Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Sorry Bro, my mistake, you're right
No you were right, I deleted my comment but you already saw it hahah

The original:


P.S.: If you dont know wtf we are talking about, I thought it was Luis de Funes.


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All I'm expecting is a confirmation that the trials have been concluded, and a brief notion of whether they consider them a success or not. Furthered by a happy holidays message, and that they will update us in the new year.


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Seriously what the hell are they doing they decided they will make an announcement on Monday it takes them 5 f*****g days to write a simple paragraph? This has me worried...


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Seriously what the hell are they doing they decided they will make an announcement on Monday it takes them 5 f*****g days to write a simple paragraph? This has me worried...

They're a reputable pharmaceutical company. They know what they're doing. There's things companies probably need to do or make sure of before making any confirmation or announcements.


My Regimen
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Seriously what the hell are they doing they decided they will make an announcement on Monday it takes them 5 f*****g days to write a simple paragraph? This has me worried...

Its either inaccurate information and they are NOT making a statement
Or its going to be reasonably good otherwise they would not make statement before Christmas

they do have PR people that would be stupid to depress thousands of people one to two days before holiday.

Christmas is the Suicide time of year--they are a pharmaceutical company they know this.

"Man commits suicide leaves note blaming Fidia announcement"

LOL No way its 'bad' news.


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Seriously what the hell are they doing they decided they will make an announcement on Monday it takes them 5 f*****g days to write a simple paragraph? This has me worried...

Do people here really have no idea how businesses work? if they're making an announcement about a product that's clearly highly anticipated they're not going to just have an intern type up a quick paragraph and post it on their site.

Also, it souneded like they had just decided they would release info on Monday. So they most likely needed time to prepare the statement.

Even if nothing comes out tomorrow I wouldn't panic. Lots of companies are already pretty much shut down for the holidays, and there has been no official word about this announcement, only word of mouth.


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Tomorrow will be the big day, you'll see, a new era will arise, this must be at least as good as minoxidil and finasterid combined wich should be enough to get some nice regrowth, keep faith :)

If there's nothing tomorrow, at least we have the xmas holidays to spend some time with our beloved ones, to chill and maybe to get drunk as f*** wether results will be shown or not

have a nice evening/day whatever timezone you live in, here in Austria europe it's 18:48 :)


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In the meantime, shall we discuss what this thread will be like if no info comes out by the end of tomorrow? :)


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Oh my god.. i'm like a little kid obsessively watching out the window for santa with his magic lotion... it's killing meeeee !

This is pure torture! Is this some kind of sick joke? Come on fidia, just spit it out already!

I want to believe this so badly.....


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Sorry guys, but where did you get the info that FIDIA will do an announcement tomorrow? Did it come from the italian forum?

I´d appreciate if somebody can clarify it. Thanks!


My Regimen
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Sorry guys, but where did you get the info that FIDIA will do an announcement tomorrow? Did it come from the italian forum?

I´d appreciate if somebody can clarify it. Thanks!

I agree i dont put 100% certainty we are getting a statement...will be great but to me its yet another rumor.


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Sorry guys, but where did you get the info that FIDIA will do an announcement tomorrow? Did it come from the italian forum?

I´d appreciate if somebody can clarify it. Thanks!

An Italian hair loss forum moderator contacted fidia and was told they were planning an announcement by the end of this week.


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Realism check-dislike bait:

It is unlikely that we will actually hear anything before Christmas.
It is very unlikely that we will actually hear anything before Christmas that we want to hear.