Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Jonnyyy, no offense, but some of us actually dealt with the whole 21 months of this damn thread. I think it's good you've only had to deal with 3-4, and I hope you don't have to deal with it much longer, but f*** this thing.
Been lurking since my temples were disappearing, wasn't as desperate as I am now, but still.


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Fidia reopen on January 8th, we're almost there
Guys calm down. The fact that Fidia made a statement last year doesn't mean they will do it also this year. We might not get any statement this year. It's not bad being positive, but false hope will hurt you.
Expect only the things, that are oficially said by Fidia. Dont listen to Brotzu about release, dont put your hopes up by some posts.
Here are Brotzus claims:
11/2015 - release in 2/2 2016. 6/2016 - release will be soon. 7/2017 - release will be fairly soon.
Dott. Knows a sh*t about release so dont rely on him.
Claims by "reliable sources":
After summer of 2016,10/2016, Christmas holidays 2016, 3/2017, 5/2017, autumn 2017 and now there is claim for march 2018.
-those claimes were backed up by: friend in Fidia, mother working for Fidia etc. etc.
It might take another two long years. Dont wait for a miracle. Start your trearment now and hope for best. You can always stop the treatment, but can you get back the hair you lose while waiting? Probably not.

And for the discussion that runs here right now:


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Now all negative idiots start again spreading negativity. "guys it will never happen, we are desperate as f*** and we need attention, that is why we keep spreading bullshit because no one takes us serious because in real life we are bald losers, so we think its better to troll on"

3, 2, 1 negative idiots start


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Now all negative idiots start again spreading negativity. "guys it will never happen, we are desperate as f*** and we need attention, that is why we keep spreading bullshit because no one takes us serious because in real life we are bald losers, so we think its better to troll on"

3, 2, 1 negative idiots start

The secret is to ignore them, they thrive off reaction as many have pointed out before. In the end, a pharma company released a statement, and that alone should show there is a tangible product that is at least suspected to work for Androgenetic Alopecia and/or AA.


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After another year without any potion, you'll turn into a "negative" guy here..

Since @Goodsend has been such a trolling twat I’m finding the differentiation between positivity and trolling so difficult to discern that I can’t even handle it. I’m losing f*****g sleep. Who’s optimistic and who’s being a trollolol? What has the world come to....
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