Just Saw A Nw6 With A Solid 7 In The Supermarket


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When you are doomed is when you are a manlet and look like a goblin with cancer.


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maybe thats why there is such a push in the liberal society for multi racial dating? Im talking pushing women to date non white guys.
Ive noticed this a lot in some EU style stuff. Could be propaganda, you would know better than I.

Is it pushing women to date non-whites of all ethnicities, or only black dudes?

Do you see a push to date Chinese/Indian men?


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As much as the multiculturalists insist otherwise, human biology still mostly predicts people to pick partners from their racial, or at least their ethnic, group.

Many Asian women won't date their own ethnic group, and will only date white guys.
Many rants on youtube from Asian guys about this.


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Is it pushing women to date non-whites of all ethnicities, or only black dudes?

Do you see a push to date Chinese/Indian men?

Indian as in Muslim yes, generic maybe Hindi Indian not really. Chinese is almost considered white to most people, maybe because they are a fairly successful society. I guess anything 1rst world today is considered white and bad..... we should all be living in squalor or we're just human garbage.
I think there is this push to level out societies by just marrying everyone off to either higher/lower groups? In the states there is this HUGE anti white guy push. Funny thing is thought, it doesnt seem to be bothering us lol. Were almost using it against them. I guess thats why some ethnicity generally prosper and other just wallow in their own discord. Not trying to sound overly racist but its just how I feel from the life Ive lived.

I dunno. Its a weird time. We're now pushing for interracial relationships, which is fine and even trashing people for not wanting to try trans relationships. I remember a few years ago me and a buddy brought the thought of that up way before it was even a thing. Now you have groups trying to shame people into dating trans people. f*****g weird man.... just f*****g weird.


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Many Asian women won't date their own ethnic group, and will only date white guys.
Many rants on youtube from Asian guys about this.

Which Asian groups? If we're talking from an area where its fairly poor they probably just hope to meet some nicer white guy who will move them to a first world country and take care of them. Its either that or their family will trade them to some bamboo farmer for a few goats. Wealthier Asian countries like maybe Japan, the women probably could care less. Youd have to tell me as Im not familiar with this "epidemic".


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Recently I was lurking some girl I went on a couple of dates with a few years back (she ended up ghosting me). tfw she is now dating some dude with a Norwood 6.


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Chinese is almost considered white to most people

That’s because they don’t cause any problems and any cultural differences they have they observe quietly, privately and with dignity. The only brown immigration the same can be said for is non-Muslim Indians and Sri Lankans.

Whether it be knife wielding Somalis, violently disturbed Arabs, or child abusing Pakistanis, it’s hard to argue this has brought anything positive to your average Englishman like me’s life. And that’s without getting into garish displays of religious supremacism and fervour, creeping Sharia, whining about “Islamophobia” in order to curtail free speech and tacit threats of violence if anyone dare mention Muhammad.

As for the blacks, whether they’re Muslim or not, they’ve turned working class areas of London into unliveable, crime ridden shitholes. With their small minded “post code wars” and sense of entitlement. As a white man whose done nothing but simply stay in his ancestral home which can be traced back centuries, I’m supposed to look past all this and celebrate “diversity” as a good thing, lest I be thought “racist”.


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That’s because they don’t cause any problems and any cultural differences they have they observe quietly, privately and with dignity. The only brown immigration the same can be said for is non-Muslim Indians and Sri Lankans.

Whether it be knife wielding Somalis, violently disturbed Arabs, or child abusing Pakistanis, it’s hard to argue this has brought anything positive to your average Englishman like me’s life. And that’s without getting into garish displays of religious supremacism and fervour, creeping Sharia, whining about “Islamophobia” in order to curtail free speech and tacit threats of violence if anyone dare mention Muhammad.

As for the blacks, whether they’re Muslim or not, they’ve turned working class areas of London into unliveable, crime ridden shitholes. With their small minded “post code wars” and sense of entitlement. As a white man whose done nothing but simply stay in his ancestral home which can be traced back centuries, I’m supposed to look past all this and celebrate “diversity” as a good thing, lest I be thought “racist”.

