Losing When You Are Already Bald = Hell


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guy on 0:45 has quite receded vertex


it is over for him with pool parties in a few years

Lifting saved this chap

Avoided incel twink cemetery. off to slayerville.

backwards hat, and muscular physique principles,

shookwun approved


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Lifting saved this chap

Avoided incel twink cemetery. off to slayerville.

backwards hat, and muscular physique principles,

shookwun approved


– hey Ronny let's put off ur f*****g hat and jump to us in da pool girls are waiting for you!

– umm no thanks...


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i think deep down everyone knows winning and being the best are the purpose of life. any sort of life goal is being the best or winning in some form

getting a nice job (beating other aplicants), getting the girl (beating other suitors), etc.

You're right, I'm going to stop playing soccer because I'll never be as good as Ronaldo.

Come on man. It's not about being the best. That's the western propaganda getting into your brain. "Getting" a girl isn't a competition either. This is a really warped view of the world. You need to learn to do what you enjoy and set your OWN standards instead of trying to be #1 all the time. Because you're just setting yourself up for constant disappointments.


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Making lots of money, and having a good career is the best way to cope.

time for baldies to start adopting the financial exploit over poor non-westernized women principles.


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I actually work, on a contract basis, in the video game industry and people are always shocked when I tell them that I don't play many video games myself these days and when I do, it's on the easy difficulty. Difficult games like Ninja Gaiden and f*****g Dark Souls just irritate and bore the crap outta me

I'll always love video games as an entertainment and storytelling medium, but I just can't bring myself to give even the beginnings of a sh*t about "gitting gud".

Dark souls is cake until you get to PVP. I hate the PVP aspect of any game. I just dont have the time or motivation to want to get good at playing against other people because once that game is done you have to do it all over again.

What game Ex? You use ps4 by chance? exchange psn names


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WAS the average life, no longer do people jump at those chances and choices anymore.