Just when life picks up, hairloss hits me


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I am a NW2. After 2 years I have gone from a NW1 to a 2. There is really really slight thinning on my vertex area (she couldn't tell as my hair is short right now), and my tricohologist has strongly recommended that I take a course of minoxidil. Over the past 2 years here is what I have achieved:

*A good degree
*In a good job
*lost my virginity, kissed a few girls.
*Was on a date last weekend.
*My teeth are getting better, straighter...Procedure is nearly corrected. Just have one more op left.
*A good social life.
*Starting to hit the gym.

Things are on the UP. But now, hairloss has hit me, just when things went on the up.

I am now sinking into deep depression, tricologist told me, if I dont do anything now, given my age at 24 (going onto 25), I will for sure experience significant hairloss. She went onto say, the ones who have hairloss, but maintain normally have it later on in life, not in their 20s. Seeing the photos of my hairline changing all but confirmed this. I can't risk it anymore, its constantly on my mind, and I think I have slight thinning behind my hairline - I can see scalp through it when I push it up.

I am becoming very bitter now, my male relatives all but escaped the hairloss card even if their father was bald. Even if they had hairloss, it hit them in their 40s.

Hate the world right now. Looks have definently taken a few points back due to this sh*t. Girls do not check me out anymore.


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Don't you think you are exaggerating?

An NW2 hairline is perfectly normal for a 25 year old dude.

The thing about chicks not checking you anymore. Again, you are past your teens and becoming an adult, women generally stop flirting so easy at your age, don't you think that might be the reason?

By all means get into treatments, but don't take things out of proportion, many users here would had loved to be an NW2 (the craziest ones an NW4) at your age


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bigentries said:
Don't you think you are exaggerating?

An NW2 hairline is perfectly normal for a 25 year old dude.

The thing about chicks not checking you anymore. Again, you are past your teens and becoming an adult, women generally stop flirting so easy at your age, don't you think that might be the reason?

By all means get into treatments, but don't take things out of proportion, many users here would had loved to be an NW2 (the craziest ones an NW4) at your age

Based on what the trichologist was saying, she was like, it has hit you really young. You are in for significant hairloss. :dunno: So normal, I don't know.

My transistion from NW1 to NW2 has been incredibly aggressive in the last year.


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By definition, a transition from NW1 to NW2 in a year is not "incredibly aggressive".

"Incredibly aggressive" is when you go from NW1 to NW6 in three years, which happens and has happened to people on here at a younger age than you.

I agree with the other poster, and would add that you really need to make a decision as to whether you're going to treat this or whether you're going to put up with it. I doubt you'll be able to adjust, so my advice would be that you have to treat it. finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral, and failing those RU, eucapil, whatever else you can stomach.


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Boondock said:
By definition, a transition from NW1 to NW2 in a year is not "incredibly aggressive".

"Incredibly aggressive" is when you go from NW1 to NW6 in three years, which happens and has happened to people on here at a younger age than you.

I agree with the other poster, and would add that you really need to make a decision as to whether you're going to treat this or whether you're going to put up with it. I doubt you'll be able to adjust, so my advice would be that you have to treat it. finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral, and failing those RU, eucapil, whatever else you can stomach.

Will treat it with a custom based minoxidil, under intense supervision by a trichologist. The minoxidil has Azelaic Acid in it + other DHT blockers.


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Oknow said:
Boondock said:
By definition, a transition from NW1 to NW2 in a year is not "incredibly aggressive".

"Incredibly aggressive" is when you go from NW1 to NW6 in three years, which happens and has happened to people on here at a younger age than you.

I agree with the other poster, and would add that you really need to make a decision as to whether you're going to treat this or whether you're going to put up with it. I doubt you'll be able to adjust, so my advice would be that you have to treat it. finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral, and failing those RU, eucapil, whatever else you can stomach.

Will treat it with a custom based minoxidil, under intense supervision by a trichologist. The minoxidil has Azelaic Acid in it + other DHT blockers.

