Just got a girls number


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yo dude which approach did you use, can you remmember?

i like: Hey guys, I need to get your opinion on something. It's very important, and we need a woman's perspective. It's a matter of life and death.. My friend and I were having a debate and your answer could completely change my entire life....

Do you brush before floss or floss before brush? No one knows…
(stolen, yaaa)


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The thing about the "hot" girls is they are always in packs. 8-10 at least, it's weird. They only time they are alone is at the GROCERY STORE. How do i know this? I work at one, hot, legit girls come in all the time.

I would pimp them, but i would possibly get fired if they didn't like me :)

Green Soap

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I didn't use any approach.

She was at a party a month ago and she sat and talked to me (all 105 lbs of her - lil' stunna)..... I just played it cool, I certainly wasn't expecting anything.

Then two days ago she found me and said she was going to school in a week and wanted to hang out.

No biggie, really.

Green Soap

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Woah. We're going to spend all day Thursday together. I'll make sure to show her a damned good time...

I mean, I've been so busy with my life starting a business with a regular job on top of that and have been so driven and in that mode that I haven't dated in like a year :shock: .

So spending a nice, sunny day with a beautiful little honey is going to do me a world of good.

Anyway, sorry about the lack of pics. I really dropped the ball on that one. Still I'm not that much far ahead of baseline that pics couldn't help. basically it's all the same but I've had dramatic improvement in my temples and overall my hair seems very much alive. Just thinner over the crown.

I'd like to add copper or tin peptide and finasteride soon but I'm taking a very methodical approach as I have a theory.

I think I want to wait until I've been on minoxidil for six months before I add anything else because:

Everybody on this board immediately starts a whole slew of products at once. finasteride, minoxidil, CU, etc...

I think those products induce shed cycles at perhaps different times and maybe the introduction of all those products at once, the hair doesn't know what to do, it's overwhelmed. Sorry for my highly unscientific explanation.

I believe the evidence lies in the fact that so many people complain of overly long and massive sheds. Sheds that last for months.

People using too much of too many products too soon or switching midstream to new products. We think at 500 WPM but our hair grows like 3cm a month. Applying a hare's solution to a tortoise's problem.

Anyway, I digress. I'll try to get some pics.

Oh, and to the sarcastic hater on the first page :blow me. I've been through some awful times in my life induced by this problem just like most of you. I, however, am an optimist and a fighter.

Get over yourself. It's just like the Matrix. What you feel is holding you back in your life, while being true, is also very much a problem of the mind. Adjust your perspective a bit and stop whining like a little girl. How does this help you?

Green Soap

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Just got back from my day with the luscious Summer.

She is definitely one hot little tamale. Alas. she's off to school and I won't see her again until Winter break but we've established a plan.

Next summer I'm hiring her as my personal assistant. How badass is that? A hot lil' blonde on your payroll forwarding all your calls and looking damned good in a miniskirt.

God Bless America.


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hope you kissed that arse good bye then dude as when she lands sheill be speed seduced by all the dudes there if i dont find her first.


Teetering on the edge said:
Just got back from my day with the luscious Summer.

She is definitely one hot little tamale. Alas. she's off to school and I won't see her again until Winter break but we've established a plan.

Next summer I'm hiring her as my personal assistant. How badass is that? A hot lil' blonde on your payroll forwarding all your calls and looking damned good in a miniskirt.

God Bless America.

Until she finds your rogaine, then makes for the exit in haste.

You think you're something you're not.

You have a go at my posts and how I come across, but I've never been close to "teetering on the edge" so to speak.

Yes, I'm sure that’ll give her a great "thrill" working for you.

I bet, she's fulfilled a lifetime ambition.

Green Soap

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Wow, such scathing words from a guy who doesn't even have the balls to take his "cap" off..



