
Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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So if this lotion is what it claims and it’s revolutionary why isn’t it all over the news?
Yeah i’m worry about that too, but the only reason is that wuwei actually had showed the improvement from his fabricated loction. But also a lot of things don’t get to shine until later they are released or commercialized.
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So if this lotion is what it claims and it’s revolutionary why isn’t it all over the news?
Because it was quietly developed by an Italian doctor who is not a major scientist.
Major scientists publish their discoveries all over the news only not to be heard again. They do it to secure the funding.
It was on Italian news.
Brotzu is not a full-fledged scientist who has a lab and resources to carry out reliable safety, efficiency and stability tests. That is why if he makes those claims, his trials will be considered skeptical.

And he has no science team that Tsuji, Follica or even Shiseido has.


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Because it was quietly developed by an Italian doctor who is not a major scientist.
Major scientists publish their discoveries all over the news only not to be heard again. They do it to secure the funding.
It was on Italian news.
Brotzu is not a full-fledged scientist who has a lab and resources to carry out reliable safety, efficiency and stability tests. That is why if he makes those claims, his trials will be considered skeptical.

And he has no science team that Tsuji, Follica or even Shiseido has.
Yeah he is not that big, and idk how big fidia is, but big pharmaceutical company hides a lot of their works. I’m pretty sure they are small compare to Tsuji team and Shiseido. Tsuji team is funded by huge companies and shiseido itself is big cosmetic company.


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Yeah he is not that big, and idk how big fidia is, but big pharmaceutical company hides a lot of their works. I’m pretty sure they are small compare to Tsuji team and Shiseido. Tsuji team is funded by huge companies and shiseido itself is big cosmetic company.
That’s what I was thinking. Fidia is probably quiet about it because they have a winner, but they don’t want other companies trying to develop their own


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That’s what I was thinking. Fidia is probably quiet about it because they have a winner, but they don’t want other companies trying to develop their own
Also they are private company, they don’t have to care about the current stock price. Replicel ceo, keep talking about rch-01 because Replicel is public company, they need investor’s attentions. But everything aside, wuwei’s results gives me optimistic view about brotzu. I don’t need 5 yrs reverse, all i want is maintain and wuwei kinda results.


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Because you can make it yourself if you catch a few snakes and squeeze the oil out of them.

Indeed. Its pretty sad these people are constantly hitting refresh hoping for some new developments in something which will just be another snake oil topical.

A inside source told me the secret ingredient is a type of oil secreted from snakes.

Three times the same joke. Must be sad constantly refreshing this thread, hoping for someone to acknowledge your shitty joke

The 7TH Sense

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I just wanted to share with you guys that recently I had another conversation with Brotzu (Giovanni) via mail, in which I asked him some questions.

He told me that next month he will be at SITRI's and his speech will be on the 14th of April at 17.15 Italian time (as we already knew).
He will speak for FIDIA, presenting the results focused on Androgenetic Alopecia.
He doesn't know about the release date / commercialization, although he is convinced it's coming very soon, but he repeats that as of now he has not official infos regarding this aspect.
He said that stability issues are solved, the lotion is stable at room temperature and doesn't need refrigeration.
Then he said, when I asked, that FIDIA's trials confirmed what he always said about the effectiveness and his first results.

That's all and I did not ask him any more questions.


Anyone from Italian forum, i got a question for you guys. What do you guys think about brotzu and Fidia? Are they really trustworthy? Or not?

Brotzu has a very high reputation not only because his father won a Nobel prize for discovering cephalosporines, but because he is known all over the world and especially in EU for his vascular studies and discoveries, he was president during his life of most of the most important teams and scientific associations regarding to that matter.

Fidia was a very potent pharma back in the years, and raised even more when they developed a drug called "Cronassial", which became worldwide famous. Unfortunately, there was a very big scandal regarding that drug which was later discovered associated with the insurgency of a rare disease, you can search on Wikipedia. In this scandal was involved also Rita Levi Montalcini, one of Italy's Nobel Prize who associated with Fidia and promoted the drug even though she did not discover it or invented it, nor was originally associated with cronassial.

