keeping your mind off hair loss


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the hairs on the back of your head aren't 100% resistant like most think. Poor surgery technique, graft dislodgement. Body rejection? So many variables.


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Off topic here, but what are the reasons for a failed hair transplant like you said Joe Rogan had? Ive heard stories of people getting them done and the hair shedding afterwards as it should do and then just nothing growing back within the year. I cant begin to imagine how painful that must be. What are the reasons for this? I remember reading a thread of someone who went to ******** one of the best in the business and this happened. Is this from poor surgical procedure, poor donor quality or something else?
Yes, i've heard about such cases, there are very few unlucky people who don't react well to transplants, for known or unknown reasons. But they are a minority. And this can happen only because of their body reaction, the surgeon can do his job perfectly. I assume even the most famous hair transplant surgeons have cases like this, but i think they refund the patients more than the cost of the hair transplant to maintain their reputation.
Oh, and besides that, the transplant can be harmed by the patient, if he doesn't follow the post-op indications strictly.Grafts can pop-off due to effort, or a very big mistake would be to wash the head vigorously too soon after the hair transplant(in the critical 10-14 days period), or pull the scabs too soon with the entire follcile, etc. I assume there are even unlucky people who simply touch orhit their implanted area, and the implant is compromised. Especially such cases happen while sleeping in the first nights, you can very easy turn in your sleep, and touch the implant with the pillow and compromise it.
Also you can hit your implanted area when getting into the car after hair transplant, especially because of all that meds tey give you to lower blood pressure who make you tired and dizzy.
OR others wear too tight hats too soon, and again damage their implant.
Actually the succes of a hair transplant is 50-50:the doctor must do its best during surgery, but the patient also must be very careful the first two weeks.
Oh, and i forgot about sun exposure, i read about a patient of a top surgeon who was a sailor, and he stayed one entire day in the sun without a hat, this after 3,5 months!! after surgery. He got a sunburn, that compromised the grafts forever, nothing grew.
Oh, and i heard about one guy who compromised his hair transplant by not using that moisturising spray and drinking too muhc alcohol during the first two week, "for the pain"(he had STRIP). Again, nothing grew.
The idea is, you can go to the best doctor in the world, if you are not very very careful during the first 10-14 days, and aditionally careful up to 30 days to not hit very hard the area, and then up to 6 months to not get sunburned, then your implant may be compromised.
And it's also bad fot the doctor, let's say the patient get back after 1 year and complains, but if he did some bad things(hit his implanted area, etc) and is not honest to admit it, the doctor is in some kind of trouble.


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My Regimen
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Off topic here, but what are the reasons for a failed hair transplant like you said Joe Rogan had? Ive heard stories of people getting them done and the hair shedding afterwards as it should do and then just nothing growing back within the year. I cant begin to imagine how painful that must be. What are the reasons for this? I remember reading a thread of someone who went to ******** one of the best in the business and this happened. Is this from poor surgical procedure, poor donor quality or something else?

the hairs on the back of your head aren't 100% resistant like most think. Poor surgery technique, graft dislodgement. Body rejection? So many variables.

My first time I had body rejection. This second time I was coincidentally on anti histamines. Some really heavy ones due to severe allergies, minor asthma and some other stuff. I think being on these helped regulate my immune system enough to where my body did not react the way it did last time.

Oddly, Im oddly seeing some strange new growth pimple popping up further ahead of my current hairline as well as in the crown area. I would love if some minor immune suppression regrew me some hair lol.

Some like fred would disagree and say it was the surgeons fault.... that a guy with 20+ years in cosmetic surgery did something wrong (plus being ASIAN! Man Asian doctors are the bomb lol). This could be true, you can never say 100% it isnt as its all conjecture but I know my immune system and how it reacts. I have multiple piercings and tattoos and have had my body fully reject these. My body pushed an entire piercing out once, literally pushed it out bu opening the skin in front of it. Ive had to get tattoos touched up after healing because my skin rejects the ink.
You dont know how many times ive heard from doctors and etc "ive.... ive never seen this happen"

Its troublesome but the body can reject anything.

