Life After Nw3: Hell Or Merely Purgatory?


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I don't get rejected because I don't try anymore. Every girl I've dated in the past has been into me (not to sound like a prick), so i've never had a fear of rejection. Now, I just absoultely hate my self image. I can't look in the mirror. I can't even walk outside without a hat. Dating / sleeping with women is not even an interest any more.

Sometimes I wish this was my situation instead of having a girlfriend through my balding process .. now I'm gunna have someone who feels obligated to stay with me after she's no longer attracted to me.


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Sometimes I wish this was my situation instead of having a girlfriend through my balding process .. now I'm gunna have someone who feels obligated to stay with me after she's no longer attracted to me.

yeah man, I personally couldn't do it. I was dating a knock out last year when the horrendous finasteride induced hair loss kicked in full force. I had to end it immediately. I simply can't wake up in the morning, see my sink covered in 200 hairs, walk out the door with the feeling of termites gnawing at my decaying f*****g flesh and then simply go about eating f*****g crepes at a restaurant filled with happy suburban f*** tards, all primed and pampered and giggling like a bunch of f*****g *** faced b**ch monkeys. f*** that.


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Sometimes I wish this was my situation instead of having a girlfriend through my balding process .. now I'm gunna have someone who feels obligated to stay with me after she's no longer attracted to me.

oh... and I am sorry to hear that. Maybe she will still love you when you're bald or something. ;) seriously though, I am sorry man. I saw your other post about finasteride not really working and I couldn't sympathize with you more. It's a f*****g perpetual nightmare brother.


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yeah man, I personally couldn't do it. I was dating a knock out last year when the horrendous finasteride induced hair loss kicked in full force. I had to end it immediately. I simply can't wake up in the morning, see my sink covered in 200 hairs, walk out the door with the feeling of termites gnawing at my decaying f*****g flesh and then simply go about eating f*****g crepes at a restaurant filled with happy suburban f*** tards, all primed and pampered and giggling like a bunch of f*****g *** faced b**ch monkeys. f*** that.

Lmfao you did it again man. Having a terrible night as I'm sure you could tell and still made me laugh about our shitty *** situations.

I keep debating dumping her simply cause it's not fair to her. I don't know what to do anymore.



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Lmfao you did it again man. Having a terrible night as I'm sure you could tell and still made me laugh about our shitty *** situations.

I keep debating dumping her simply cause it's not fair to her. I don't know what to do anymore.


well, thanks man! that was nice. Yeah, I just 100% totally know what you're going through right now. Dragging a girl through this nightmare seems so wrong. I don't fully know your situation with her, but understand that when someone cares about you enough, they would much rather be "dragged" through it, then without you. Perhaps she really does care about you that much. Perhaps not.

You know the feeling man. When you are REALLY into a girl. You find everything about her attractive. Her personality, face, body, laughter, humility, etc... Now imagine if she was vulnerable and human enough to expose such a weakness and sadness you have right now. You would want to make it work. Not sure if this is your situation, but if it is, BEFORE you leave her, open up, expose everything and try to make it work. If it doesn't? oh well, it would have ended anyways.


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Lmfao you did it again man. Having a terrible night as I'm sure you could tell and still made me laugh about our shitty *** situations.

I keep debating dumping her simply cause it's not fair to her. I don't know what to do anymore.



If she really loves your going to crush her.


My Regimen
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If she really loves your going to crush her.

I have a feeling you're a really sweet, sentimental girl (WHITE KNIGHT ALERT).. anyways, that's nice and offers another perspective to the forum. KO21 if you feel up to it, disclose some info about how close you two are. Do you live together? Are you very intimate? Do you love her? If so, Hair blues is right. If it's just a casual thing, save your pride and drop her off on a dirt road in the middle of the country side.


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If she really loves your going to crush her.

i know I can't. But I'm going to have the talk with her soon. Ive been hiding the concealer from her and she thinks the medication is working when it's not .. so I need to come clean. Tell her and show her how bad it is and where it's going. I'm going to give her the out, she won't take it. But I feel like I have to at least give her the opportunity to get away from me and this disease.


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Then we'll have to name ourselves AA Anonymous or maybe Triple Follicular Threat?
It'll be a big jam band of baldites with tons of collaborating musicians
and back up singers straight from the files of :cool:

or how about, "the big three" ;)


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i know I can't. But I'm going to have the talk with her soon. Ive been hiding the concealer from her and she thinks the medication is working when it's not .. so I need to come clean. Tell her and show her how bad it is and where it's going. I'm going to give her the out, she won't take it. But I feel like I have to at least give her the opportunity to get away from me and this disease.

ugh, that feeling in your stomach when you're building up the courage to actually show your girlfriend your situation.


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ugh, that feeling in your stomach when you're building up the courage to actually show your girlfriend your situation.
View attachment 43949
Yup. I've been feeling sick to my stomach regarding my whole hairloss aggression the past month or two. I turned 26 and BOOM overdrive!

Regarding me and my girlfriend we have been together 3 years. We plan on staying together and have talked about getting place together in the next few years. Don't live together currently. She's head over heels for me. Like crazy.

She's younger than me by 4 years though so I feel like she might not understand the gravity of the hairloss thing. And a 22 year old bomb shell like her doesn't deserve a bald boyfriend.. it hurts inside knowing this is happening not only to me but to her as well.

I'm a vain person. I work out constantly and eat healthy. And this hairloss I have no control over. It's worse daily and getting harder to hide. I was out of toppik one day and have an anxiety attack and drove around for hours until I found more. I can't believe the meds don't work. I'm toast.


