Just bought CB. Will update here.


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I'll take some before photos in a little bit and then I'll try to document progress monthly. As far as I know, no one has documented CB with pictures (maybe on *** or something but I'm not a member there). So, let's give it an honest try. I'm optimistic because I was very responsive to finasteride and this is a similar mechanism of action. I'm just trying to avoid sides.

If I use Everclear 190 and PG as a vehicle, what proportions of those and the CB should I mix per ml?


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I've heard people are using cream as a vehicle and its more effective or something like that. Have you heard about it?


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My Regimen
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Please keep your word and do document, don't just fizzle out of existence like everyone else who promises a log of something...


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I'm planning on following up. I've heard enough good empirical data regarding CB to try it, and I can afford it, so why not? I'm impartial, I don't have any stake in this other than trying to save my hair.

Anyway, I figure I'l start documenting once I actually receive the CB so that my baseline is accurate. It ships in one day, and I'll have a tracking # then. I'm probably only going to do photos once a month or I'll drive myself crazy.


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"]I'm planning on following up. I've heard enough good empirical data regarding CB to try it, and I can afford it, so why not? I'm impartial, I don't have any stake in this other than trying to save my hair.

Anyway, I figure I'l start documenting once I actually receive the CB so that my baseline is accurate. It ships in one day, and I'll have a tracking # then. I'm probably only going to do photos once a month or I'll drive myself crazy.[/QUOTE]"

dolph whos your source how much did you pay and do you have the capability to have third party testing for verification?


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$135 (after shipping) for a gram to test. Will be $750 for 10g. Source is HengHeDa - one of the various Chinese wholesalers on Alibaba. For all I know they are just a distributor of someone else's product. But that was the lowest price I could find from a place that had English speakers. They would do $6000/100g.

A friend who works at a lab in Switzerland agreed to test it. He looked at the HPLC and NMH reading that HengHeDa sent and says it checks out but that it would be easy to fake. I'm sending him 0.5g, keeping the rest for myself in case it's good / I can start.

I have no real horse in this race other than my hair. CB is the only drug about which I've heard only positive things anecdotally for those who suffer sides on finasteride. I have nothing to lose. I really hope H&W did somehow find a vehicle that prevents systemic absorption of topical finasteride but it seems high unlikely.

- - - Updated - - -

And -- to be honest -- I'm not terribly hopeful that CB is going to work. To some degree I wonder if everyone who has said CB is working for them is full of ****. Where are the pictures? I want to end this debate.


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$135 (after shipping) for a gram to test. Will be $750 for 10g. Source is HengHeDa - one of the various Chinese wholesalers on Alibaba. For all I know they are just a distributor of someone else's product. But that was the lowest price I could find from a place that had English speakers. They would do $6000/100g.

I would rather get a good supply of cocaine for the same price. Isn't this stuff called Breezula now?


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$135 (after shipping) for a gram to test. Will be $750 for 10g. Source is HengHeDa - one of the various Chinese wholesalers on Alibaba. For all I know they are just a distributor of someone else's product. But that was the lowest price I could find from a place that had English speakers. They would do $6000/100g.

A friend who works at a lab in Switzerland agreed to test it. He looked at the HPLC and NMH reading that HengHeDa sent and says it checks out but that it would be easy to fake. I'm sending him 0.5g, keeping the rest for myself in case it's good / I can start.

I have no real horse in this race other than my hair. CB is the only drug about which I've heard only positive things anecdotally for those who suffer sides on finasteride. I have nothing to lose. I really hope H&W did somehow find a vehicle that prevents systemic absorption of topical finasteride but it seems high unlikely.

- - - Updated - - -

And -- to be honest -- I'm not terribly hopeful that CB is going to work. To some degree I wonder if everyone who has said CB is working for them is full of ****. Where are the pictures? I want to end this debate.

Can you please report back when you have the purity of HengHeDa's CB tested please Dolph?

It would be a real help to the community knowing that we don't have to pay extorionate prices to Kane and alot more members will be able to trial this at higher doses because of the lower cost.



