Used fina 15+years and got (VERY VERY) bad sides in the last year I used it, now use only prp (but it is not enough to work well).
Anything that has androgen effects (fina/duta etc) should be avoided at all costs (I know now). And yes also minoxidil (rogain) also has androgen effects (just check out the many people with androgen sides on
You are a MAN and you want to stay that way!
I know 7 friends that also quit with fina, some even after 1 year because of crazy side effects. Some like me took it very long without (noticing) sides. But the effects were there all along (but you do not notice it because it comes slowly. Every day a bit more.) .. Lowering your DHT or even playing with it is a very dangerous game. I got my fina from my doctor and never thought about it twice. Had to learn it after it all was too late. So dont be like me, do your resource before you start!.
There still are many many "orphan receptors" for god sake! Even doctors and pharma companies do not know for 100% what most hormones/neurotransmitter/receptor do.
So do not play with it!
That said.
Just want to mention that the prices I am hearing for Regenera Activa are way too high. 1700 is the medium price at the moment in the Netherlands
Same with prp. Who would ever pay more than 500 for that (just slows down hair loss a bit)? Here it is basically 250
People that ask way more do not know what they are doing.
I expect Regenera Activa to be below 1000 in the next months as in Amsterdam already competition is high and will pressure the price. In eastern Europe or Turkey this should be even cheaper .. People in Asia and US that pay 10K+ is crazy. Buy a ticket ..
It is a very simple procedure that does not need a lot of time or expertise. Also do not forget that you have to do Regenera Activa many times over your lifetime (maybe even 1 time a year) for it to help you .. So it will not work for the masses if its too expensive.
Also for 2k you can get a good FUE in the netherlands .. or Turkey .. So I would never spend that on maintenance treatments.
Anything you have to do daily (topicals, pills) that shrink your prostate or other hormone related organs are a too big risk IMHO, in the long-run (because a little wrong per day will be hell in a year). Same for all the new things coming like finasteride injections, Breezula, DHT-Eating Bacteria, WAY-316606 etc etc.
To me injecting good stuff once a year
(like PRP, Regenera Activa, ACELL etc) without ANY sides and "hair cloning" (transplantation type where you do not need many donor hairs) are the way into the future. The first group is getting better and better (started with prp and now RA) and the second group is expected in 2020 (hopefully without sides like cloned hair cells growing too fast and becoming cancer or some sh*t like that) and should make an end to this being bald madness ..
So there is hope
Side note, many doctors use the words "hair cloning"/"cloning", but actually it is NOT that. They just use it for marketing. The real deal is something from Japan/Germany that will be able to take 1 or small amount of hairs an clone new ones, as many as you want to get a full transplant done .. Also I am not sure PRP/Regenera Activa or transplants have no sides (in the long run).
Summery of the above:
Dont use fina, duta, sawpalletto, minoxidle etc.
DO research about Regenera Activa or PRP etc, so to keep your hair as much as possible until hair cloning transplants hopefully are rdy in 2020.
DO NOT pay too much for PRP, Regenera Activa and hair transplants ..