Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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What are you on about? Advising someone not currently on any treatments to not only jump on the big 3 right out of the gates, but to also include an experimental and possibly dangerous drug like ru? Way overkill. finasteride should have been the recommendation.

Anyway - we're supposed to be talking brotzu.

Yes, we are supposed to be talking Brotzu, WHICH IS NOT OUT YET and MAY PROVE TO BE JUST ANOTHER SNAKE OIL.

And then what, you are suggesting to the lad to do what, wait until 2018 ???

He needs to go BIG 3 asap or in 2 year's time he will have been kicking himself over for not starting before.

As for RU - It is entirely up to him whether to take it or not (he ain't a 3 year old kid) and has his own decisions to take, plenty of guys use it and report no/lower sides than finasteride.

Does not Brutzu's lotion lower DHT, which can go systemic and give same sides as finasteride ??


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Does not Brutzu's lotion lower DHT, which can go systemic and give same sides as finasteride ??

It contains equol.

Half the women in Asia produce equol and we never hear about Asian boys being born without penises, which is what finasteride can do to pregnant women's male fetuses.


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Yes, we are supposed to be talking Brotzu, WHICH IS NOT OUT YET and MAY PROVE TO BE JUST ANOTHER SNAKE OIL.

And then what, you are suggesting to the lad to do what, wait until 2018 ???

He needs to go BIG 3 asap or in 2 year's time he will have been kicking himself over for not starting before.

As for RU - It is entirely up to him whether to take it or not (he ain't a 3 year old kid) and has his own decisions to take, plenty of guys use it and report no/lower sides than finasteride.

Does not Brutzu's lotion lower DHT, which can go systemic and give same sides as finasteride ??
Wake up boi, open your eyes, we've discussed "sides as finasteride" for like thousand times here.


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It contains equol.

Half the women in Asia produce equol and we never hear about Asian boys being born without penises, which is what finasteride can do to pregnant women's male fetuses.

The question now is whether Caucasian women produce equol. :).


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Wake up boi, open your eyes, we've discussed "sides as finasteride" for like thousand times here.

Wake up boy, open your eyes, we've discussed "no/lower sides than finasteride" for like thousand times here.

FYI, because YOU had sides means that any new comer to the forums should not try it, right ?
Last time, I read guys complaining about finasteride giving them sides because they haven't thought of sex for 1 day. :D :D :D ... sides my ***, more like pure idiocy...


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Who is with me and think that this is not snake oil and at least slow down hair loss?
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That Guy

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Who is with me and think that this is not snake oil and at least slow down hair loss?

I am with you, fellow Tsuji fan.

I think it will work, but I don't think it's the miracle some are hoping for - that's what the cell therapies are for.


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He needs to go BIG 3 asap or in 2 year's time he will have been kicking himself over for not starting before.

Or he'll get on finasteride and eventually have to drop it due to sides anyway. Of course it might still be worth a shot but you can't deny he could also be looking at about 2 years of recovery. And that's a scary lot of time to be dealing with the fear of permanent sexual dysfunction, trust me.

I'm just saying it's not an easy choice and hopping on finasteride is no guarantee he'll be able to handle the sides and maintain hair for two years.


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I have non-finasteride induced erectile dysfunction and I confirm that is a substantially worst condition than male pattern baldness.


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When I had gynecomastia, it affected me way more than my slick NW5.

So yes, it's worse than male pattern baldness, but at least it can be solved in one surgery.

You don't see me posting on anymore.

There's a trivial cure for gyno, so I don't understand the major fears over that issue.

Do you have a large surgical scar?


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I have two barely visible scars from the liposuccion, like cigarette burns.

And you really have to look for the incision scars.

Well, the 6 months I had to live with gyno, it was hell on earth, put the baldness on top of it, at the age of 22...

I still wonder how I didn't lose my mind. But I found a way to cope with it, spent the summer of 2012 at home playing video games.

But yeah, the fix is ridiculously easy compared to baldness.

But it was not so easy to find a surgeon. I basically had A cups, but still, two surgeons told me: "It's not bad enough, you can live with it!" or "Why don't you lose some weight?" (I was 71 kg for 1m90).