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$135 (after shipping) for a gram to test. Will be $750 for 10g. Source is HengHeDa - one of the various Chinese wholesalers on Alibaba. For all I know they are just a distributor of someone else's product. But that was the lowest price I could find from a place that had English speakers. They would do $6000/100g.

A friend who works at a lab in Switzerland agreed to test it. He looked at the HPLC and NMH reading that HengHeDa sent and says it checks out but that it would be easy to fake. I'm sending him 0.5g, keeping the rest for myself in case it's good / I can start.

I have no real horse in this race other than my hair. CB is the only drug about which I've heard only positive things anecdotally for those who suffer sides on finasteride. I have nothing to lose. I really hope H&W did somehow find a vehicle that prevents systemic absorption of topical finasteride but it seems high unlikely.

- - - Updated - - -

And -- to be honest -- I'm not terribly hopeful that CB is going to work. To some degree I wonder if everyone who has said CB is working for them is full of ****. Where are the pictures? I want to end this debate.

did your friend at the lab manage to find a standard cb sample to test yours against it?
pls update us on this, i was trying to get labs do an ft-ir or hplc test on mine, but they cant find standard samples from official sources...


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What he told me is he'll be able to tell if it's something chemically similar to what it claims to be. I'm looking for a lab more locally too, in case he can't do it (the machines he's actually authorized to use are for larger molecules so he'd have to do it off hours). If anyone would like to help me look for a lab in the US I'd appreciate it.


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What he told me is he'll be able to tell if it's something chemically similar to what it claims to be. I'm looking for a lab more locally too, in case he can't do it (the machines he's actually authorized to use are for larger molecules so he'd have to do it off hours). If anyone would like to help me look for a lab in the US I'd appreciate it.

afaik the exams require a comparison with a standard sample... HPLC, or even just FT-IR.
Can you pls ask him what kind of analysis he has in mind?


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What he told me is he'll be able to tell if it's something chemically similar to what it claims to be. I'm looking for a lab more locally too, in case he can't do it (the machines he's actually authorized to use are for larger molecules so he'd have to do it off hours). If anyone would like to help me look for a lab in the US I'd appreciate it.

dolph is there an email i can contact you at to discuss cb related things? lmk via private message bc my pms dont work 90% of the time


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Tomtom feel free to just ask questions here so everyone can benefit.

So my shipment got held up by customs, who required product labeling material safety data, intended end use, the EIN# of my company, etc. Wuhan listed the CB as a different chemical which would have complicated things but they were very quick to supply all the forms I needed to forward to customs. For the EIN# I do have a shelf corporation in Delaware for unrelated reasons and just used that, same deal with the letterhead that they required. I made up some bull**** about the end use, and now my CB is in San Francisco's main shipping hub -- so it should be just another day or two before it reaches me.

I still do not know what proportions of Everclear (ethanol), PG, and CB to mix. Any advice would be appreciated.

As for testing it, my friend at the lab is doubtful how helpful HPLC can be without a reference. He said that it's easy to tell if it's "pretty much correct" (i.e. a similar compound), but any more specificity would be impossible. His lab mostly works with larger molecules, but he's finding out if he can get one of his friends to run an MS at the other lab across the hall - he thinks that could be more accurate. Because there is no reference -- obviously Cassiopeia has no interest in giving away their intellectual property -- we may be left with good guesses and trial/error based on anecdotal evidence.


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Made it past customs and received my CB :)

Saved a half a gram for my friend at the lab although now that he's looked into it more he thinks HPLC will be useless without a reference (which no one has), but he thinks MS might be vaguely useful for at least determining if it's a similar molecule.

I think I am going to use liquid Minoxidil 5% as a vehicle since I have been having decent results with it. The shedding was awful but seems like the hair growing back in its place is very thick.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how many mg of CB per 2oz of Minoxidil I should put into the bottle? I mean, obviously there hasn't been a phase III or anything like that, but in any of Cosmo/Casseiopia's literature, have they mentioned a dose that makes sense to try?


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How many ounces does your bottle hold?


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Those vehicles probably won't work. You should have at least used neogenic or garnier stemoxydine.