Losing When You Are Already Bald = Hell


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I have been having trouble playing this game recently and man oh f*****g man does it make me absolutely goddamn f*****g angry and insanely sad when i lose

i was ok back when i had hair. even if i lost at a game or anything i still had something to fall back on.

but now the rage and sadness are just overwhelming. i feel entirely worthless losing when im bald

i honestly felt like stabbing myself or someone else. i was thinking this state of mind, one of ACTUALLY not being good enough are the root f*****g cause of evill

it glitches your brain and creates meltdowns
life is a competition and when you lose theres absolutely no point in going on

its sad because i love video games and other forms of competition, but baldness just keeps me from doing any of it.

i think deep down everyone knows winning and being the best are the purpose of life. any sort of life goal is being the best or winning in some form

getting a nice job (beating other aplicants), getting the girl (beating other suitors), etc.

man oh man its actually f*****g so depressing thinking about life is all about winning. no one wants to be the ugly dumb loser who sucks at everything. its such a horrible thing that we dont even wanna think about it

baldness is so goddamn depressing because its a big step towards being that ultimate ugly dumb loser, which as i just said is the undeniably worst possible thing that can happen


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lol f*** i honestly havent raged about baldness in a while but i guess its still there in the back of my head

on a related note god i hope matrix level VR comes out in our lifetimes

many if not most competitions are zero sum so someone will always be the loser :(. if we get VR everyone can be the best. and ofc that wud fix baldness too so i definitely support VR research as an alternative to baldness research


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I feel ya mate.

Yup, life is basically one big competition, with looks being a major component in your overall success. Hair loss puts a HUGE dent in that component and if you can't compensate with other features/attributes - GAME OVER.

What game are you playing BTW?


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Being good or bad at video games is irrelevant, it doesn't yield any value the same way landing the hottest girl or the most interesting job. The benefits exist only within the simulated reality of the video game.

Don't take it so seriously. If you're playing online there will always be a 12 year-old Korean kid with more time on his hand and a faster computer who can cripple you at the game.

Just play for fun, and if the game is too hard, play another game.


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Although I do not play many video games, I see where you are coming from.
I know a certain amount of people who have a very good body image, and are conscious about it. If everything else fails, they have their own attractiveness. It will take them somewhere. They know it usually does.

When you don't like what you see in the mirror, you have like a feeling that you owe it to yourself that you have to do more and be better in some other department.

And when you can't be better, what do you do?

It takes a lot of "Zen exercise" to exit this loop.


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lol f*** i honestly havent raged about baldness in a while but i guess its still there in the back of my head

on a related note god i hope matrix level VR comes out in our lifetimes

many if not most competitions are zero sum so someone will always be the loser :(. if we get VR everyone can be the best. and ofc that wud fix baldness too so i definitely support VR research as an alternative to baldness research

I'm also looking forward to what Virtual Reality brings, especially if it gets to Matrix level (doubt it will in our lifetimes though).

That Guy

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I actually work, on a contract basis, in the video game industry and people are always shocked when I tell them that I don't play many video games myself these days and when I do, it's on the easy difficulty. Difficult games like Ninja Gaiden and f*****g Dark Souls just irritate and bore the crap outta me. Right now, I'm playing through the Witcher series and loving it for the story and of course, music.

When I was a teenager, I pretty much mastered Street Fighter - I would hand you your own a**h** all week long with Chun Li. I tried to play SFV, but just couldn't find the patience or dedication and being able to pull off an impressive combo no longer fills me with any sense of accomplishment. I also tried to revisit some games from my childhood, but discovered that reality destroyed the childlike sense of imagination required to really put myself in the game's now badly aged, limited world.

I'll always love video games as an entertainment and storytelling medium, but I just can't bring myself to give even the beginnings of a sh*t about "gitting gud".


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I actually work, on a contract basis, in the video game industry and people are always shocked when I tell them that I don't play many video games myself these days and when I do, it's on the easy difficulty. Difficult games like Ninja Gaiden and f*****g Dark Souls just irritate and bore the crap outta me. Right now, I'm playing through the Witcher series and loving it for the story and of course, music.

When I was a teenager, I pretty much mastered Street Fighter - I would hand you your own a**h** all week long with Chun Li. I tried to play SFV, but just couldn't find the patience or dedication and being able to pull off an impressive combo no longer fills me with any sense of accomplishment. I also tried to revisit some games from my childhood, but discovered that reality destroyed the childlike sense of imagination required to really put myself in the game's now badly aged, limited world.

