Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I think It depends of how much the shedding is reduced, and how much regrowth we obtain; so we can then label the treatment as a "complement" or a "pillar treatment".

Lets not forget that finasteride could be described the same way: pills to reduce the hair loss, and regrowth a bit.

The only thing that bothers me, is that they say that equol attaches to/blocks alfa reductase, instead of DHT. I think that difference is crucial, not only for the effectiveness, but also to avoid sides...
Interesting, I thought it binds to DHT. I will dig a bit more when I have time. @That Guy did a nice recap there :


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There is no transgender version of the lotion wtf?????
Lolol they don't need the extra help.

beps63 posted this 1 hour ago on BelliCapelli. This seems the abstract of the scientific research which will be presented/introduced at SITRI's next month. The participation of Brotzu (and probably FIDIA too) was confirmed by my dermatologist on the thread, who is the president of SITRI's association.

Translation: (by me with the help of Google)

Abstract Naples 14/4/18

'Liposomal solution containing DGLA, Equol and Carnitine for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.'

G.Brotzu, G. Brotzu, F. Consolaro, C. Secchieri.

Bioricerca snc, Fidia Farmaceuticici SPA,
Presents Giovanni Brotzu

In 2012 KITAGAWA e coll. showed that cationic liposomes, with a diameter of around 100 nm, could easily penetrate through the dermis and thereby improving the release of lipophilic molecules. Based on this research, it was studied if it was possible to use liposomes for the release of molecules able to stimulate endothelial cells of the hair bulbs. Previously it was observed that PGE1 was able to stimulate endothelial cells and to increase tissue capillarization.
It is known that di-homo-gamma-linoleic acid (DGLA) is the biochemical precursor of PGE1. In fact it is transformed by cyclooxygenase into PGE1. It has been ascertained that in the various forms of alopecia there is a diminished capillarization and therefore, a deficit in the functionality of the capillaries which supply the hair bulbs of both O2 and the other molecules.
The other molecules transported by liposomes are: the Equol and the Carnitine.
The Equol is a flavonoid that inhibits the 5α-reductase enzyme by preventing testosterone from turning into dihydrotestosterone; carnitine promotes the beta-oxidation of the circulating lipid chains and increases the local metabolism.
Dihydrotestosterone is one of the main culprits of Androgenetic Alopecia.

Tests performed: the efficacy of two liposomal lotions was tested on 30 male subjects and 30 female subjects. The following checks were performed: efficacy against hair loss by results of phototrichogram and wash test, evaluation of hair resistance by Pull Test, clinical evaluation of tolerability and subjective evaluation of the effectiveness and tolerability of the lotion. Tests were performed at the beginning of treatment (T0) and after 1 (T1), 3 (T3) and 6 (T6) months of treatment.
The results showed that a daily and constant application of the above mentioned lotion favors the growth of new hair and reduce the fall of existing hair. In addition, the hair becomes more resistant and the lotion is well tolerated by the subjects.

Sorry for eventual grammar errors. I would like to say that we know that Equol does NOT inhibit 5AR but binds to DHT itself, so please don't make boring comments stating that, also because in a month we could possibly know everything.

There are other things I wanted to say more, but right know that the congress is confirmed, I guess writing tons of lines here is kinda useless.

Nigga I'd better see some mafuckin' clear *** pictures...


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Note: the efficiency trials are only 6 months old (I guess it was made in order for the release to be faster).
Therefore, I don't believe they show full efficiency.

Or the study is poor as others have pointed out. I read the patent, for some the lotion only started acting after 90 days. Either this is a study for a scam or it was not extensive enough.

1. 6 months is only an optimal time (I would say 2 years is a good time to measure the efficiency)
2. The patent also mentioned reduction of hair faill, so it is nothing new. To claim full maintenance you must have balls.
3. I think only testing will show full results.
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Wash test, pull test, tricho??
I am no expert but why no photograph, hair weight and hair count?

6month? Didnt they have like 2 years time?


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Wash test, pull test, tricho??
I am no expert but why no photograph, hair weight and hair count?

6month? Didnt they have like 2 years time?
I think they were improving the stability and were concerned with safety tests.
6 months show that they have the pressure to release it, I think.
But yes, it does not show the full efficiency, it claims the same things Brotzu observed in his original research, so even if this gives full maintenance they cannot prove it with efficiency studies since they were too short.

Please do note that original Minoxidil studies were short and only longer studies post launch concluded that Minoxidil often loses its effects in 24 months.

Also, reduction of hair fall was stated in original patent, yet Brotzu said he had cases of 5 year revelsal or regrowth of some hairs in Androgenetic Alopecia which lasted more than 20 years.


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Guys this is not a phase III style trial, expecting years long studies is wishful thinking.

Anyway things like Minoxidil have their peak at 4-6 months while finasteride at 12-18 but at 6 is already pretty good.

So it can't be that far off.

Now just wait one month


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What bothers me that also scam companies are at that sitri conference
Well it's the only Italian event for hair science so naturally scammers would gather there. There were plenty of scam companies in Hair Congress 2017 in Japan.

Lets not forget that finasteride could be described the same way: pills to reduce the hair loss, and regrowth a bit.
Exactly, there may be non-responders, so they cannot name finasteride as 100% maintenance drug.


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Studies always post metrics of measurement, this study does no such thing and is totally vague as one user said. At least tell us if there is a little, moderate, or, significant effect .what about male vs female too... Maybe they'll elaborate more in April, but for the moment it's kind of hard to hang your hat on that .
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"Favors the growth of new hair" is either intentionally vague to help skirt cosmetic regulations regarding products that claim hair regrowth (unlikely), or the before/after images that will be presented for people with Androgenetic Alopecia in sitri will be very similar to the pictures that were published in that original newspaper about Brotzu in 2016 that showed 2 older women with low quality before/after pictures, where one simply had their hair combed over any thinning, and the other had no visible changes. In other words, either no or imperceptibly little regrowth.

I think the trichograms presented at sitri 2018 will show nothing and the before/after pictures will show either nothing or combovers.

At best it'll provide maintenance, which will still be really good. And I think maintenance can give the illusion of regrowth due to revitalizing follicles that were sent into dormancy by hormones, and are instead growing normally. But I don't think neogenesis will occur.

As far as the 5 year claim. I have a strong suspicion it came into existence way back when the initial tests by Brotzu on people who've already been balding for a very long time were done. For example, someone who started balding at age 30, then at age 45 were very badly balding, are now age 50 and are still very badly balding. They took the lotion and the leading metric for efficacy was solely their word of their personal perception that their hair looked like it did when they were 45 (which is barely any different than at 50). I think the trichograms that were done showed little to no changes (based on the one trichogram in the slide show at sitri 2016), yet Brotzu used the words of his patients instead anyway.

I'm convinced "I look like I did 5 years ago" was said by a very early patient, and due to its sensationalism, was kept as an overly exaggerated buzzphrase by Brotzu.

But I'm still excited for April.
I mean this is 100% speculation.

For once we have a f*****g good news, let's wait and see now. Maybe it will be sh*t but at least we will have an answer


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Every hair-related news and innovation is more than exciting. However, I find it somehow hard to believe that a lotion, something that is seemingly so simple, can solve or even help with such a complex issue as male pattern baldness. I have always imagined some sort of more invasive procedure to be the game-changing treatment.


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The extent to which all of this is being scrutinized is well past the point of being psychotic.

male pattern baldness is a mental disorder.


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I'm going completely off topic now. But if this hair treatment helps us with genetic hair loss then it will be a big success! Unfortunately, I can not find if Fidia Pharma is listed on the stocks. Can you guys see anything about that?