Why the hell are you seeing a trichologist anyway? You realize most of these guys are quacks, and most of them are not qualified doctors?


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Boondock said:
Oknow said:
Boondock said:
By definition, a transition from NW1 to NW2 in a year is not "incredibly aggressive".

"Incredibly aggressive" is when you go from NW1 to NW6 in three years, which happens and has happened to people on here at a younger age than you.

I agree with the other poster, and would add that you really need to make a decision as to whether you're going to treat this or whether you're going to put up with it. I doubt you'll be able to adjust, so my advice would be that you have to treat it. finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral, and failing those RU, eucapil, whatever else you can stomach.

Will treat it with a custom based minoxidil, under intense supervision by a trichologist. The minoxidil has Azelaic Acid in it + other DHT blockers.

Why the hell are you seeing a trichologist anyway? You realize most of these guys are quacks, and most of them are not qualified doctors?

Did not know who else to see?

Bel gravia centre you know of it?


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Oknow said:
Bel gravia centre you know of it?

Only interested in getting you to part with as much cash as possible, and not afraid to prey on your insecurities to do it. You'll learn more from the guys on here.
And like the others have said a Nw2 is the most common adult male hairline in the world. No woman are looking at you and seeing obvious balding.


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^ 100% correct. I have heard nothing good about Belgravia.

If you want to see someone, at least a dermatologist will be a qualified doctor. The chick you're seeing has probably isn't medically trained.

Also, what is up with your attitude man? NW2 is normal at your age, and you make it sound like hair loss is more of a problem because everything else is going so right for you. Surely you can look at your situation and say: even though I've receded from a NW1, at least every other area of my life is going well?


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Boondock said:
^ 100% correct. I have heard nothing good about *******.

If you want to see someone, at least a dermatologist will be a qualified doctor. The chick you're seeing has probably isn't medically trained.

Also, what is up with your attitude man? NW2 is normal at your age, and you make it sound like hair loss is more of a problem because everything else is going so right for you. Surely you can look at your situation and say: even though I've receded from a NW1, at least every other area of my life is going well?

My male relatives all have zero hairloss, and I mean NW1s at 30. I will be happy if my hair stays like this for the next 2 decades, but from what they were saying it it will keep on receeding and I am in for significant hairloss. Plus my hair is thinning behind my hairline.

I have seen 2 doctors (GP) not derms, both said I have male pattern baldness.


What have you heard about the bel gravia centre.


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Is this the quack that posted "Life is over :[" then posted a picture of a thick NW1?


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cuebald said:
Is this the quack that posted "Life is over :[" then posted a picture of a thick NW1?

Nah thats gboy2k8 I believe, I wouldn't go as far as to call him Norwood 1 but his hair loss is minor. This guy also has lots of thick hair but does have recession in the corners.

Oknow, I know hair loss is a b**ch, we all do. You need to focus on the positive. With a norwood 2 at 24 you are in better shape than 95% of us on here. If it really bothers you, just hop on finasteride. I know it's scary, but trust me, if your hair gets bad enough you will give it a try. I gave finasteride a try a couple times once as early as 20 but I was scared of the sides and never stayed on it for long. Now I'm 26 on the big 3 with a pretty decent head of hair when I grow it out, but I often wonder if I had stayed on finasteride back then If I would've kept my juvenile hairline. Just pop the pill once a day and don't think about hair loss because you don't have aggressive loss and it should work great for you for years. If your not willing to take it then you just have to do your best to not let your hair loss get to you. It is minor and girls aren't even noticing, trust me.


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Nene said:
cuebald said:
Is this the quack that posted "Life is over :[" then posted a picture of a thick NW1?

Nah thats gboy2k8 I believe, I wouldn't go as far as to call him Norwood 1 but his hair loss is minor. This guy also has lots of thick hair but does have recession in the corners.

