It's Time To Hit The Gym My Brothers


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Well girls go head over heels for amury nolasco and he's bald?

most men don't look like this with or without hair.

Good looking, masculine male faces can look good bald.

MOST men are average and have some flaws to the face that are only accentuated by hair loss.

the equivalent is SOME women can look hot with short hair....most women don't.


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Black guys/hispanic lose less going bald, especially with a masculine face, maybe lose nothing even objectively. My black friend is similar as the guy you mention easily. Still, the self esteem issue exists and takes time to get over. No one wants an added flaw, whether it's real or perceived by others. Loss of hair is seen like that. I know when I shaved my head for my transplant, I lost a lot of my looks. I could tell the technician found me attractive with my hair from her behaviour around me when I came in. After I felt something about my face truly changed and I looked considerably worse. Not crap, not good either.

I also wonder if black and latin guys can get away with SMP more so then white guys.

I was looking at actor Ricky ... from American Gods...i cant figure out if he had some temple recession and did SMP or if he just shaves.
I mean he is HOT...with hair without hair but he is a rare I mean he is straight up like 9.999 with face/body.
Its not a perfect face like some actors but I like it lol.
But I am a body/height girl over face. as long as strong masculine jaw line, nose not too big, i am usually good if body is good.
BUT some of my female friends think I have awful taste because they like more 'pretty' faced guys then I
I do not like really 'pretty' handsome men...if a guy is prettier looking than me I am not into them LOL.
Like Robe Lowe i was not into him when I was young.
Matt Dillon--I was into when I was young.



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SMP is definitely made for tanned guys, the doctors themselves say so. Lol my ex gf had a massive crush on him. I think he's one of the most desired men in the UK. He has a good lower 1/3 and his face is masculine and defined. Eyebrow and eye distance too. All good looking guys have this I've noticed.

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yeah he is super hot...I can't tell yet if he is a good actor or has enough screen persona other than his great looks..he is on American Gods which I actually like, it's visually interesting, but it's really Ian McShanes acting chops in their scenes together so its hard to tell if this guy is just beef cake or if he can actually emote and/or have a presence beyond his looks.
If he can be decent I think he will go really far over next 10 years.

The rock, Arnold, Diesel--they all have a very strong persona on screen with mediocre/passable acting chops.

Sly can actually 'act' when he really wants to. Sly is an underrated actor--he underrates himself even I think with a lot of his choices. maybe he is emotionally lazy but physically hyper. I think Tom Cruise is like this also. Some people its preferable to jump off a building in a harness then expose inner turmoil.

One of my favorite movies was Sexy Beast with Ian McShane..I can watch that film 1000 times for the performances.


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I saw Ricky in a show on here called Hollyoaks and then the 100. His acting was not too great in Hollyoaks (lol typical, they hire mainly on looks) but he improved in the 100, while the show deteriorated after the initial burst. I'll see American Gods and get back to you. Sly can act but he got pigeon holed early on and almost had to continue to be that person. I feel Cruise is more versatile with his acting. I look similar to Oscar Isaac I've been told and I can see the resemblance myself, without those ears lol. But if I could look like anyone I'd want to look like Eddie Cibrian as a man.

I think Sylvester became such a commodity and so powerful in 80s that he went the route of money over acting skills. He is a business man and an artist--and I think business man won out most of his career. He saw himself in mid 80s as a product to maximize.
He made some real stinkers.

He made some early films (Fist, First Blood) his acting was fantastic.
I know he was obsessed with trying to make a film about Edgar Allan Poe--I don't know what happened why he never did it.

I work with actors and I think people don't realize for some it is really a struggle to expose themselves emotionally...they have to get into a head space--some do it effortlessly and just slide in and out of emotions like we do a jackets and its fascinating to see them do it...some really struggle, there whole demeanor will change.

I worked wth the nicest actor, always sweet charming sometimes almost annoyingly chipper and upbeat at like 5 in the morning...when the days he had to do the really dark stuff he was a total sh*t for the whole day...he really went off on me one day on set because i had to reset something technical and he did not have patience for it because he was so hyped up..basically he has this huge temper tantrum 80 people myself included just starred at him while he ranted and we did not say a word because we knew he was in that head space he needed to be in, no one wanted to break him out of it. He apologized to me later that week.

Its not comfortable for everyone to go down that dark rabbit hole...some directors are fantastic getting actors there and others are complete sh*t.

there is a reason why Jennifer Lawrence is 'sometimes' a good actress and other times she is's the directors. Especially someone like David O Russel who to me is like Scorses with his actors. He gets fantastic performances from them.
He gets fantastic results from all his departments I think. He loves making 'whole' moves, it shows in his work I think.
You can tell watching some Directors works if they actually love the process or it ifs more of a dark obsession and they value some areas over others.


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I know someone who worked with David O. Russell -- he said everything he does is with the intention of getting great performances. Every aspect of his films (screenplay, cinematography, etc) comes secondary and subservient to the issue of great performances. He's entirely focused on drawing emotion from his actors. As such, this guy I know says he ignores most critiques if DOR as irrelevant. The purpose of those movies is the performances, and that's how they should be evaluated.

I own the Fighter and have watched it ~3 times. I didn't like Silver Linings Playbook as much due to the ending, though it was terrific prior to the ending. A lot of people I respect say that DOR's early work is better as he was less focused on winning Oscars, so I'd like to see Three Kings and I Love Huckabee's at some point.


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I know what you mean. Some girls said they know he is handsome but they prefer other celebrities. Other girls I know really like him. Still, for me, that's a dream look regardless of what people say! These are more balanced pictures. Those dimples lol.

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he's good looking but he is not super in the world of famous celebrities..BUT some women really do love his looks.

Oscar (cant think his last name you mentioned him) he does have a handsome face but kind of a weird butt.

Its a bit feminine LOL

I have noticed this with him for a LONG time. And I just cant get passed it.

Fantastic actor though.



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I saw Ricky in a show on here called Hollyoaks and then the 100. His acting was not too great in Hollyoaks (lol typical, they hire mainly on looks) but he improved in the 100, while the show deteriorated after the initial burst. I'll see American Gods and get back to you. Sly can act but he got pigeon holed early on and almost had to continue to be that person. I feel Cruise is more versatile with his acting. I look similar to Oscar Isaac I've been told and I can see the resemblance myself, without those ears lol. But if I could look like anyone I'd want to look like Eddie Cibrian as a man.

Hollyoaks, the finishing school of elite British acting


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Lol you gotta admit, it's funny the drama. Same old plots, generation after generation. with poor acting.

First episode ever. Crazy accident, good looking guy, pretty girl in the first minute or so.

Dodger and Ziggy

Older guy almost 60 gets to date the younger women on the show.

haha it's definitely the most entertaining of the soaps. Just utterly ridiculous storylines all the time. And there is a lot of eyecandy:
