Also consider that the prescription that comes with the Finasteride "medicine" comes with these exact same warnings.
My view compared to those official warning (the prescription) is basically the same. I just do not believe the (low) percentages states in relation to these sides.
There is no central location people would report their sides. And the company itself has not and is reluctant to test this over large amount of customers over a longer period (20+ years). Those tests have simply not been done. So basically that number is not clear yet.
What is clear and is supported with research is that people are having sides that even when you quit finasteride persist, even resulting in law suits and judges in some countries obliging Propecia to include these sides to their prescription.
So that is not anecdotal as someone mentions here above. The fact that you use finasteride and do not have sides yet is anecdotal.
Furthermore, researche by (read it) does support the theory that larger percentages of users are negatively affected by sides. And doctors around the world are warning for them.
So the critique of not being scientific and being anecdotal is just weak at best.
Considering Finasteride compromises your emotions I guess people that get so emotional here are already experiencing some finasteride sides.
That said, yes this topic should not be about anything else than Regenera Activa (which is not the same as exomes).
Now I am here, lets give an update (after the last one monday):
This last week has not been good at all. Quickly going back to the situation where I started.
If it has lost its power I would not do this again. It has worked for me almost 4/5 months in some way. But No.
This is mainly because I do not see it as a thing I can do 10 times. Not only because of the costs (in Spain/Barcelona it is already 600 EUR) but more because of how invasive it is (to the back of the head).
If things miraculously changes I will report it here.
Anyone else that can update how it is going with them ? Also how many people have done it and how many are already not seeing it work (well enough)?
I think 4 people and all not good enough right ?