Oknow, I know hair loss is a b**ch, we all do. You need to focus on the positive. With a norwood 2 at 24 you are in better shape than 95% of us on here. If it really bothers you, just hop on finasteride. I know it's scary, but trust me, if your hair gets bad enough you will give it a try. I gave finasteride a try a couple times once as early as 20 but I was scared of the sides and never stayed on it for long. Now I'm 26 on the big 3 with a pretty decent head of hair when I grow it out, but I often wonder if I had stayed on finasteride back then If I would've kept my juvenile hairline. Just pop the pill once a day and don't think about hair loss because you don't have aggressive loss and it should work great for you for years. If your not willing to take it then you just have to do your best to not let your hair loss get to you. It is minor and girls aren't even noticing, trust me.

I want to take finasteride, but due to an upcoming op I can't. Is it worth taking minoxidil and applying it on my hairline?

For the others, I have been monitoring my hair loss over the last 8 months with the belgravia centre, slowly have been losing ground.



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minoxidil is a good option as well. I think people who are afraid of sides or are very young like under 20 and might still be developing sexually should try minoxidil first. If you feel that you're not ready to bite the bullet and take finasteride you could apply minoxidil (I recommend the foam) and you might see some great improvement. It could help you maintain for a few years until you feel you're losing ground and then you can take finasteride. But do get on some kind of treatment, even if just nizoral.


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Nene said:
minoxidil is a good option as well. I think people who are afraid of sides or are very young like under 20 and might still be developing sexually should try minoxidil first. If you feel that you're not ready to bite the bullet and take finasteride you could apply minoxidil (I recommend the foam) and you might see some great improvement. It could help you maintain for a few years until you feel you're losing ground and then you can take finasteride. But do get on some kind of treatment, even if just nizoral.

Did you start of with minoxidil first? Only thing that puts me of minoxidil is the hassle of applying it every single day.

My op is next year if I started in then stopped for 2 months (so that I can recover) will I be fucked.

Lastly, I have as you said thick hair everywhere else, front has just receeded, should I just apply it in that region and that's it, will the rest of my hair become dependent on it?


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minoxidil and nizoral will help for now, and then you can jump on finasteride next year.

I don't mean to be harsh, I just don't think you've got that much to worry about. I'm younger than you and would kill for your head of hair. Like you say, your career is pretty much set up, so if you wanted a hair transplant in your 30s you could get one easily. You may well not even need one at all.


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just take finasteride and minoxidil and nizoral and hope for the best.

if you can't do that, then stop bitching.


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Oknow said:
Nene said:
minoxidil is a good option as well. I think people who are afraid of sides or are very young like under 20 and might still be developing sexually should try minoxidil first. If you feel that you're not ready to bite the bullet and take finasteride you could apply minoxidil (I recommend the foam) and you might see some great improvement. It could help you maintain for a few years until you feel you're losing ground and then you can take finasteride. But do get on some kind of treatment, even if just nizoral.

Did you start of with minoxidil first? Only thing that puts me of minoxidil is the hassle of applying it every single day.

My op is next year if I started in then stopped for 2 months (so that I can recover) will I be f***ed.

Lastly, I have as you said thick hair everywhere else, front has just receeded, should I just apply it in that region and that's it, will the rest of my hair become dependent on it?

Yes I started with minoxidil first when I was 19. I toyed with the idea of finasteride for years but my hair loss wasn't so severe so I put it off because I was afraid of sides. I then stopped minoxidil for a few years at 21 and since 24 have been on the big 3. Sometimes I'm glad I didn't rush into finasteride at a young age but other times I wonder if I would've kept my juvenile hairline had I hopped on finasteride at 21. NOTHING is bringing those hairs back and minoxidil used to make those hairs grow back with no problems.

No only new hairs that you grow will be dependent on minoxidil. It's a bit of a hassle but honestly if your hair loss bothers you as much as you say it does then putting on a lil foam twice a day is no great onus. Just do it bro and get on nizoral as well. Maybe in a few years if you think your losing more hair you can take finasteride. But bro, do it. Every few months you come on here all depressed but you never take action. Just use the rogaine foam! lol


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(top is very stable for the last 2 years)

This is worrying me:


All I want is maintainence, if my hair stays like this for the next 15 years I will be a happy man. But I am shitting myself big time.