No, you think you're an exception as in you're immune to making decisions without emotion, and this is not the case. People tell you you're an a**h** because you are somewhat an exception in that you think it's a smart and controlled decision to risk screwing up a loving relationship, most people who cheat feel bad about it, but you're the exception because your callous ways are borderline psychopathic.
These are clearly 2 different types of exceptions, but you aren't the positive former one.
Fine, I'll let you have it your way and say you are doing it to "gain an experience" (although I clearly think it's bull****) well you're making a stupid decision, which is not thought out, ruled completely by illogical thoughts, that could end your relationship and ruin your life (well, temporarily).
Don't tell me it turned out to be right because of what she did, at the time you regularly made this awful decision, you could have screwed everything up, and you did it on this nonsense decision, which had no logic backing it, because you wanted experiences or whatever.
Also don't revert back to "she'd never find out" when you could have confessed, like you have in the past.
If I want sex, I can just go to a prostitute, which I do sometimes.
Oh my god ed, this sentence is a brain warp.
OK so you never actually really want or seriously care about having sex with regular women, it's "nice" but you just want experiences not based on emotional feelings, but when you do want just sex you find a prostitute? Let me get this completely right, the sexual aspect of a regular woman is irrelevant, it's all 100% based on keeping your options open blah blah, are you seriously thinking this stands up as a point?
Just admit it, you aren't as special as you think you are, you had sex and cheated because you wanted to c*m inside another woman, a decision ruled by emotion, nothing else.
Logical decision making is "I better not have sex with someone else, as I could ruin my relationship, I have confessed to cheating in the past and could do so again" however this total bull**** is "I'm going to c*m in another woman for the experience, and to keep my options open (which never worked)". I don't think you can even fool yourself at this stage, and you seem to have an ability to convince yourself of anything, but at this point you're realising this is a step too far.
Cheating is an emotional, irrational decision, and that's what you did, and will continue to do, afterwards you can pretend to yourself and us on here that you know what you're doing, it's all planned out, but it's nonsense.