because I truly wish to be wrong.

because as i wrote i did it regarding FIDIA
NOT the science
That is why i am NOT doing it again
But when i skimmed through there is a ton of debate about the science
You can keep posting here OR you can go back pull out some of the posts debating the science and FDA-_TAG those posters and have a conversation with them.

Or you can keep doing what you are doing.


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The Italian testimonials talking about drug vs cosmetic are meaningless in this discussion because their regulations fall under a different jurisdiction. European regulation is different than the FDA regulation.

Regardless, I think it's best if we end it because English clearly isn't your first language and it's creating a language barrier because I really have a hard time interpreting everything you write.

I never mentioned the Italian Testimonials.

I am only referring to THIS thread.

They debate the FDA in early posts on this thread--you can go and skim for it and find some posters and 'tag' them meaning 'quote' their posts and engage in conversation with them or not.

I'm American and English is my first language and I just read my last post. It is very clearly written so i do not know why you are being insulting but fair enough you have an issue with me.
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From bellicapelli:

@The 7TH Sense What did he mean with "A member of the moderation / administration officially FIDIA contact you tomorrow"?
Will some moderator of bellicapelli talk with someone at Fidia tomorrow or did I not understand it right?

The 7TH Sense

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Yes, Bola said tomorrow a moderator or one of the admins will officially contact FIDIA, in the name of the forum BelliCapelli.

From bellicapelli:
View attachment 46049

@The 7TH Sense What did he mean with "A member of the moderation / administration officially FIDIA contact you tomorrow"?
Will some moderator of bellicapelli talk with someone at Fidia tomorrow or did I not understand it right?