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My Regimen
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Yup. I've been feeling sick to my stomach regarding my whole hairloss aggression the past month or two. I turned 26 and BOOM overdrive!

Regarding me and my girlfriend we have been together 3 years. We plan on staying together and have talked about getting place together in the next few years. Don't live together currently. She's head over heels for me. Like crazy.

She's younger than me by 4 years though so I feel like she might not understand the gravity of the hairloss thing. And a 22 year old bomb shell like her doesn't deserve a bald boyfriend.. it hurts inside knowing this is happening not only to me but to her as well.

I'm a vain person. I work out constantly and eat healthy. And this hairloss I have no control over. It's worse daily and getting harder to hide. I was out of toppik one day and have an anxiety attack and drove around for hours until I found more. I can't believe the meds don't work. I'm toast.

Ugh dont crush her little heart lol. 22 and she's in love, you feel so bonded at that age.


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Yup. I've been feeling sick to my stomach regarding my whole hairloss aggression the past month or two. I turned 26 and BOOM overdrive!

Regarding me and my girlfriend we have been together 3 years. We plan on staying together and have talked about getting place together in the next few years. Don't live together currently. She's head over heels for me. Like crazy.

She's younger than me by 4 years though so I feel like she might not understand the gravity of the hairloss thing. And a 22 year old bomb shell like her doesn't deserve a bald boyfriend.. it hurts inside knowing this is happening not only to me but to her as well.

I'm a vain person. I work out constantly and eat healthy. And this hairloss I have no control over. It's worse daily and getting harder to hide. I was out of toppik one day and have an anxiety attack and drove around for hours until I found more. I can't believe the meds don't work. I'm toast.

You don't come across as vain KO21,
actually you sound like the majority of the members here who
understandably miss what it feels like to feel their best.
As a fellow male pattern baldness sufferer who is riddled with his own heavy set of baggage,
I also know how tough this is for those close to us who can sympathize at best,
but will probably never understand the profound personal aftershock caused by male pattern baldness .
Hang in there and don't give up.


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Ugh dont crush her little heart lol. 22 and she's in love, you feel so bonded at that age.

Yeah this can be a real conflict if/when the hair loss PTSD fully kicks in.
These symptoms can figuratively suck the oxygen out of the poor sufferer
and selfishly rob the attention/energy from areas of their life that require regular
nurturing eg: friendship(s).If their is a strong mutual bond and desire to be together now,
then 'now' is what I would try my best to focus on and let tomorrow worry about itself.


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Over the last few months, my NW3 has diffused to the point where it's getting harder and harder to make my chosen hairstyle look good. I think it's a combination of stress and my more erratic lifestyle, which has seen me become more uneven in my minoxidil application. It's always been see-through but the gaps are widening and it looks messy when I comb it to the side.

It's taking a big toll mentally. It is on my mind 24/7 and negatively affecting my productivity at work.

At this point, I'm unsure whether any of it will grow back, and so I've started preparing myself mentally for a short haircut or a buzz. I'm getting a hair hair transplant early next year, so I will have to go there eventually.

I've written before how I've buzzed and eventually bicced and was very displeased with how it looked. I felt it knocked me down from an 8 to a 3/4. However, there were other external factors involved that could have contributed to the negative effect.

I will have to go to work with this haircut and cannot withdraw myself from society. People will essentially see me go from a full head of bad hair to nearly bald. Including someone I'm dating. I've already prepared her for it but I'm still uncertain whether she'll be able to handle the shock.

For those who have undergone this kind of change: What can I reasonably expect in the transition? What kind of reactions will I get? How did you feel mentally after doing it? The input will be very valuable to me as I go back and forth on this decision.
I hate to break it to you but the reactions are going to mostly be negative especially considering people aren't going to used to seeing you bald. Once you hit Norwood 4, the world around you starts treating you much differently. I was a Norwood 4 for a solid year and it was definitely tough. Don't be surprised if the girl you are seeing drops you, for better or for worse.


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I forgot about my bald days, I guess my mind is trying to erase the memories of myself as a slick NW5.

But if you dig up my posts from early 2014, you'll see me describe my situation as "hell on earth".

So there's your answer I guess.
Couldn't have said it better! Being a Norwood 4 or 5 at 24 years old is hell on Earth to put it lightly especially when you are in college around thousands of kids your own age.


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My Regimen
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I can't believe the meds don't work. I'm toast.

Time to make the jump to dutasteride perhaps? That's my plan the second I notice more loss on finasteride


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Yup. I've been feeling sick to my stomach regarding my whole hairloss aggression the past month or two. I turned 26 and BOOM overdrive!

Regarding me and my girlfriend we have been together 3 years. We plan on staying together and have talked about getting place together in the next few years. Don't live together currently. She's head over heels for me. Like crazy.

She's younger than me by 4 years though so I feel like she might not understand the gravity of the hairloss thing. And a 22 year old bomb shell like her doesn't deserve a bald boyfriend.. it hurts inside knowing this is happening not only to me but to her as well.

I'm a vain person. I work out constantly and eat healthy. And this hairloss I have no control over. It's worse daily and getting harder to hide. I was out of toppik one day and have an anxiety attack and drove around for hours until I found more. I can't believe the meds don't work. I'm toast.


f*****g do it. Put that sh*t on your head. It's your last hope. Finasteride didn't work for me either. Check my success story thread.