I was hoping maybe Fidia was dealing with the US regulations for over the counter drugs while the trials were happening, but I'm reading that the OTC review process is made public and someone would have heard about it if it was happening. As I read more about OTC though I'm realizing that it doesn't seem to meet the
hair growth & hair loss drug monograph requirements. So I don't think it will be available from a US vendor in any capacity for a very long time. I may be misinterpreting it however and I welcome correction. It's possible that they're referring to claiming that a specific active ingredient is the one causing the hair growth. Whereas technically none of the lotion ingredients individually cause hair growth. So maybe there's a workaround, but I don't know.
After rereading European regulations, I'm very convinced there will be no problems with it releasing as a cosmetic in Europe in a timely manner. I'm just not looking forward to the potential hassles of ordering from the US. Hopefully it won't take an official vendor a long time after release to set up overseas shipment. I really don't want to buy from some sketchlord on ebay.
USA regulations:
http://www.fda.gov/Cosmetics/GuidanceRegulation/LawsRegulations/ucm074201.htm Keywords: "hair growth", "OTC"
USA OTC Hair growth/hair loss monograph:
European Regulations:
http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/sectors/cosmetics/files/Doctor/manual_borderlines_ol_en.pdf Keywords: "3.3.4"