I'll always love video games as an entertainment and storytelling medium, but I just can't bring myself to give even the beginnings of a sh*t about "gitting gud".
i agree. i dont see the point in a game being hard for its own sake. it takes away the rewarding factor

and i agree also its harder to put myself into fantasy type games nowadays. thats why ive been playing forza motorsports, a realistic racing game. no disbelief suspension needed

getting good mainly comes in when you really like the game, which i do with forza. its just depressing as f*** losing.


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Being good or bad at video games is irrelevant, it doesn't yield any value the same way landing the hottest girl or the most interesting job. The benefits exist only within the simulated reality of the video game.

Don't take it so seriously. If you're playing online there will always be a 12 year-old Korean kid with more time on his hand and a faster computer who can cripple you at the game.

Just play for fun, and if the game is too hard, play another game.
speak for yourself

id much rather be god mode at a game (or really any competitive thing i like) than get a gf. you actively show you are the best with a game, and its intrinsically rewarding

getting a gf you dont get the mastery feeling at all like zircon said. thats just being rewarded for your genetics. boring and passive

the interesting job sounds goood though. you actively show your superiority instead of passive reward like the gf

and zircon i didnt really like programming so i dont wanna do it anymore. i only took one class in it.


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I play a lot of videogames in my free time, so that I don't have to think about my life and my appearance.
Distractions are important to help keep your mental focus more productive things even if it means playing a video game. You are becoming more popular on here so your life is moving in a positive direction. Exodus had to take "baby steps" too. Now, he has evolved into a much more positive person so I have hope for you too.


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Distractions are important to help keep your mental focus more productive things even if it means playing a video game. You are becoming more popular on here so your life is moving in a positive direction. Exodus had to take "baby steps" too. Now, he has evolved into a much more positive person so I have hope for you too.

You're very supportive, Doctor, as always. Thank you. I really appreciate it.


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Sucks to hear that, Exo. You got dealt a terrible, massively life-changing card and there's no way around it. I won't try to talk you out of those feelings.

I've told you before, but have you considered investing your free time in becoming proficient at programming? You have brains and time, that is something you genuinely can become really good at and get a sense of mastery from. Work on open source projects and the like. You won't lack for money later if you put in the work now.

I am quite decent programmer and was interested in it a lot.


One and half years ago when I started to realise my subhumanity (balding and other features) I felt to strong depression. I NEVER was depressed before. Since that time I cannot properly concentrate on my job let alone some pet projects... Every time I sit and starting programming bad thoughts comes to my mind about lost possibilities because of baldness or aspie, that I waste my time on the f*****g programming. It takes a lot of effort to keep work I still can do some 10h+ sessions sometimes when "on the flow".

Starting to learn programming in my or Exo condition is pointless because it needs concentration but you lost it every time you pass a mirror in a bathroom.

I lost almost f*****g 2 years because of this mental condition and do not know what to do.


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I have been having trouble playing this game recently and man oh f*****g man does it make me absolutely goddamn f*****g angry and insanely sad when i lose

i was ok back when i had hair. even if i lost at a game or anything i still had something to fall back on.

but now the rage and sadness are just overwhelming. i feel entirely worthless losing when im bald

i honestly felt like stabbing myself or someone else. i was thinking this state of mind, one of ACTUALLY not being good enough are the root f*****g cause of evill

it glitches your brain and creates meltdowns
life is a competition and when you lose theres absolutely no point in going on

its sad because i love video games and other forms of competition, but baldness just keeps me from doing any of it.

i think deep down everyone knows winning and being the best are the purpose of life. any sort of life goal is being the best or winning in some form

getting a nice job (beating other aplicants), getting the girl (beating other suitors), etc.

man oh man its actually f*****g so depressing thinking about life is all about winning. no one wants to be the ugly dumb loser who sucks at everything. its such a horrible thing that we dont even wanna think about it

baldness is so goddamn depressing because its a big step towards being that ultimate ugly dumb loser, which as i just said is the undeniably worst possible thing that can happen
Exodus, I notice your posts have become more articulate. You might want to think about channeling some of those rants into a book based about your thoughts. I know all us would be supportive to promote your book. And Zircon could certainly help you. Who knows maybe some video game programmer could make it into a video game. If I had the time and discipline, I would some how take the material from this forum and convert it into a book that could be made into a movie. I always liked USA networks slogan:"Characters welcome". We certainly have enough "characters" on here to write a book.


