Here's an update, I had a consultation at a local clinic regarding this procedure, I asked them some standard questions, below are their replies :
For how long have you been treating patients with Regenera Activa?
About 2 years
How many patients have you treated with Regenera Activa?
About 10 (!) (I was a bit surprised at this, being a specialised hair clinic in a big city I expected the number to be much higher. As far as I could see they don't actively promote Regenera at the clinic (no posters or leaflets in the waiting room, they had some for PRP), though it is advertised on their website, and they do a lot of different hair procedures (including PRP, microneedling sessions, and hair transplants)
What's the follow-up after the treatment?
They measure hair density and thickness (hair diameter) under microscope at 3 month and 9 month. Regenera procedure should be renewed within 1 to 3 years
What have been the results so far?
Doctor said the patients had been responding well, mainly with increased thickness
Any secondary effects, shedding?
Does the treatment create scars?
Doctor confirmed I was a suitable candidate (diffuse thinning, not too agressive) and made it clear that while visible cosmetic improvement should be expected, this was not a miracle cure that would start regrowing lots of lost hairs. He also advised to continue current treatments (finasteride and minoxidil)
As a result I'm still undecided, I appreciated the clinic's honesty and the doctor really seemed to have my best interests at heart (not trying to oversell anything), at the same time I'm hesitant due to the low number of Regenera procedures done at the clinic : clearly it's a much simpler procedure than a hair transplant, but still I'd like to be confident that the doctor performing the procedure has enough experience with it to get maximum results