In the 21st of December's update he basically says that there was indeed a problem regarding the lotions, specifically the fears of the users about stability issues were true. Many users had benefits in the first weeks that were lost after the first month (and some of them provided important photos, already posted here multiple times). Spatolatore declares the problem was about the DGLA which disrespected the requirements to consider the lotion stable, and it seems it's not the lab's fault but the provider's, who guaranteed a new furniture of DGLA and Equol. The elements are already arrived at the laboratory, and it seems that now the lotion will be fine. Obviously they will be shipped only after the holidays (9th of January).
I do not know if we are on-topic, maybe next time send me a PM for things regarding the spatolotion (which, I repeat, I only follow on the forums, I myself am not part of the group buy).