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Exodus, I notice your posts have become more articulate. You might want to think about channeling some of those rants into a book based about your thoughts. I know all us would be supportive to promote your book. And Zircon could certainly help you. Who knows maybe some video game programmer could make it into a video game. If I had the time and discipline, I would some how take the material from this forum and convert it into a book that could be made into a movie. I always liked USA networks slogan:"Characters welcome". We certainly have enough "characters" on here to write a book.
lol thanks for the compliment. honestly i have been studying the way Zircon posts and just mentally trying to make the way i think more efficient. i mean wording things well even helps in your head, it makes your thinking more efficient i feel.

and @Dante92 i agree i play games too to distract myself from appearance and social issues (plus just loving them anyways) but i swear i can literally feel myself get worse and worrying about how good i am as SOON as i remember being bald lol x.x. the vicious cycle is ironic. 1-worry you have to be good at the game to make up for baldness, 2- get worse because of the worry, 3-go back to 1 and start over lol


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lol thanks for the compliment. honestly i have been studying the way Zircon posts and just mentally trying to make the way i think more efficient. i mean wording things well even helps in your head, it makes your thinking more efficient i feel.

and @Dante92 i agree i play games too to distract myself from appearance and social issues (plus just loving them anyways) but i swear i can literally feel myself get worse and worrying about how good i am as SOON as i remember being bald lol x.x. the vicious cycle is ironic. 1-worry you have to be good at the game to make up for baldness, 2- get worse because of the worry, 3-go back to 1 and start over lol
I am glad Zircon came back as I think he is a good influence on alot of you. Especially you Exodus. And soon Dante's posts are going to be right up there with you and Zircon. Maybe we should all commit to writing a book as a group where we each write a chapter and let Zircon spice it up even more if it needs it. Hopefully we could raise enough money from the book to get you a transplant, Exodus. Just think, our book could promote us all to a financial status to afford the best future treatments for hair. If we have found this place addicting, I am sure there would be others that would find "our stories" addicting enough to capture a whole new cult following.


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Still best option is a hair transplant! Yes there are some people with a bad donor area but the most men have a good donor area for hair transplant.

Even with Norwood 6 or 7 there is still hope.

This clinic in switzerland just use FUT Megasession in one day but the results are really amazing:


It's easy to moan and and drowning in self- pity.

life is not a pony farm.

But solutions are possible!


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Still best option is a hair transplant! Yes there are some people with a bad donor area but the most men have a good donor area for hair transplant.

Even with Norwood 6 or 7 there is still hope.

This clinic in switzerland just use FUT Megasession in one day but the results are really amazing:


It's easy to moan and and drowning in self- pity.

life is not a pony farm.

But solutions are possible!

The look in his eyes when showing his results is priceless. Hair is priceless.


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life is not a pony farm.



My Regimen
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I have been having trouble playing this game recently and man oh f*****g man does it make me absolutely goddamn f*****g angry and insanely sad when i lose

i was ok back when i had hair. even if i lost at a game or anything i still had something to fall back on.

but now the rage and sadness are just overwhelming. i feel entirely worthless losing when im bald

i honestly felt like stabbing myself or someone else. i was thinking this state of mind, one of ACTUALLY not being good enough are the root f*****g cause of evill

it glitches your brain and creates meltdowns
life is a competition and when you lose theres absolutely no point in going on

its sad because i love video games and other forms of competition, but baldness just keeps me from doing any of it.

i think deep down everyone knows winning and being the best are the purpose of life. any sort of life goal is being the best or winning in some form

getting a nice job (beating other aplicants), getting the girl (beating other suitors), etc.

man oh man its actually f*****g so depressing thinking about life is all about winning. no one wants to be the ugly dumb loser who sucks at everything. its such a horrible thing that we dont even wanna think about it

baldness is so goddamn depressing because its a big step towards being that ultimate ugly dumb loser, which as i just said is the undeniably worst possible thing that can happen

I feel you on this one, but not with video games, just with anything in life. If I gain weight now, I feel disgusting, yet have little motivation to work out as hard as I used to. When something goes wrong with work, I literally feel 1000 times worst that I did when I had hair. Something goes wrong with a girl? it's all blamed on the lack of hair. It takes every single thing in your life and makes it a million times worst. Horrendous.