Since that scandal, Fidia was re-founded various times under different CEOs, and its goal was to regain back the trust of the consumers after the Cronassial scandal, and step by step they are now the legit 4th largest pharma of Italy with a very transparent income, outcome and capital. They are even privately held and they don't have the need to publish shitty "results" or "communicates" every new year saying the same things just to attract investors and raise money... (*coff coff* Histogen *coff* Replicel *coff*)

Brotzu is associated with Fidia only in the way that the company bought the patent for first from the doctor. Right now Fidia only is leading the hyaluronic acid market but it's expanding a lot in all of other fields, such as dermatology and oftalmology.

It's not about the time it takes at all. I use concealer in my hair, so daily application would mean I would have to completely wash the concealer out of my hair every day, apply the lotion, then re-apply concealer the next day (assuming the lotion can be used just 1x per day). That's a lot of harsh shampooing, and my hair falls out very easily. I actually lost a ton of hair a couple years back when training for my current job because I had to do exactly that: shampoo every day, or at least 6x per week. And it usually takes two rounds of shampoo for my hair to be completely concealer-free, the math.

I think most of us would kill each other if that would be needed to even partially regrow some of THEIR hair back, even though that would mean to throw in the bin Toppik & co and to shave / have a buzzcut while waiting for the results to kick in.

The lotion dries very fast, doesn't make the hair dirty or oily after application and it's easy washable away with water only. This was said by the doctor and confirmed by all of the Areata testers I contacted.

So if this lotion is what it claims and it’s revolutionary why isn’t it all over the news?

LOL, yeah, because the newspapers are sooo scientific in their articles...
Some weeks ago that stuff about "McDonald' s" fries against baldness was in the front page of all newspapers from all over the world!
Did you forget also about the numerous scams that you may fall into by simply typing "baldness cure" on Google, even if you opened only the trustworthy newspapers' links?


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I just wanted to share with you guys that recently I had another conversation with Brotzu (Giovanni) via mail, in which I asked him some questions.

He told me that next month he will be at SITRI's and his speech will be on the 14th of April at 17.15 Italian time (as we already knew).
He will speak for FIDIA, presenting the results focused on Androgenetic Alopecia.
He doesn't know about the release date / commercialization, although he is convinced it's coming very soon, but he repeats that as of now he has not official infos regarding this aspect.
He said that stability issues are solved, the lotion is stable at room temperature and doesn't need refrigeration.
Then he said, when I asked, that FIDIA's trials confirmed what he always said about the effectiveness and his first results.

That's all and I did not ask him any more questions.


Brotzu has a very high reputation not only because his father won a Nobel prize for discovering cephalosporines, but because he is known all over the world and especially in EU for his vascular studies and discoveries, he was president during his life of most of the most important teams and scientific associations regarding to that matter.

Fidia was a very potent pharma back in the years, and raised even more when they developed a drug called "Cronassial", which became worldwide famous. Unfortunately, there was a very big scandal regarding that drug which was later discovered associated with the insurgency of a rare disease, you can search on Wikipedia. In this scandal was involved also Rita Levi Montalcini, one of Italy's Nobel Prize who associated with Fidia and promoted the drug even though she did not discover it or invented it, nor was originally associated with cronassial.

Since that scandal, Fidia was re-founded various times under different CEOs, and its goal was to regain back the trust of the consumers after the Cronassial scandal, and step by step they are now the legit 4th largest pharma of Italy with a very transparent income, outcome and capital. They are even privately held and they don't have the need to publish shitty "results" or "communicates" every new year saying the same things just to attract investors and raise money... (*coff coff* Histogen *coff* Replicel *coff*)

Brotzu is associated with Fidia only in the way that the company bought the patent for first from the doctor. Right now Fidia only is leading the hyaluronic acid market but it's expanding a lot in all of other fields, such as dermatology and oftalmology.

I think most of us would kill each other if that would be needed to even partially regrow some of THEIR hair back, even though that would mean to throw in the bin Toppik & co and to shave / have a buzzcut while waiting for the results to kick in.

The lotion dries very fast, doesn't make the hair dirty or oily after application and it's easy washable away with water only. This was said by the doctor and confirmed by all of the Areata testers I contacted.

LOL, yeah, because the newspapers are sooo scientific in their articles...
Some weeks ago that stuff about "McDonald' s" fries against baldness was in the front page of all newspapers from all over the world!
Did you forget also about the numerous scams that you may fall into by simply typing "baldness cure" on Google, even if you opened only the trustworthy newspapers' links?
Hey man thanks for the update, appreciated!


