Women of all ages love bald men. You have to have a certain swag or confidence about yourself. That's what attracts women.
Dude, overcoming hairloss can be challenging, but it's definitely doable. I'll be the first to say it sucks, especially when I see someone my age (46) with a full head of hair. Women of all ages love bald men. You have to have a certain swag or confidence about yourself. That's what attracts women. It also doesn't hurt if you are in shape and dress nicely. So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, work on yourself. Get a new wardrobe, get into shape (if you're not already), work on your confidence. Also, grow some facial hair and MAKE SURE ITS TRIMMED AND NEAT AT ALL TIMES! Lastly, buy different colognes. Women LOVE men that smell good. Make sure you don't take a bath in the stuff though. Seriously, nothing is worth taking your life or hurting yourself over, especially something that you can't really control. Just make the most of it. There are SOOOO many women out the that don't care if you're bald or have hair down to your @ss. All that matters to them is how you treat them. Those are the ones you want to find and trust me, those are the ones you really want anyway. Good luck man and take care of yourself.
Dude, overcoming hairloss can be challenging, but it's definitely doable. I'll be the first to say it sucks, especially when I see someone my age (46) with a full head of hair. Women of all ages love bald men. You have to have a certain swag or confidence about yourself.
No. Just no.
No. Just no.
Dude, overcoming hairloss can be challenging, but it's definitely doable. I'll be the first to say it sucks, especially when I see someone my age (46) with a full head of hair. Women of all ages love bald men. You have to have a certain swag or confidence about yourself. That's what attracts women. It also doesn't hurt if you are in shape and dress nicely. So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, work on yourself. Get a new wardrobe, get into shape (if you're not already), work on your confidence. Also, grow some facial hair and MAKE SURE ITS TRIMMED AND NEAT AT ALL TIMES! Lastly, buy different colognes. Women LOVE men that smell good. Make sure you don't take a bath in the stuff though. Seriously, nothing is worth taking your life or hurting yourself over, especially something that you can't really control. Just make the most of it. There are SOOOO many women out the that don't care if you're bald or have hair down to your @ss. All that matters to them is how you treat them. Those are the ones you want to find and trust me, those are the ones you really want anyway. Good luck man and take care of yourself.
Lemme guess, you're about an NW2 whose hair loss just became noticeable recently. We get these kinds of people on here all the time. It's ALWAYS the people with the most minimal hair loss (the ones whose hair loss is barely noticeable) telling us to spice up our wardrobe, get in shape, have confidence, and not worry about our hair. They've never even been close to being bald themselves so they have no clue what it is like to suffer from extensive, noticeable hair loss.
So stating facts and scientific evidence is negative? How so? In fact, what I'm saying is quite positive, as I'm saying that if you're a girl's type, she won't care much about you going bald.
I'm very well thank you. I've just got my masters degree a few days ago, so I think I'm focusing on things that are important. All while working a full time job and taking care of my girlfriend and social life.
And most importantly all while battling with male pattern baldness.
What have you been doing?
So you wouldn't give a bald dude a chance. That's effed up, but thanks for your honesty.
Fred doesn't come across as negative, at least not to me. "Negative" is a word I would more associate with the "**** my life" posts that pop up here periodically, where the poster is looking to vent more than anything and cannot really put the despair into perspective.
His points about positive thinking and cognitive dissonance hit especially home for me. This mode of thinking was an incredibly destructive force throughout my childhood and early adulthood.
Basically, my story is that I was a sensitive and imaginative child who was very easy to bully, and eventually became depressed, anxious and isolated due to rejection from my peers. Over a span of time from my early teens to mid-20s, my hygiene, social skills and general appearance all deteriorated massively as I sought refuge in junk food and video games. I was a joke. In retrospect, I see that I missed out on basically every reason people would usually have to be nostalgic about this period in their life.
Instead of helping me confront these problems, my parents continually encouraged the "positive thinking" line, on the advice of therapists, to alleviate my anxiety: “your peers aren’t rejecting you, you are just too anxiousâ€, “don’t care too much about how you look, that’s not what important when it comes to girls/friendsâ€, “it’s all about your attitude, just keep your chin up and smile†et.c. And like Fred says, what comes out of the thought processes that follow this kind of advice is not real confidence at all. I can tell you first-hand that it is something very different from that.
I have since adopted a pragmatic and skeptical worldview, not much unlike Fred’s, and it has served me extremely well in all regards – I now have a very well-paying job thanks mostly to decisions I have made based on it.
This worldview serves me well because it allows me to better distinguish what should be the case, or what I want to be the case, from what actually is. And through that, I am able to build confidence gradually, since I now sense intuitively that others perceive me the same way I perceive myself.
It shouldn’t be the case that something as purely cosmetic as hair, and the loss thereof, decides a huge part of your worth as a human being in the eyes of others. Yet I and other people here observe, time and time again that it actually does. Everything I have seen shows me that you absolutely cannot will this out of existence through positive thinking. It is real, it is there and has nothing to do with your mindset or attitude.
No, the only thing you can do, other than doing something about the hair loss itself, is to change what you consider an acceptable outcome for yourself. I absolutely refused to do that, am very glad I did, and so should any balding man with a shred of self-respect left.
Sorry for the long rant. I just feel very strongly about this.
I didn't say that. But if I was given the choice between two men, similar in all ways except hair, one NW1 and one bald, of course I'd choose the NW1.
This doesn't mean I wouldn't give a bald man a chance, I have even dated a balding man before.
Given the option everyone would pick the best partner, that's just human behavior.