I read a blog of some other guy who went through exactly what I did and he used a top guy. I sent him my experience cause he is going through his touch ups and told him to ask about some immune suppressants. Since taking my anti histamines my entire body seems to have flip flopped and I feel healthier and have yet to have my quatro annual sinus infection, bronchitus, flu and cold.


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I'm not saying it's your surgeon's fault. I'm saying that you never pick a surgeon for a hair transplant unless he's very well known all over the internet with hundreds of top results.

A hair transplant remains a surgery, and it's not something to take lightly. Pick a surgeon like ********, *********, Feriduni or De Reys, or don't do it at all.

No hair loss sufferers should take chances when it comes to a hair transplant. That's why I think my case is not an exception, or that I was lucky.

It had nothing to do with luck. I admit I'm in the country where you the most top surgeon per km² so it was easy to meet them.

But even then, I would have flown to Turkey if I needed to.

Well dont make it sound like I waltzed into joe shmoe hair poppers and dropped a few grand willy nilly. My research was pretty damn intense. I went on a multitude of interviews and searched around for different places. The TWO well known guys in my area were outright sheisters to me. I did not get a good vibe from them at all. I even made my GF come with me for a second consult just to see how she felt THEN we even did a third and FOURTH one via phone.
I dont think your are the exception or lucky at all. In honesty I think your case is what should be the norm should NOTHING go wrong. I myself must have had ONE thing go wrong which could happen to anyone. I will say the Doctor honored fixing it and was VERY attentive through the entire ordeal. Ive come to be his damn near favorite client because of the oddity it became. Ive read stories online from well known doctors where clients had issues.
I wish I could have flown to LA or driven to NY and had a top super star do it for like 30K, cause thats what they charge for what I got, but I cant. I had to shell it all out solo buddy. Also Fred you have to stop flaunting about paying for it cause didnt your mom pay half? Im not saying its bad she did, thats great, wish I had that luxury (then again at your age I was still better off) but a lot of guys dont and have expenses. Here in the states you now pretty much go paycheck to paycheck and credit for luxuries comes with OUTRAGEOUS interest rates.


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I could pay for all of it, even twice, or thrice.

I've been earning and managing my own money since I was 15 years old.

Remember I paid only 6500 US (Well 3250 from me then) dollars for 2000 grafts FUE.

I knew De Reys was the perfect combination between top notch work and small price. Like the prohairclinic is, and like ********* and Erdogan in Turkey are.

I would have never dropped 30000k as you say, but I don't where you get these prices, it's outrageous. Even ******** charges 12000 US dollars for a 2000 grafts FUE.

I knew I could have top quality work for half the price somewhere so why waste money?

You chose your surgeon based on the "vibes" you feel about him? You based yourself on how your girlfriend felt about the surgeon? It didn't seem to have worked well so far.

I didn't get "good vibes" from De Reys either, and so what? Who gives a beep about that, I knew his reputation, I knew he was acclaimed all over the web.

I got good vibes from the prohairclinic (the clinic where De Reys started, he basically made them who they are), all smiling and caring, all the while telling me that I was not a viable candidate and that I should just shave it off and move on with my life, or yeah, get a wig.

Good vibes... these are the times we are living in. Forget logic, forget rationality, and forget common sense.

It's like those HR broads who interview you for a job. You could have 10 years of experience and be one of the best in your field, and they will not give you the position.

Why? They did not feel right about you! They didn't get the good vibes from you!

I did not get good vibes because for 1/4 of the work these "well known" people I went to wanted to charge me 12K up. When I spoke to 2 NY city big names their prices were crazy as well.

Thats what "good vibes" means. I felt they were seeing me as an easy target for a quick fix and they could upcharge me for my desperation. One "big name" in my area didnt even look me in the eyes, drew all over my head and quoted me 13K for around 500 grafts USING a machine for extraction? When I asked "shouldnt using a machine make it cheaper" his answer was "well I have to pay for the machine". Okay thats not my problem thats poor planning on your part.

