Just when life picks up, hairloss hits me


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You have no hair loss, but you do have BDD.

You don't need finasteride or minoxidil, you need a f*****g therapist.


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Oknow said:
I am now sinking into deep depression, tricologist told me, if I dont do anything now, given my age at 24 (going onto 25), I will for sure experience significant hairloss. She went onto say, the ones who have hairloss, but maintain normally have it later on in life, not in their 20s. Seeing the photos of my hairline changing all but confirmed this. I can't risk it anymore, its constantly on my mind, and I think I have slight thinning behind my hairline - I can see scalp through it when I push it up.

I am becoming very bitter now, my male relatives all but escaped the hairloss card even if their father was bald. Even if they had hairloss, it hit them in their 40s.

Hate the world right now. Looks have definently taken a few points back due to this sh*t. Girls do not check me out anymore.

f*** me just looked at his pics and am laughing my *** off. :jackit:


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lol... just f*****g LOL :D ("hair lose" my ***, good friend, you have something else ... :) )


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Man.... this is so funny :woot:

He's going on my list of NW1's on this site, that I don't need to reply to.

But seriously, there is an ever increasing number of 16-22 year olds coming on this site freaking about their hair. (nw1 no hairloss at all)
It's becoming an epidemic....


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peter079 said:
Man.... this is so funny :woot:

He's going on my list of NW1's on this site, that I don't need to reply to.

But seriously, there is an ever increasing number of 16-22 year olds coming on this site freaking about their hair. (nw1 no hairloss at all)
It's becoming an epidemic....

Then what was my trichologist bang on about? She was telling me how if I dont treat my hair loss, I will be bald in 2 years...Telling me how my hairloss is aggressive.

Thing is, it is clear my hairline is not NW1, it is a V hairline. This has developed recently - that is hairloss? Right.


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Oknow said:
peter079 said:
Man.... this is so funny :woot:

He's going on my list of NW1's on this site, that I don't need to reply to.

But seriously, there is an ever increasing number of 16-22 year olds coming on this site freaking about their hair. (nw1 no hairloss at all)
It's becoming an epidemic....

Then what was my trichologist bang on about? She was telling me how if I dont treat my hair loss, I will be bald in 2 years...Telling me how my hairloss is aggressive.

Thing is, it is clear my hairline is not NW1, it is a V hairline. This has developed recently - that is hairloss? Right.

Your trichologist (whatever the hell that is) is full of sh*t. That is not aggressive hair loss, you will not be bald in 2 years and I doubt you'll be bald in 10 years. You have a perfectly acceptable head of hair for a 24 year old man. It's not the same hair you had when you were 14 but so what? Take the damn finasteride, a small dose if your scared and move on with your life. Otherwise you need a psychologist.


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Jeez man, you have a great head of hair. I can't believe you're complaining about it. This is a PERFECT head of hair for a mid-20s male.


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I'm going to make a stab in the dark here and say your trichologist is also part of the well advertised snake-oil clinic that has a bell and a grave in the name...

I know three people from the top of my head (in person) who have been there and have come away from there in a panic; they seem use dramatic scare tactics to convince you to buy treatments from them and will generally convince you that you have serious hair-loss and only they can help.


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Oknow said:
Then what was my trichologist bang on about? She was telling me how if I dont treat my hair loss, I will be bald in 2 years...Telling me how my hairloss is aggressive.

Hmm I cant understand it either, why would someone who makes money selling hairloss treatments tell you that you were going to lose your hair???
No its a total mystery to me :whistle:

Ps I have some magic antihairloss beans for sale if you're interested?


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GeminiX said:
I'm going to make a stab in the dark here and say your trichologist is also part of the well advertised snake-oil clinic that has a bell and a grave in the name...

I know three people from the top of my head (in person) who have been there and have come away from there in a panic; they seem use dramatic scare tactics to convince you to buy treatments from them and will generally convince you that you have serious hair-loss and only they can help.

Yeah, see their before and after pics is what really gets me. They are so good, and atm I am freaking out because I dont know how my hair loss will progress, cos my hair has changed.

Did your mates lose their hair?


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Oknow said:
GeminiX said:
I'm going to make a stab in the dark here and say your trichologist is also part of the well advertised snake-oil clinic that has a bell and a grave in the name...

