It's Time To Hit The Gym My Brothers


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Bravo! Solid points.

Side effects if there are any do subside. Most common is watery ejaculation which eventually goes away. The body adapts.

Accutane and ssri ate drugs that are horrible for side effects.

Lol at fear mongering finasteride. This drug is weak as piss.....

I have come off steroids cold turkey bla bl this and that! Nothing compares to that garbage ssri for withdrawal and side effects while on. Dick dont work , guanrateed side effect that only increases while the dose goes up.

finasteride lol

Yeah I took accutane back when I was 18 for severe cystic/nodular acne that came out of left field and fucked my sh*t up. Having experienced both, that sh*t makes hair loss look like a joke in terms of destruction of self esteem/confidence and physical aesthetics, accutane saved my life 100%.

Anyway, yeah the potential sides of accutane are on a whole other level. That drug will f*** you up for real, the horror stories from the unlucky guys make propecia horror stories look like lighthearted children's bedtime stories.


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Nocebo side effects of peace

Everyone gets the odd itch
Most people experience watery seen initial
Most get the odd ball ache

Goes away quite quickly.

Mild drug.

The only noticable effects finasteride has had on my life at this point have been the gradual restoration of my hairline and watery semen


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The only noticable effects finasteride has had on my life at this point have been the gradual restoration of my hairline and watery semen

and talking like gangster rapper

a very rare but scary side effect indeed


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Just lol at you getting a maxillary osteotomy but not taking finasteride because "finasteride has bad side effects"
maxillofacial surgery = subhuman genes.

i would sue the women I am with if she underwent this and my kid looked subhuman.

lied to me about her genetic fitness




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I wouldnt worry about it, orthandoic appliances and braces can be used to treat them at a young age.

This is the potential side effects of maxilla surgery btw:

"Unfavourable fracture lines can cause fragmentation of the bones in the maxilla and may produce difficulty in fixation and may also permeate through to the skull base producing deleterious effects like blindness. The chances for a bad fracture is more common in a lefort 1 osteotomy when the conventional lines are modified to include the infra-orbital rim or zygoma where the osteotomy may have to be blind behind the zygoma."

Yes Im not kidding. OP is having a surgery that could potentially make him blind, the surgery wont save his life and even he admits its mainly to improve his facial structure. But he wont save his hair because there is a 1 percent risk of getting a temporary erectile dysfunction from finasteride.
just kidding bro.

its for the better
Plastic surgery deals with the very soul of the patient, which is why it has been called ‘surgery of the psyche’. When a person chooses to have surgery, they’re making a decisive statement about their life and how they feel about their identity. Afterwards, they’ll change the signals they give out and the responses we give back.


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The problem is that many really can't pull off the bald look. I wish I could. I would drop everything immediately.

But luckily my hair transplant worked out and so do my treatments.
Swoopdog!! Where the f*** have you been?


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And OP, what if I do not want to visit gym?

I just want to be a normal man who is doing some physical activities but nothing serious like pumping f*****g pieces of iron accompanied by sweaty men...
I'm with you, mate. I get enough of a workout and enough male company at my damn job.

I don't need to join a freaking gym for this!


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Just lol at you getting a maxillary osteotomy but not taking finasteride because "finasteride has bad side effects"
Nope, I have functional problems because of the underbite, such as chewing problems, to the point where eating food becomes a chore. Breathing problems, as my nasal passages are blocked due to the upper jaw not aligning and because it's slightly slanted, and speaking is a mundane experience as I slur a lot with a terrible lisp, which makes me sound horrible. So yeh, I would prioritise this surgery. And tbh I'm not taking propecia because it's my choice, if you guys want to take propecia go ahea, I don't have a problem with that, but why the f*** am I getting slated for not getting propecia? I never said all of you nitwits should stop propecia cold turkey, I'm just giving my opinion that I personally wouldn't take propecia.


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I wouldnt worry about it, orthandoic appliances and braces can be used to treat them at a young age.