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I just wanted to share with you guys that recently I had another conversation with Brotzu (Giovanni) via mail, in which I asked him some questions.

He told me that next month he will be at SITRI's and his speech will be on the 14th of April at 17.15 Italian time (as we already knew).
He will speak for FIDIA, presenting the results focused on Androgenetic Alopecia.
He doesn't know about the release date / commercialization, although he is convinced it's coming very soon, but he repeats that as of now he has not official infos regarding this aspect.
He said that stability issues are solved, the lotion is stable at room temperature and doesn't need refrigeration.
Then he said, when I asked, that FIDIA's trials confirmed what he always said about the effectiveness and his first results.

That's all and I did not ask him any more questions.


Brotzu has a very high reputation not only because his father won a Nobel prize for discovering cephalosporines, but because he is known all over the world and especially in EU for his vascular studies and discoveries, he was president during his life of most of the most important teams and scientific associations regarding to that matter.

Fidia was a very potent pharma back in the years, and raised even more when they developed a drug called "Cronassial", which became worldwide famous. Unfortunately, there was a very big scandal regarding that drug which was later discovered associated with the insurgency of a rare disease, you can search on Wikipedia. In this scandal was involved also Rita Levi Montalcini, one of Italy's Nobel Prize who associated with Fidia and promoted the drug even though she did not discover it or invented it, nor was originally associated with cronassial.

Since that scandal, Fidia was re-founded various times under different CEOs, and its goal was to regain back the trust of the consumers after the Cronassial scandal, and step by step they are now the legit 4th largest pharma of Italy with a very transparent income, outcome and capital. They are even privately held and they don't have the need to publish shitty "results" or "communicates" every new year saying the same things just to attract investors and raise money... (*coff coff* Histogen *coff* Replicel *coff*)

Brotzu is associated with Fidia only in the way that the company bought the patent for first from the doctor. Right now Fidia only is leading the hyaluronic acid market but it's expanding a lot in all of other fields, such as dermatology and oftalmology.

I think most of us would kill each other if that would be needed to even partially regrow some of THEIR hair back, even though that would mean to throw in the bin Toppik & co and to shave / have a buzzcut while waiting for the results to kick in.

The lotion dries very fast, doesn't make the hair dirty or oily after application and it's easy washable away with water only. This was said by the doctor and confirmed by all of the Areata testers I contacted.

LOL, yeah, because the newspapers are sooo scientific in their articles...
Some weeks ago that stuff about "McDonald' s" fries against baldness was in the front page of all newspapers from all over the world!
Did you forget also about the numerous scams that you may fall into by simply typing "baldness cure" on Google, even if you opened only the trustworthy newspapers' links?

@The 7TH Sense , thank you very much for the info. Highly appreciated!!!


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So the crazy results Giovanni promised years back in the patent and interviews is supposedly confirmed by Fidia (in 6 months no less). I was scared, but now I'm pumped about the presentation. Viva la Lozione!


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@The 7TH Sense Thanks for the replied!!

So what did the testers said? Is brotzu lotion really effective?

Also can you share the email conversation u had with brotzu? I can already see all the trolls(i think we all know who i’m talking about) are going to say there’s no proof of emails.


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Do you guys think the liposome delivery means the lotion will not have PG?
Sadly I am allergic to PG so I really hope they will think about people like me.

I am really thank you for your words. I think A good question would have been if Dr. Brotzu is going to present photographs before-after. I fear that Dr. Broztu will just repeat the same words as always. Can you ask Broztu if he will show photos? thanks for everything


Established Member
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I just wanted to share with you guys that recently I had another conversation with Brotzu (Giovanni) via mail, in which I asked him some questions.

He told me that next month he will be at SITRI's and his speech will be on the 14th of April at 17.15 Italian time (as we already knew).
He will speak for FIDIA, presenting the results focused on Androgenetic Alopecia.
He doesn't know about the release date / commercialization, although he is convinced it's coming very soon, but he repeats that as of now he has not official infos regarding this aspect.
He said that stability issues are solved, the lotion is stable at room temperature and doesn't need refrigeration.
Then he said, when I asked, that FIDIA's trials confirmed what he always said about the effectiveness and his first results.

That's all and I did not ask him any more questions.


