Just bought CB. Will update here.


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Those vehicles probably won't work. You should have at least used neogenic or garnier stemoxydine.
What makes these a superior vehicle over ethanol?

Whatever vehicle I do end up using, it's too bad no one has advice about how much CB to add to the concentration :/


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What makes these a superior vehicle over ethanol?

Whatever vehicle I do end up using, it's too bad no one has advice about how much CB to add to the concentration :/
It's being trialled at 5%. I would at least use a concentration of 2%.


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If you find you have regrowth, how do we know that it is not the minoxidil that is responsible instead of the CB?


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If you find you have regrowth, how do we know that it is not the minoxidil that is responsible instead of the CB?
I'm already experiencing regrowth with minoxidil (I've been on it a little under 2 months) -- I'm not trying CB for regrowth, I'm trying it for maintenance/preventing hair loss. I lose a lot of hair every day. When I was on finasteride, I didn't. So I'm just trying to get back to that place where I'd see one or two hairs in the shower instead of dozens.


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took some photos of the CB that I will post later. starting on my head tonight. wish me luck guys!


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Buena suerte Dolph.


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What makes these a superior vehicle over ethanol?

Whatever vehicle I do end up using, it's too bad no one has advice about how much CB to add to the concentration :/

If your friend is still looking for data to compare your sample to, here is a study where they characterized CB-03-01 (cortexolone 17alpha-propionate) via NMR: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2014/MD/C4MD00049H
You should ask him to go for NMR instead of FT-IR or MS

...and, if you search for CB-03-01 on google, there will be an old thread from BTT where they discussed certain possible vehicles and concentrations...


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If your friend is still looking for data to compare your sample to, here is a study where they characterized CB-03-01 (cortexolone 17alpha-propionate) via NMR: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2014/MD/C4MD00049H
You should ask him to go for NMR instead of FT-IR or MS

...and, if you search for CB-03-01 on google, there will be an old thread from BTT where they discussed certain possible vehicles and concentrations...

So my friend said almost exactly the same thing. He said "at least MS," which isn't a machine he runs, but he can ask his lab mate. He seems to think it will be very hard to do anything other than say "chemically similar." I just sent him your link to see what he'd think about NMR.

I saw an old thread with el dutasteride talking about neogenic. I just didn't see a good critique of minoxidil.

It took a few hours at room temperature for the CB to dissolve in the minoxidil. I have pics from before and after the CB dissolves, although they're not exciting - vial full of powder in liquid vs vial full of clearer liquid.

My regimen at first just to test sides: 5% solution, 1.5ml per night. after this first batch I will go down to 3.4% solution. the powder I received was very white, slightly dull, but very white.

So far no sides, although I doubt I would know yet. With finasteride, my semen got watery within maybe 3-4 days.


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hours to dissolve?
i've tried kane's and hengheda's cb in ethanol+pg/bg+transcutol (any % but eth always dominant) and both dissolve in seconds.


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Yeah. Hours to fully dissolve in Kirkland 5% minoxidil. I have some ethanol (190 proof ever clear) and PG which is the second vehicle I'm going to try.

How much ethanol:pg do you use? I was thinking 95% ethanol 5% pg


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Yeah. Hours to fully dissolve in Kirkland 5% minoxidil. I have some ethanol (190 proof ever clear) and PG which is the second vehicle I'm going to try.

How much ethanol:pg do you use? I was thinking 95% ethanol 5% pg

yes PG 5%, transcutol 2% and the rest ethanol. 2,5 ml per day with 50mg CB (Kane). Daily batches.

Btw, not happy at all tonight. It's been days on and off from the feeling I'm slowly losing ground. It takes weeks to be sure, but today I'm pretty sure it's not helping me maintain. Minimum shedding, so it's not an effluvium.
I'd also report the case of a friend of mine, on the same batch (just reported this on HLH, as well): he's a lot of itching, which can only calm with finasteride (but he can't take it). In the first 2 weeks on the new CB batch, the itching completely disappeared, healthy scalp, etc. (45mg in 2ml per day).
Then the effectiveness of CB started fading... less and less hours itching-free, until it stopped working completely.
Then, he suspended the CB for 4-5 day, started it again, and it was back working a bit.

What do you think? upregulation of ARs? unstable powder?


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With the CB from Wuhan I've only been on it for a few days but I have no adverse effects to report. In this time period, on finasteride, I had already experienced sides. So this is good. We'll see if it actually does anything.


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With the CB from Wuhan I've only been on it for a few days but I have no adverse effects to report. In this time period, on finasteride, I had already experienced sides. So this is good. We'll see if it actually does anything.

none of us had sides. the problem is it seems ineffective.
what about sebum? do you see any improvement?


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Don't expect something miraculous in terms of hair from CB. It's just a side-free, probably weaker version of RU.


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CB sounded really good in theory but in practice the results don't quite seem to match up, do they?

It's silly to expect regrowth but even on the maintenance front we didn't get to hear from a lot of people who are successfully maintaining on it. It could just be a matter of dosage but I don't quite believe there isn't someone rich enough to buy large enough doses of CB who already tried it and failed to get results.