I know three people from the top of my head (in person) who have been there and have come away from there in a panic; they seem use dramatic scare tactics to convince you to buy treatments from them and will generally convince you that you have serious hair-loss and only they can help.

Yeah, see their before and after pics is what really gets me. They are so good, and atm I am freaking out because I dont know how my hair loss will progress, cos my hair has changed.

Did your mates lose their hair?

Man, before and after pics don't mean sh*t.


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Oknow said:
GeminiX said:
Did your mates lose their hair?

Of the three, only two have gotten back to me as of writing this, one of which thinks he might be receding but is not certain, the other has had no real loss in about two years.

Maybe try a low dose of finasteride or something just to put your mind at ease.


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Boondock said:
Oknow said:
GeminiX said:
I'm going to make a stab in the dark here and say your trichologist is also part of the well advertised snake-oil clinic that has a bell and a grave in the name...

I know three people from the top of my head (in person) who have been there and have come away from there in a panic; they seem use dramatic scare tactics to convince you to buy treatments from them and will generally convince you that you have serious hair-loss and only they can help.

Yeah, see their before and after pics is what really gets me. They are so good, and atm I am freaking out because I dont know how my hair loss will progress, cos my hair has changed.

Did your mates lose their hair?

Man, before and after pics don't mean sh*t.

Why are they fake or what?


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GeminiX said:
Oknow said:
GeminiX said:
Did your mates lose their hair?

Of the three, only two have gotten back to me as of writing this, one of which thinks he might be receding but is not certain, the other has had no real loss in about two years.

Maybe try a low dose of finasteride or something just to put your mind at ease.


jesus....and I thought I was the only one. What did they say to the guy who had no real loss in two years? Did they tell him he will go bald? (I take it he has a "mature hairline?"

The line I remember then saying to me:

Me: but could this be a mature hairline?
Them: No it has hit you in your twenties, you will probably go bald in 2 years.

I wanna try a low does of finasteride, yeah. But cos of OP it aint a good idea...because it means come this time next year I will have to go off it. Read people suffering from massive DHT surge due to the sudden stop of finasteride. Something I dont wanna risk, before a stressful op. I am using topical spironolactone, seem to have maintained with that.


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If you are going to go bald in 2 years, then you would be shedding like crazy about now. When you brush your hair in the morning, there would be at least 50-100 hairs on the brush every day.

Your crown looks very thick, so there is no problem there.

hair loss is unpredictable, but I reckon you should be right till you're 30. Then maybe some frontal recession in your mid 30's and crown balding starting in your 40's.

somone uk

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Oknow said:

All I want is maintainence, if my hair stays like this for the next 15 years I will be a happy man. But I am shitting myself big time.
looks like a beginning of frontal thinning though you have a v good hairline, 1 propecia, don't delay, maybe get your ferritin, b12, zinc and thyroid cheaked to be safe but deffo i wish i hair your hair character and thickness

on meds keeping that for 7-8 years is not a lot to ask
hm will probs be avalible in about 8 years time so that would carry you for the rest of your life


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somone uk said:
Oknow said:

All I want is maintainence, if my hair stays like this for the next 15 years I will be a happy man. But I am shitting myself big time.
looks like a beginning of frontal thinning though you have a v good hairline, 1 propecia, don't delay, maybe get your ferritin, b12, zinc and thyroid cheaked to be safe but deffo i wish i hair your hair character and thickness

on meds keeping that for 7-8 years is not a lot to ask
hm will probs be avalible in about 8 years time so that would carry you for the rest of your life

Sigh, haven't been able to work properly lately.

I can't take propecia, if I take it for a year, I will have to go off it for 3 months following an op on my jaw (I will not be able to eat), this time next year. Minoxidil, what puts me off about that is minoxidil dependency, hair that is healthy becomes dependent on it. Plus having to apply that sloppy sh*t on my hair all the time, is really concerning if say I have to go abroad/or in a sit where I cannot apply etc. I'm also just hoping that this sh*t is just normal for my age, and not the start of serious hair loss.

Lastly, and this is the worst thing, I feel like the battle is lost before it has even begun. Only a matter of time before I go bald.

f***, I am depressed. I know for a fact I wouldn't be if I didnt have male pattern baldness.


Heres another pic of the front, my hair is pushed up behind it, so I don't know if it is thinning or not. It has been stable for the past year and a half.