The same BS you would get for baldness basically: "Meh it's not life-threatening, just live with it!" or "Why don't you go to the gym?!"

Weight loss will reduce the weight on your body in proportion to how it's distributed. I just went through this.

It will only be effective for gyno if your chest is proportional to the rest of your body, in which case it's not actually gyno.

It is always disconcerting to see doctors make such basic errors in medical reasoning, as we are all indoctrinated by popular culture to perceive doctors as being gods.


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Anyone here remember them? Do you remember the hype, the enthusiasm? Where did that get us?
I want to be hopeful about this, but come on guys, slow down and wait for real info. Not "i heard from a guy who posted on hairloss 2020 who got a reply from...."
Follicept had a sound theory. A great delivery vehicle, they said it would be availabe soon and they kept us informed EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, and they still failed.
Damnit i want to log on here and see real concrete news, not speculation and the same 3 questions repeated over and over.
I guess im just saying to slow down and keep your hopes in check. We should hear for sure soon. Be patient ;)
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In Brotzu's past interviews and his patent he describes what the active ingredients are and how they work (which are all posted in this thread)

and the "5 years" which is an anecdotal measurement imo is only for young guys, not everyone.

Well, I'll be 25 when this comes out - I hope that still classifies as "young". In 2012 I had only the slightest temple loss, so 5 years back would basically be a cure for me. However, I have doubts that this DGLA is that powerful... but we'll see.


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Erectile disfunction can be caused by depression and anxiety.

Hairloss can cause depress and anxiety.

Best thing is to at least try finasteride IMHO. Dont leave it too late many people have regretted not staring it sooner.


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Been taking 7.5 mg of Equelle for 3 days. Will see what happens after another 4 days.
If nothing happens, then gonna dissolve it in vodka and apply topically.


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Don't want to rain on anyone's parade but has everyone seen the before and after pics of his presentation (see earlier in this thread). Imho they are absolute crap and show very little to no progress whatsoever. Not sure if Italy has already entered the age of smartphones (to take better pics).
I know a big part of this should be maintenance but the regrowth claims are pretty bold too and those pics really dont show a lot of that.

Also Brotzu's hair is not fantastic either. Sure, he'll say that his follicles have been dead for longer than 5 years but I'm more and more leaning towards a big fat "meh"

I guess I ve just been here for too long to see any possibilities here of the miracle cure so many of you seem to be hoping for with thisone.

As always: I hope I m wrong but I ll reserve my jawdrop moment for when I see incredible before/after pics.
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Don't want to rain on anyone's parade but has everyone seen the before and after pics of his presentation (see earlier in this thread). Imho they are absolute crap and show very little to no progress whatsoever. Not sure if Italy has already entered the age of smartphones (to take better pics).
I know a big part of this should be maintenance but the regrowth claims are pretty bold too and those pics really dont show a lot of that.

Also Brotzu's hair is not fantastic either. Sure, he'll say that his follicles have been dead for longer than 5 years but I'm more and more leaning towards a big fat "meh"

I guess I ve just been here for too long to see any possibilities here of the miracle cure so many of you seem to be hoping for with thisone.

As always: I hope I m wrong but I ll reserve my jawdrop moment for when I see incredible before/after pics.

Can you give me a link to these pictures?


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When I had gynecomastia, it affected me way more than my slick NW5.

So yes, it's worse than male pattern baldness, but at least it can be solved in one surgery.

You don't see me posting on anymore.
Are you still taking Propecia? And where did you to the surgerey in Belgium? Maybe you can send me a pm, i have some off topic questions. I am from Holland!


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Also Brotzu's hair is not fantastic either. Sure, he'll say that his follicles have been dead for longer than 5 years but I'm more and more leaning towards a big fat "meh"

Just what worries me the most. And no way I'm buying the "he's an old man and doesn't care about hair loss" BS either. No chance anyone with the kind of access to the treatment he has would pass up on it. So either it really only regrows recently lost hair or it regrows practically nothing at all.