Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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hey guys, this thread is great and we've accomplished so much here!! Looking forward to ONE MILLION VIEWS.



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Italy is 6 hours ahead of us.
So we should know by noon tomorrow if this announcement is real.


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I badly want Fidia to announce something awesome this weekend, but I just don't see some random moderator as a trustworthy source. Has anyone even bothered to try calling Fidia and posing as a moderator just to see their reaction? The whole thing just stinks of bullshit. Sorry dudes.


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Bruh we are just warming up

I have been part of this forum since 2009 and have been dealing with hair loss for 10 years, i've seen more than enough snake oil to know one when I see it. Sorry if this hurts you, I want a good treatment too, but this is snake oil.


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I have been part of this forum since 2009 and have been dealing with hair loss for 10 years, i've seen more than enough snake oil to know one when I see it. Sorry if this hurts you, I want a good treatment too, but this is snake oil.
Just like every other depressed long term user who has posted ITT:
Your last 10 years of disappointment is completely irrelevant to this.
There is solid science behind this, do some damn reading.

That Guy

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You mean to tell that if swoop or roberto for example would have told us this, you wouldn't think it's unlikely that they are telling bullshit?

Ofc we know swoop and roberto better than this guy, but a moderator is mostly a reliable and liked member of a forum.

Swoop isn't a mod as far as I recall

and yes dude, "because the mod said it" isn't good enough. If I was that mod I just wouldn't have said anything and let the inevitable happen because I can't prove it and I would potentially be giving people false hope. I think Roberto and Swoop would probably do the same.

I hope we hear from them Friday too and I think it's possible we will, but you're getting yourself too hyped for an announcement we have no way of knowing for sure if it is actually coming.

Just like every other depressed long term user who has posted ITT:
Your last 10 years of disappointment is completely irrelevant to this.
There is solid science behind this, do some damn reading.

Don't bother. It is impossible for these kinds of people to separate subjective experience with objective truth.

That Guy

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I do think that of the 2 unreliable variables, 1 being the mods word and 2 being the word of the Fidia rep on the phone, the odds of the the mod being the unreliable one is much much smaller than the rep.

That makes no sense.

It doesn't matter though, you're going to find out in a matter of hours.


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All I can do is shake my head. You guys are understandibly frustrated and i've read the oversaturated "the science makes sense" many times before. I've seen it so many times and i'm never one to laugh at the expense of others or say "I told you so". Good luck with this. I remember something by the name of TRX2 which had people hyped about the "science behind how it works". You guys seem so hostile and frustrated about this that it's really going to hit you hard when it's nowhere near what you think. All i'm going to say is, keep your head up and don't be so gullible next time for the next "lotion" that comes out.

That Guy

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All I can do is shake my head. You guys are understandibly frustrated and i've read the oversaturated "the science makes sense" many times before. I've seen it so many times and i'm never one to laugh at the expense of others or say "I told you so". Good luck with this. I remember something by the name of TRX2 which had people hyped about the "science behind how it works". You guys seem so hostile and frustrated about this that it's really going to hit you hard when it's nowhere near what you think. All i'm going to say is, keep your head up and don't be so gullible next time for the next "lotion" that comes out.

Have you read any of the stuff that is published in actual science journals regarding this lotion specifically, though? How about the Doctor's conference in Turin? Clearly not.

As has been said ad nauseum: This is a patent that was created by a veteran vascular surgeon and picked up by a decades-old Pharmaceutical company whose name has been associated with excellence for as long.

There's no marketing hype, there's no outrageous promises or a guarantee of release, there is actual data regarding the product in question before its patent was sold, the company confirmed they are trialing such a product...

All of these things are the very antithesis of snake oil.


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All I can do is shake my head. You guys are understandibly frustrated and i've read the oversaturated "the science makes sense" many times before. I've seen it so many times and i'm never one to laugh at the expense of others or say "I told you so". Good luck with this. I remember something by the name of TRX2 which had people hyped about the "science behind how it works". You guys seem so hostile and frustrated about this that it's really going to hit you hard when it's nowhere near what you think. All i'm going to say is, keep your head up and don't be so gullible next time for the next "lotion" that comes out.
And what do you win by bringing others down? Let us believe in something that might work for us young people. Let me ask you, what norwood are you now ?


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I take it back, i did some sciencing and the studies will be promising regardless if the lotion works or not.
Last edited:


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Just like every other depressed long term user who has posted ITT:
Your last 10 years of disappointment is completely irrelevant to this.
There is solid science behind this, do some damn reading.

I'm not depressed. I do not live in The last time I was here was in Feb. My old account had less than 300 posts. I wait patiently for the cure.

Btw, if you are depressed because of hair loss, then that's not depression, that's sadness. Depression is a disease that even if you had a full head of hair, were a millionaire, and have all the women in the world, you'd still be depressed. You can have the perfect life and still be depressed, it's a sickness and it has no remorse for how great your life is. Psychology 101.


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And what do you win by bringing others down? Let us believe in something that might work for us young people. Let me ask you, what norwood are you now ?

Hello FS, yes, good luck and I hope this works out well for you. But wait and see first, don't just bite the bullet.

I have maintained NW2. I was NW4 about 3 years ago.

That Guy

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If anyones got some science id love to read it

You'll find relevant links in the FAQ thread that no one bothers to read.

This is topical finasteride with a roided vehicle.

No it is not

We have men on the forum on finasteride dutasteride and spironolactone with minimal regrowth. We even got ppl on oral minoxidil. I dont see how this is going to regrow hair from the last five years.

Finasteride and dutasteride do not provide regrowth; so obviously not.

There is no hard evidence to be found on the efficacy of topical spironolactone and no member who appears to have maintained exclusively on it, verifiably.

This mixture contains L-Carnitine (metabolizes the cells), Equol (Proven to bind to DHT) and DGLA (Which is the precursor to PGE1 and is a powerful vasodilator) all carried by a crucial element: the liposomes, which are vital to the ingredients adhesion and the mixture is ineffective without them. There is nothing out there that is comparable to this concoction and this product's ingredients have independently verifiable science as well as collective in Brotzu's published works.


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You'll find relevant links in the FAQ thread that no one bothers to read.

No it is not

Finasteride and dutasteride do not provide regrowth; so obviously not.

There is no hard evidence to be found on the efficacy of topical spironolactone and no member who appears to have maintained exclusively on it, verifiably.

This mixture contains L-Carnitine (metabolizes the cells), Equol (Proven to bind to DHT) and DGLA (Which is the precursor to PGE1 and is a powerful vasodilator) all carried by a crucial element: the liposomes, which are vital to the ingredients adhesion and the mixture is ineffective without them. There is nothing out there that is comparable to this concoction and this product's ingredients have independently verifiable science as well as collective in Brotzu's published works.
Yes finasteride and dutasteride do provide regrowth. Just read a book.

Its not topical spironolactone its oral and topical is pretty effective many can tell you.

Your a little late i went back and edited after reading an interview but atleast you know what your talking about when it comes to the lotion.


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Hello FS, yes, good luck and I hope this works out well for you. But wait and see first, don't just bite the bullet.

I have maintained NW2. I was NW4 about 3 years ago.

To be fair, your first couple posts in this thread were very negative.

At the risk of going off topic, what have you used to see so much regrowth?