Brotzu has a very high reputation not only because his father won a Nobel prize for discovering cephalosporines, but because he is known all over the world and especially in EU for his vascular studies and discoveries, he was president during his life of most of the most important teams and scientific associations regarding to that matter.

Fidia was a very potent pharma back in the years, and raised even more when they developed a drug called "Cronassial", which became worldwide famous. Unfortunately, there was a very big scandal regarding that drug which was later discovered associated with the insurgency of a rare disease, you can search on Wikipedia. In this scandal was involved also Rita Levi Montalcini, one of Italy's Nobel Prize who associated with Fidia and promoted the drug even though she did not discover it or invented it, nor was originally associated with cronassial.

Since that scandal, Fidia was re-founded various times under different CEOs, and its goal was to regain back the trust of the consumers after the Cronassial scandal, and step by step they are now the legit 4th largest pharma of Italy with a very transparent income, outcome and capital. They are even privately held and they don't have the need to publish shitty "results" or "communicates" every new year saying the same things just to attract investors and raise money... (*coff coff* Histogen *coff* Replicel *coff*)

Brotzu is associated with Fidia only in the way that the company bought the patent for first from the doctor. Right now Fidia only is leading the hyaluronic acid market but it's expanding a lot in all of other fields, such as dermatology and oftalmology.

I think most of us would kill each other if that would be needed to even partially regrow some of THEIR hair back, even though that would mean to throw in the bin Toppik & co and to shave / have a buzzcut while waiting for the results to kick in.

The lotion dries very fast, doesn't make the hair dirty or oily after application and it's easy washable away with water only. This was said by the doctor and confirmed by all of the Areata testers I contacted.

LOL, yeah, because the newspapers are sooo scientific in their articles...
Some weeks ago that stuff about "McDonald' s" fries against baldness was in the front page of all newspapers from all over the world!
Did you forget also about the numerous scams that you may fall into by simply typing "baldness cure" on Google, even if you opened only the trustworthy newspapers' links?
The presentation is getting more interesting everyday. I believe him and his son know more than they are letting on in regards to the release date, I imagine they both signed iron clad non-disclosure agreements on what can be talked about.

The 7TH Sense

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So the crazy results Giovanni promised years back in the patent and interviews is supposedly confirmed by Fidia (in 6 months no less). I was scared, but now I'm pumped about the presentation. Viva la Lozione!

Wait, wait, wait. His exact words were "le sperimentazioni confermano i primi risultati ottenuti" which immediately brings us poor baldites to think about the patent results. However, I would like also to remark that is much more probable that he intended that the conditions / directives he always gave when it comes to effectiveness were confirmed. I mean, it's smart to leave aside the "crazy regrowth" in the patent which is not even quantified exactly.
Better to interpret it in the way that the lotion can cause thickening and regrowth on Androgenetic Alopecia, based on the personal response of the subject which varies in correlation with age of the subject, how much time passed since Androgenetic Alopecia manifested itself, and the other traditional factors (the same linked to Finasteride and Minoxidil effectiveness).
I hope we could talk about "crazy regrowth" after the congress and the photographical evidences that they SHALL provide.

This is obviously IMHO.

I am really thank you for your words. I think A good question would have been if Dr. Brotzu is going to present photographs before-after. I fear that Dr. Broztu will just repeat the same words as always. Can you ask Broztu if he will show photos? thanks for everything

I am sorry, I don't want to bother again the doctor. I already bothered him enough in these 2 years. Your question will surely be answered in just 3 weeks.

@The 7TH Sense Thanks for the replied!!

So what did the testers said? Is brotzu lotion really effective?

Also can you share the email conversation u had with brotzu? I can already see all the trolls(i think we all know who i’m talking about) are going to say there’s no proof of emails.

As I already said, I contacted only Areata testers. No Androgenetic Alopecia.
I found 5 people, which 4 of the 5 were the parents of children affected with a variety of forms of alopecia areata. Each of them experienced 100% regrowth and I've seen the before and afters. 2 of them were even presented by Brotzu at SITRI's of November 2016. They confirmed the hair loss resumes after some time if you stop using the lotion. But the proof the lotion works is given by the fact that when they saw a worsening and the doctor gave them again the lotion amd they restarted the applications, the holes of Alopecia Areata filled in again.