And if you COULD afford it then why didn't you? Did you throw a tantrum then until mom chipped in? I highly doubt your parent threw money at you for this. Some times your stories seriously dont add up. Dont forget you act like you made some big leap but in essence I remember when i first joined here mocking the fact you walked out of yet another scheduled appointment and THEN you finally went through with it. So it IS a scary thing when you know you are dropping a large sum of money on a chance.

Also price per graft there might be much cheaper than here as well. The US is a topsy turvy place when it comes to anything medical due to insurance and malpractice suits.

When i visited this facility I likes their staff, I liked their resources, I liked their utensils and I liked their knowledge about every little detail.

Thats what good vibes means, cmon be serious, I didnt walk in with a leather jacket, flip the collar up like the Fonz and high five people.


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Good to see your mother was understanding after knowing damn well she fornicated with a man in a toupee at the club before they had you.


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Good to see your mother was understanding after knowing damn well she fornicated with a man in a toupee at the club before they had you.

Seriously? These type of "replies" should be removed from the forum...


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Wow. How did you lose your virginity then??
You have to connect for sex, so how is that possible with panic attacks at social meetings??


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Fred, I know how you feel. Dad is a NW7, all my uncles are NW7. Cousin on father side balding, and my grandfather is a NW5


My Regimen
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hair loss definitely can lead to mental disorders

i remember when i first started balding i would wake up every day screaming at the world . . . . . . ****ing ****ty times


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what can you do to stop worrying about it (besides becoming an alcoholic or a drug addict) . I don't want to grow old worrying about this every day of my life.


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I try to distract myself with video games but they can only do so much...
it's an emotional rollercoaster for me each day cycling between periods of contentment, frustration and sadness


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I don't think there really is anything we can do to stop thinking about this ****. Sure we can treat our hair loss or cover it up, but we will truly never forget. Even if we wear hat's, toupee's or wigs, we will always be conscious of what we are hiding underneath. We will always have the fear of what if somebody finds out.

The only way we will ever move past this is if we finally get a cure.


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hair loss definitely can lead to mental disorders

i remember when i first started balding i would wake up every day screaming at the world . . . . . . ****ing ****ty times

YET none of the treatments are covered by health insurance???? Boggling

- - - Updated - - -

I try to distract myself with video games but they can only do so much...
it's an emotional rollercoaster for me each day cycling between periods of contentment, frustration and sadness

Video games are NOT a way to distract yourself. In "my opinion" calling video games a hobby is not correct, unless you CREATE video games.
Try to find a passion that is confidence building and sets you aside.
I always say to pick an instrument. Girls dig musicians, and people are always impressed by them. Plus you can be bald and weird and people just consider you eccentric.... JUST NOT BASS. NEVER BASS!

- - - Updated - - -

I told my mother that she was partly responsible for what happened to me. She agreed to pay without hesitation.

Throw a tantrum? No, not at all, my mother is an intelligent woman and she has always treated me fair. I was never spoiled, and that's why she only gave me half of the money.

I don't see how it doesn't add up. You see your kid going through hell and locking himself in his room for a year, you want to do a little gesture for him, don't you think?

Guess it depends on the parent. I know mine would never do it, but we grew up with zero money. Chances are my mother would have probably just picked on me over it, that was her way of dealing with crap like that. I think she believed it built character. Ive been bitching about hairloss since I was in highschool and my issues were ignored. My sis listens to me complain about it all the time but when there isnt much you can do it will usually fall on deaf ears or be rebutted with a disingenuous compliment. "Oh your brother may have hair but hes a moron, at least you have a better personality".... OH JOY, a better personality! Hoo-RAY!

Either way Im not picking on you but you have a REALLY bad habit on here of thinking your outcome is everyones option. While I believe you have to "try" before you can whine I give you credit for your initiative but I also say you were pretty anti procedure for a while. So dont make it seem like your great outcome is everyone's option and opportunity. Its a falsified reason to be arrogant.
Its the equivalent of of guys who have GREAT results with finasteride and say everyone can YET both you and I can not take it. They preach its great results because of THEIR great results but our experiences differ.