This is the potential side effects of maxilla surgery btw:

"Unfavourable fracture lines can cause fragmentation of the bones in the maxilla and may produce difficulty in fixation and may also permeate through to the skull base producing deleterious effects like blindness. The chances for a bad fracture is more common in a lefort 1 osteotomy when the conventional lines are modified to include the infra-orbital rim or zygoma where the osteotomy may have to be blind behind the zygoma."

Yes Im not kidding. OP is having a surgery that could potentially make him blind, the surgery wont save his life and even he admits its mainly to improve his facial structure. But he wont save his hair because there is a 1 percent risk of getting a temporary erectile dysfunction from finasteride.
That's a new one there, kudos for searching up jaw surgery problems on google and finding the article with the most worst looking title. Out of every person I have spoken to that has had upper, low or even upper+lower surgery, their vision has been intact, and I can guarantee you pussies would jump on the jaw surgery bandwagon if you had any jaw problems, because it makes you look worse than having a receeding hairline. f*****g dummies


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Are you guys finasteride's spokesperson or something? The way you'd probably thow your families under a train if they ever utters a bad word against propecia. And there's this guy on YouTube who's been well documnented about having SEVERE side effects from having propecia


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I'm merley giving out opinions and methods to help you guys, and from all of the stuff I've said, you choose to pick out the sentences where i said, I personally wouldn't take propecia. I admit I got a bit carried away responding to a member when he was originally mocking my post, but seriously, some of you are so f*****g miserable that you can't see the fact that I'm trying to help you and trying ease the stress out of your lives with some pointers, but seems like some of you guy's happiness has been clouded over the fact that somebody doesen't choose to have propecia.


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And too some of you, who have read my post and have replied to the subject, which is biding your time whilst you save up for hair transplants, and focus on other areas of your physical self, I applaud you and thank you for your reasonable replies.


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Some of you are the type of guys to sacrifice their penis in order to have a thick straight hairlined head of hair (not saying propecia would do this, calm down before you guys get your thinning Norwood 5's in a twist) and would probably loan out their wife to get properly dicked down because she's unsatisfied with your sex life, never mind that, but I bet some of you guys stand in the corner and beat their impotent dick whilst their wife/partner gets her lady parts mangled and her vocal chords execised by some bald athletic guy. But I guess you guys have a full straight hairline, so what's there to worry about, perfectly fine situation for you.


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f*****g pussies. And all of this retaliation is for the guys that picked out and slandered me for not taking propecia and are making fun of the fact that I'm having surgery to correct my underbite. Rest of you who kindly replied to my post with the answer to my original opionion, keep doing what you guys are doing, I love you guys.


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f*****g pussies. And all of this retaliation is for the guys that picked out and slandered me for not taking propecia and are making fun of the fact that I'm having surgery to correct my underbite. Rest of you who kindly replied to my post with the answer to my original opionion, keep doing what you guys are doing, I love you guys.

you mad?

I experienced no sides at all, drug is 99% safe, there were studies


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Some of you are the type of guys to sacrifice their penis in order to have a thick straight hairlined head of hair (not saying propecia would do this, calm down before you guys get your thinning Norwood 5's in a twist) and would probably loan out their wife to get properly dicked down because she's unsatisfied with your sex life, never mind that, but I bet some of you guys stand in the corner and beat their impotent dick whilst their wife/partner gets her lady parts mangled and her vocal chords execised by some bald athletic guy. But I guess you guys have a full straight hairline, so what's there to worry about, perfectly fine situation for you.
You're losing your train of thought.


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Some of you are the type of guys to sacrifice their penis in order to have a thick straight hairlined head of hair (not saying propecia would do this, calm down before you guys get your thinning Norwood 5's in a twist) and would probably loan out their wife to get properly dicked down because she's unsatisfied with your sex life, never mind that, but I bet some of you guys stand in the corner and beat their impotent dick whilst their wife/partner gets her lady parts mangled and her vocal chords execised by some bald athletic guy. But I guess you guys have a full straight hairline, so what's there to worry about, perfectly fine situation for you.

Holy sh*t he totally lost it the madman!!!!!!! funniest sh*t ever