Just Saw A Nw6 With A Solid 7 In The Supermarket


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Let's say 6'2 then.

6'2 slim white dude.


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Let's say 6'2 then.

6'2 slim white dude.

So you think tall slim white dudes have it made? Many get referred to as “lanky”, which is hardly a compliment.

Just because one bald guy look good dosent mean all bald guys do. In fact most bald guys look terrible

I didn’t say I thought he looked good, but his female partner was good looking.


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So you think tall slim white dudes have it made? Many get referred to as “lanky”, which is hardly a compliment.

Better than being short, slim, and nonwhite.

Being tall and white is a pretty good starting point. Most tall white guys I've known have never had any trouble getting women.


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Better than being short, slim, and nonwhite.

Being tall and white is a pretty good starting point. Most tall white guys I've known have never had any trouble getting women.

But that’s partly because the nonwhite people you know live in majority white countries. Interracial relationships are still relatively uncommon, which leaves nonwhites with a smaller pool to aim for.

Being short is a disadvantage whatever colour you are.


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But that’s partly because the nonwhite people you know live in majority white countries. Interracial relationships are still relatively uncommon, which leaves nonwhites with a smaller pool to aim for.

Being short is a disadvantage whatever colour you are.

That's my point. If you're tall and white you've already won most of the game. Add an average or above face, a marginal amount of effort in the gym or with your diet, and yeah you've got it pretty made.


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That's my point. If you're tall and white you've already won most of the game. Add an average or above face, a marginal amount of effort in the gym or with your diet, and yeah you've got it pretty made.

But it doesn’t fit the narrative of baldness being an insurmountable obstacle to finding a female partner. Which kind of reaffirms what I’ve suggested previously about the guys on here clearly having other disadvantages (physical and/or emotional) which prevent them meeting someone.


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But it doesn’t fit the narrative of baldness being an insurmountable obstacle to finding a female partner. Which kind of reaffirms what I’ve suggested previously about the guys on here clearly having other disadvantages (physical and/or emotional) which prevent them meeting someone.

Oh absolutely. Looks is really a total equation but it's not a mysterious one as to how it predicts dating success.

You could easily come up with a points system, where you assign points based on ratings for hard factors like height, race, age, facial harmony, Norwood, and build, and it would probably 70%+ predict dating success just from that alone.

Being 6'2" puts you in the top 5% or so of male height. Obviously you'd get a lot of points for that, just like you'd get points for being white, and those could be used to offset the negatives of the hair loss.

But it's not like once you start losing hair you can just choose to become a 6'2" white guy to compensate. Most of the hard factors that predict your dating success are set in stone, and very hard to modify in any significant way, unless the change we're talking about is a downward decline from aging/balding, or you start off super fat and lose weight.

So yeah, almost all guys have "other disadvantages" which prevent us from meeting someone. Women consider 80% of us below average. That's a losing starting point right off the bat. eg. By definition of the averages, 95% of us can't be 6'2".


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where did this white worship here come from the past year or so? Its so odd. Where are all you guys from because in the USA theyre DESPERATELY trying to turn it into a negative. I also find it odd you guys will say being white gives you points yet will also say minorities look better with a shaved head.............?

Anyway for the OP, Im willing to bet she likes his height, how tall was she? Also they probably knew each other previously or were set up by friends. She is probably hitting that age where she needs a kid, cant keep anyone and he was just willing to put up with her crazy sh*t and dump a load in her for it.


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Just because you saw one example, doesnt mean you proof anything. This is typical women logic at his finest. But I do agree, rather than whinning, go out and talk to women without being an autist (looking at you RSD people). You dont know if his 7 is a single mother and looked for a nice guy after getting banged by big c*** and thick hair Chad the last years. If you happy with that kind of women, well go for it. In a nightclub or any Dating App you are way way behind with balding/bald head. Way behind. So, would be interesting to know where he met her.


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I care more about my self and I wanna feel good and confident. And only with having hair is how can I achieve it. I know I can get a woman even without hair and had been on dates, they say I have a sexy personality. Its just that I wanted to look at best for MYSELF. I care less about what woman thinks about my appearance.

This. Sun is shinning, you having a good day and suddenlly you look in the mirror and you see your broken hair. Depression kicks in. And your women will get tired of you, feeling shitty.


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where did this white worship here come from the past year or so?

I don’t think it’s white worship but discontent from brown guys living in majority white countries who crave white women but can’t get one. As much as the multiculturalists insist otherwise, human biology still mostly predicts people to pick partners from their racial, or at least their ethnic, group.

I live in England, and I think that’s part of the reason we have an epidemic of Pakistanis grooming underage white girls. They know they’ll never have a white woman but their predatory instinct places their sights on vulnerable white girls.