The 5th tester was a woman about 30 or 40 years old affected by Alopecia Universalis since she was a kid. The lotion had no effect on her and she was upset because the doctor vanished during late 2016 and Fidia didn't want to give her the lotion anymore. She knew there were "fatal" stability errors about conservation, she in fact was not in the zone and had to get the lotion shipped to her.

I can't say anymore.

I'm sending a PM with a screenshot, then you'll write on the thread if I'm telling the truth.
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Wait, wait, wait. His exact words were "le sperimentazioni confermano i primi risultati ottenuti" which immediately brings us poor baldites to think about the patent results. However, I would like also to remark that is much more probable that he intended that the conditions / directives he always gave when it comes to effectiveness were confirmed. I mean, it's smart to leave aside the "crazy regrowth" in the patent which is not even quantified exactly.
Better to interpret it in the way that the lotion can cause thickening and regrowth on Androgenetic Alopecia, based on the personal response of the subject which varies in correlation with age of the subject, how much time passed since Androgenetic Alopecia manifested itself, and the other traditional factors (the same linked to Finasteride and Minoxidil effectiveness).
I hope we could talk about "crazy regrowth" after the congress and the photographical evidences that they SHALL provide.

This is obviously IMHO.

I am sorry, I don't want to bother again the doctor. I already bothered him enough in these 2 years. Your question will surely be answered in just 3 weeks.
Right gotcha, sounds rational. We will hope for the best but I think it's save to say that we can rule out that it is complete snake oil. Too what extend it can regrow depends on particular circumstances (age etc) but I'm curious to see if for instance a NW3 could have significant regrowth (to NW2 or beyond) or if that is already too far progressed for significant results.


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I just wanted to share with you guys that recently I had another conversation with Brotzu (Giovanni) via mail, in which I asked him some questions.

He told me that next month he will be at SITRI's and his speech will be on the 14th of April at 17.15 Italian time (as we already knew).
He will speak for FIDIA, presenting the results focused on Androgenetic Alopecia.
He doesn't know about the release date / commercialization, although he is convinced it's coming very soon, but he repeats that as of now he has not official infos regarding this aspect.
He said that stability issues are solved, the lotion is stable at room temperature and doesn't need refrigeration.
Then he said, when I asked, that FIDIA's trials confirmed what he always said about the effectiveness and his first results.

That's all and I did not ask him any more questions.


Brotzu has a very high reputation not only because his father won a Nobel prize for discovering cephalosporines, but because he is known all over the world and especially in EU for his vascular studies and discoveries, he was president during his life of most of the most important teams and scientific associations regarding to that matter.

Fidia was a very potent pharma back in the years, and raised even more when they developed a drug called "Cronassial", which became worldwide famous. Unfortunately, there was a very big scandal regarding that drug which was later discovered associated with the insurgency of a rare disease, you can search on Wikipedia. In this scandal was involved also Rita Levi Montalcini, one of Italy's Nobel Prize who associated with Fidia and promoted the drug even though she did not discover it or invented it, nor was originally associated with cronassial.

Since that scandal, Fidia was re-founded various times under different CEOs, and its goal was to regain back the trust of the consumers after the Cronassial scandal, and step by step they are now the legit 4th largest pharma of Italy with a very transparent income, outcome and capital. They are even privately held and they don't have the need to publish shitty "results" or "communicates" every new year saying the same things just to attract investors and raise money... (*coff coff* Histogen *coff* Replicel *coff*)

Brotzu is associated with Fidia only in the way that the company bought the patent for first from the doctor. Right now Fidia only is leading the hyaluronic acid market but it's expanding a lot in all of other fields, such as dermatology and oftalmology.

I think most of us would kill each other if that would be needed to even partially regrow some of THEIR hair back, even though that would mean to throw in the bin Toppik & co and to shave / have a buzzcut while waiting for the results to kick in.

The lotion dries very fast, doesn't make the hair dirty or oily after application and it's easy washable away with water only. This was said by the doctor and confirmed by all of the Areata testers I contacted.

LOL, yeah, because the newspapers are sooo scientific in their articles...
Some weeks ago that stuff about "McDonald' s" fries against baldness was in the front page of all newspapers from all over the world!
Did you forget also about the numerous scams that you may fall into by simply typing "baldness cure" on Google, even if you opened only the trustworthy newspapers' links?
I love you, man ! (nohomo)