Eh Chinese cause their own problems. Theyve been f*****g with the world import/export economy for a long time. Kind of screwing their own people to keep their money value very low but its changing. They are just dirty financially, like most of the other first nations. Either/or, yes I would take that over what you are describing any day. Ive read (and watched) some real horror stories on the immigration issues in the EU the past few years now. I have to chalk some up as propaganda but I do the same for the left who screams "white supremacists" at every turn of disagreement.
Ive seen some info of self segregation these migrants do in schools and neighborhoods. The attacks on locals, the crime, etc etc and how they are being ignored by the officials.
Its SO weird.

Maybe these countries are just trying to import good hairline men to knock up their women and breed out hair loss???? lol

I remember my sis told me once that our brother "looks like every other terrorist they show you on tv" because of his super thick hair/line and denser facial hair.....
I would be more than happy to walk around in a bomb vest if I could have his hair!


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Eh Chinese cause their own problems. Theyve been f*****g with the world import/export economy for a long time

That’s the Chinese government, I agree they’re a problem. I’m talking about regular Chinese who come to live and work in England. They’re no problem, I would choose them as neighbours over some English people, ha!


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Recently I was lurking some girl I went on a couple of dates with a few years back (she ended up ghosting me). tfw she is now dating some dude with a Norwood 6.
@davesmith420, I think in your case she was worried you would cheat on her since you have great hair and are good looking. She figures a guy who is a NW6 is less likely to cheat since he does not have a whole lot of options according to this forum.


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@davesmith420, I think in your case she was worried you would cheat on her since you have great hair and are good looking. She figures a guy who is a NW6 is less likely to cheat since he does not have a whole lot of options according to this forum.

The whole situation was weird. She would talk to me a lot and be flirty (straight out told me she thought I was attractive multiple times) but flaked when it came to hanging out/going on a date. We went on 2 “official” dates. She was probably just using me as an emotional tampon.


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Tall and white means nothing

If you are not hairy and handsome you are the 80 percent


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Recently I was lurking some girl I went on a couple of dates with a few years back (she ended up ghosting me). tfw she is now dating some dude with a Norwood 6.

Dude that would make me depressed.

Jokes aside, does that mean when Im Norwood 6 in 5 years, I can steal some guys girlfriend? I will call my hairtransplant guy to f*** off tomorrow.


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Dude that would make me depressed.

Jokes aside, does that mean when Im Norwood 6 in 5 years, I can steal some guys girlfriend? I will call my hairtransplant guy to f*** off tomorrow.

WHen you're an ugly cuck and have the personality of sh*t, anything can happen!


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WHen you're an ugly cuck and have the personality of sh*t, anything can happen!

Nice. But dont you think its better you see your old dates having a balding men at her side, than a 10/10 Chad with surfer body and thick hair? I saw lately my ex girlfriends new boyfriend and he is one ugly fella, but with nice hair :(


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Many Asian women won't date their own ethnic group, and will only date white guys.
Many rants on youtube from Asian guys about this.
So true.

I live in Vietnam and see women write on tinder that they want a white husband.

It isn't all about money - they say that a biracial child (Asian and white) is fashionable. Also, there is massive issues with domestic violence over here and they know its a lot more rare with western men.


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Nice. But dont you think its better you see your old dates having a balding men at her side, than a 10/10 Chad with surfer body and thick hair? I saw lately my ex girlfriends new boyfriend and he is one ugly fella, but with nice hair :(

Ive web searched a few of my ex's for fun. A couple recently. I see the couple shots and their new guys (I would say) are physically less attractive than me BUT they all have hair. I wonder if listening to my bitching just made them say "f*** that, not dealing with that sh*t again" lol


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1) they meet when he still had hair
2) he is rich
3) he is the gay handbag friend
4) other not including that achieving that is realistic