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Plus you can be bald and weird and people just consider you eccentric.... JUST NOT BASS. NEVER BASS!
Oh come on bald=excentric, this is just too much. You see bald people everywhere, everyday, by no means is it excentric.
And, sorry, but yes, personality should be more important than looks. Especially over 30 years of age. YEs, the 20's are the "looks" years, but as soon as someone reaches 30, baldness gets more acceptable. I am almost 30 and i know i didn't have the same opinion at 25, but now my hair loss starts to bother me less and less.
I'm starting to get it. It is true: if you are miserable and depressed everyday about your hair, it is reflected in your personality, and people will run away from you. Nobody likes to stay near a miserable person.
And i'm glad, because constantly tormenting yourself about your looks is not healthy for the mind, it drives you crazy, AND, some say that it can even contribute to physical health problems. We'll definitely age and die, so i think that letting baldness to affect you that much well into your 30's or even 40's is just not right. At 20, yes, it's some kind of a tragedy, but over 35, it should be accepted i think.


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Oh come on bald=excentric, this is just too much. You see bald people everywhere, everyday, by no means is it excentric.
And, sorry, but yes, personality should be more important than looks. Especially over 30 years of age. YEs, the 20's are the "looks" years, but as soon as someone reaches 30, baldness gets more acceptable. I am almost 30 and i know i didn't have the same opinion at 25, but now my hair loss starts to bother me less and less.
I'm starting to get it. It is true: if you are miserable and depressed everyday about your hair, it is reflected in your personality, and people will run away from you. Nobody likes to stay near a miserable person.
And i'm glad, because constantly tormenting yourself about your looks is not healthy for the mind, it drives you crazy, AND, some say that it can even contribute to physical health problems. We'll definitely age and die, so i think that letting baldness to affect you that much well into your 30's or even 40's is just not right. At 20, yes, it's some kind of a tragedy, but over 35, it should be accepted i think.

I meant you can be bald and weird as in shave your head and dress funky, wear different clothes and be personality driven. You will always care about looking good.

here is the operative wording of your ENTIRE post.

"but over 35, it should be accepted i think."

SHOULD be accepted I THINK.

But its not, sorry. Even well into your 30's and 40's you will want what you find to be an attractive mate. More often than not it will still be with a woman who is not interested in a bald man. Perhaps 40 on you will get luckier but thats mainly because woman who are untaken at that point are more desperate. There are always "some" exceptions of course.


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A lot of misconceptions in this post.

The "don't let baldness run your life" advice. How?! How exactly do you pull off that magic trick?

I said before I used to hit on girls on the streets before I went bald.

Before my hair transplant, how could I even get myself to do that as a bald man? I could feel it was too incongruent so of course I stopped altogether.

The 22 year old slick bald man talking to the 18 year old hottie at the bus stop, yeah no, didn't want to inflict that to those poor girls.

Then there is the, "At 35 I won't care anymore." Mark my words: you will care! You will always care. You're on this forum. My father is 53 and still can't let go of his hair piece. My 86 year old grandfather talked to me about whitening his teeth.

Caring about your appearance never stops, not at 35, not a 60, not at 80, unless you actively stop caring and become fat, bald and take up poor hygiene habits.

Hmm, you may be right, but why do you speak in the name of all men?
Why do you consider you know what everybody thinks/hoe everybody feels, just because YOU DID?
Don't you think it's not right?
"Caring about your appearance"=YES, OF COURSE! A normal person cares about what he can DO about his appearance.For example, if a person cares for his appearance, he doesn't eat excessively until he gets 120 kg. OR he doesn't neglect, for example, taking care of his teeth.
But with baldness, something you can have little control on, it's not the same.
I never said everything abot bad hygiene, i don't know why are you deforming what i said.
Ok, maybe your dad doesn't accept baldness even at 53, that doesn't mean every man doesn't. It's a logic flaw.
I didn't say every man can accept his baldness, or does it.But i think the ones who do, have a much better quality of life, and i think, are more powerful.
And i understand your father. When wearing a piece for 30 years, it's clear that he can't simply drop it overnight.

And, can you try "in my opinion, you are not right here and there". Why do you come like you're a universal judge, you know everything?
There are people and people. Some accept their bald head even at 25, others obsess about it even at 60.
Why do you think everybody must think the same (as yourself)?