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tynanW said:
gunner, f*** off

i second that....

gunner, have you ever said anything positive in your life?? please tell me...every time i read your posts, i just want to jab a fork in my ear

lets say this girl goes out with teetering and then finds that he is taking stuff for hairloss, ya..so..?

i seriously doubt she will be running for the door, this is how you see things...

please get some self help books, go to a couple of self motivational seminars or something...

its all about how you come off..a woman can sense this like no ones business..she can smell a coward and at the same time can sense a man who is a man...teetering, bro...keep doing your thing

gunner please get some help..............


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I'm pretty sure that whatever she is looking for (relationship, "fun", whatever), she is into this dude for being a little older, "mature", "different than the other guys she knows". Classic reasons.

Good luck with that, teetering. But watch out for sexual harrassment suits. That can turn into serious sh*t.


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Youre going to work with your woman??? thats possibly the worst thing you can do.

Congratulations, you've already given the death sentence to both your relationship and your work. Two birds with one stone.


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or even better......... GET stoned and then have 2 BIRDS


Green Soap

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Come on guys, I'm an adult, I know how to handle this kind of situation. Nice and easy.

I like the last guys suggestion the best though.


Thanks for the humor.


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I don't get it. I'm not a pothead, though I do like the stuff. Does "bird" have some sort of reference to mota?

Green Soap

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Naw, it means chick, girl, female. Half the guys here are British.


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It wouldnt matter if youre 15 or 50, theres an unwritten rule, and there are a couple different ways of saying it:

1. Don't dip your pen in the company ink.
2. Dont get your meat where you get your bread.
3. Don't f*** people you work with!

Youre asking for a headache down the road, but dont say you werent warned...

Green Soap

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Believe me! I'm WELL aware of all of these rules and sayings.

First of all, I am the company.

Secondly, mucho girls have been slangin' attention my way since my business is kicking mucho ***.

Don't worry guys, I'm smarter than my text looks.


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Your the boss, dude, show her whos the boss.

Anyway, I just wanted to share with you this
story. I was at the spar doing my food
shopping. Well, as I'm going down the frozen food
section I notice this totally hot girl about mid
to late 20's looking at frozen dinners. I walked
up to her like I was just shopping and notice
she's looking at frozen meals, the type you throw
in the microwave. So I ask her if that was for her
dog and she didn't even look up at me and said it
was for her boyfriend for when she goes away this
weekend. So I told her that if I was her boyfriend
and she left that crap for me that she'd come back
to find all her stuff on the front porch with the
door locks changed. So she finally looks up with
this look of disbelieve as if to say "oh no you
just didn't" So I just laugh at her and ask her if
she knows how to cook. She says a little but not
really and I tell her that's to bad because the
way to a guys heart is through his stomach. She's
laughs again and tells me she can make spaghetti.
Then I tell her any moron can boil water and throw
in some noodles and laugh at her again. The whole
time she had this look as if she's never been
talked to like this, along with a big smile. So I
TOLD her to give me her email address and I'll
send her some recipes so that her poor boyfriend
doesn't starve to death. She laughs and says that
he's on his way out anyway and gives me her email
and phone number (which I didn't tell her to give
me) and says that she'd like some good recipes
anyway. So I wait 5 days and send her an email and
tell her if she screws up my mother's recipe that
I'll have to kick her ***. She write back within
the hour and asked if I wanted to meet her for a
drink. I said that I couldn't today but maybe next
week I'd be available. Immediately she writes back
and says that she broke up with her boyfriend and
wanted to get to know me. So I write back the next
day and say "good for him, maybe now he'll get a
decent meal" That went over perfect because she
wrote me back and asked me again to met for
drinks, I replied that since she's not playing
hard to get that I will and tell her I'll only met
her for drinks if she buys. She says she'll meet
me the next day at 7:00 at the local bar. I
arrived at around 7:15 and walk right up to the
bar, I saw her in the corner but didn't make eye
contact. So I order a beer and then I hear her
over my shoulder "I'll get that beer for him" The
rest is history! now I'm hitting that ***! All you guys.


that has to be that best story i've ever heard in my life. good sh*t man. fuckin awesome.