But I digress.


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where did this white worship here come from the past year or so? Its so odd. Where are all you guys from because in the USA theyre DESPERATELY trying to turn it into a negative. I also find it odd you guys will say being white gives you points yet will also say minorities look better with a shaved head.............?

Anyway for the OP, Im willing to bet she likes his height, how tall was she? Also they probably knew each other previously or were set up by friends. She is probably hitting that age where she needs a kid, cant keep anyone and he was just willing to put up with her crazy sh*t and dump a load in her for it.

It's not white worship. Its just a factual observation of the truth that women love white guys and it gives you a significant advantage.

OK Cupid stats showed a 50% higher reply rate just for being a white guy. Every Tinder experiment I've seen where a white guy or model is run against a non white one, the white guy does about 3x better.

Women are highly racist in their dating selection process. It's no coincidence People's most handsome man almost every single year through their history is a white guy and almost every major Hollywood production needs a stereotypical white Chad as its leading man.

This is what sells, in multiple marketplaces. Certainly in the dating marketplace.


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It's not white worship. Its just a factual observation of the truth that women love white guys and it gives you a significant advantage.

OK Cupid stats showed a 50% higher reply rate just for being a white guy. Every Tinder experiment I've seen where a white guy or model is run against a non white one, the white guy does about 3x better.

Women are highly racist in their dating selection process. It's no coincidence People's most handsome man almost every single year through their history is a white guy and almost every major Hollywood production needs a stereotypical white Chad as its leading man.

This is what sells, in multiple marketplaces. Certainly in the dating marketplace.

maybe thats why there is such a push in the liberal society for multi racial dating? Im talking pushing women to date non white guys.
Ive noticed this a lot in some EU style stuff. Could be propaganda, you would know better than I.

Hey dont get me wrong, Im white... I love the little self esteem boost, but seriously here in the states I just dont see it like you guys must there. I need to move.


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I don’t think it’s white worship but discontent from brown guys living in majority white countries who crave white women but can’t get one. As much as the multiculturalists insist otherwise, human biology still mostly predicts people to pick partners from their racial, or at least their ethnic, group.

This is a common misconception.

The problem with being a nonwhite guy is not that it restricts you from access to white women or women of any particular race. The problem is it reduces your access to all women.

Of the approximately dozen whales who liked my most recent POF account, half were white. Only one or two was my own race. It was a pretty broad spectrum of races. I've dated women of all races. When I did cold approach, I never found the race of the woman I approached to be predictive of my success or failure in any way.

The data backs up what I'm saying too. You reference Pakistani men for example. If you look at the "Indian" category in the OK Cupid race study, Indian men did poorly overall and actually Indian women had the lowest response rate to Indian men of all races of women (caveat: going from memory here).

The point is, as a nonwhite you can't significantly increase your success too much by targeting one race of females or another.

Women as a broad group consider being nonwhite a general negative just like being short or being bald or being ugly etc. And just like any of those negatives it just reduces your choices across the board. The more strikes you have against you, the fewer women will give you a chance.

It's a harsh filtering process that many of us simply can't get through to get access to any basic quality of women, regardless of what race of women we're hitting on.


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This is a common misconception.

The problem with being a nonwhite guy is not that it restricts you from access to white women or women of any particular race. The problem is it reduces your access to all women.

Of the approximately dozen whales who liked my most recent POF account, half were white. Only one or two was my own race. It was a pretty broad spectrum of races. I've dated women of all races. When I did cold approach, I never found the race of the woman I approached to be predictive of my success or failure in any way.

The data backs up what I'm saying too. You reference Pakistani men for example. If you look at the "Indian" category in the OK Cupid race study, Indian men did poorly overall and actually Indian women had the lowest response rate to Indian men of all races of women (caveat: going from memory here).

The point is, as a nonwhite you can't significantly increase your success too much by targeting one race of females or another.

Women as a broad group consider being nonwhite a general negative just like being short or being bald or being ugly etc. And just like any of those negatives it just reduces your choices across the board. The more strikes you have against you, the fewer women will give you a chance.

It's a harsh filtering process that many of us simply can't get through to get access to any basic quality of women, regardless of what race of women we're hitting on.

Exactly this. If your fundamental characteristics (white or not, tall or not, bald or not) are no good, you just can't get anywhere. I have used photos rated at above 80% attractiveness on Photofeeler and still get nowhere. Why? Because you can't just use lighting to hide the fact that you're ****ing bald and because nonwhite = failure in the eyes of most women.
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My experience with Indians has been that they have good networks and eventually get introduced to someone through family/friends.