male height to Norwood scale


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ok so if you were to assign a male height to the equivelant Norwood scale, which would it be!

here are the height breakdowns

6' - perfect Norwood?
5 10 - good Norwood?
5 8 - ok Norwood?
5 6 - not so good Norwood?
5 4 - really not so good Norwood?

ok so im guessing 6 foot would be thick NW1, and 5 4 maybe NW4 or something, as once you hit NW4 people shave off bald don't they?

well you can throw you opinion on what Norwood each of these hights are, feel free to add diffuse thinning or vertex if you feel that counts better.


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FredTheBelgian said:
I'm 190 cm (6 feet and 2.8 inches) and NW1 :D, lucky bastard I know, pretty pointless topic IMO lol

You aint a NW1. :thumbdown2:

This is a NW1


Compare this to your previous avatar pic (where your not creasing up your forehead) - Better eat some more vit A pills. :wink:

And for the sake of this I'd agree with JiJiJiJi's opinions. If a woman could choose a mans ideal height it'd be about 6'3 definatley not less than 5'11. - sorry. :whistle:


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lol how can a 5 9 (normal male height) be a NW3, surely that would be a NW2.

most sceintific studies state that "tall" men are 6 foot tall, you need only to rise 8 inches above the female standard to be considered "tall" to females.

6 3 is also "too tall" for a lot of 5 foot tall girls, maybe that height would be an extra perc for a 5 10 girl but they aren't many of them around in comparison to the 100s of 5 foot tall girls that are ok with 5 6, good with 5 9, and happy with 6 foot yet unhappy with 6 3 due to being way too tall.

this is why generally why 6 foot tall is considered the perfect male height.

but ok for me

6 foot = NW1 perfect
5 10 = Norwood 2
5 8 = Norwood 2.5
5 6 = Norwood 3 (this is where people see you as balding right?)
5 4 = Norwood 4 (might as well be bald)


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Are you getting your figures from Asia?

Seriously girls love big tall guys I'm 5'9" and there are very few people shorter than me. When I go out I see plenty of short guys but they are always of Asian descent. About 80% of guys are 5'8" - 6'1" ish but the ones that are 2/3" taller and just stand out in the crowd get lots of female attention. Its a protective thing I think. Its not until they get to the 6'6"+ range that they are seen as freaks and thats because very few guys that height have proportional bodies ie they're beanpoles like peter crouch :woot:

Anyway what % of girls are 5'0"? :dunno:


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well everyone on the MMT forum has agreed that if they could choose any height they wanted at the click of a finger, they would pick 6 foot tall and no more, and any taller would have a negative impact on dating.,1408.0.html

there was a post where the admin said 6 0 was the scientifically proven perfect height, but he didn't provide a link.

im sure there are way more 5 0 girls that want a 5 10 guy and not a 6 4 guy than 5 11 girls that want a man 5 inches taller than them (6 4 as example), 5 11 girls are ok with 6 foot tall guys because they realise that they are 6 inches above the female average and that they are the odd ones.

the female average is 5 4 remember, why would you want to be an entire foot taller than the majority of females, she would require a step ladder to kiss you hah!


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HairPieceMan said:
well everyone on the MMT forum has agreed that if they could choose any height they wanted at the click of a finger, they would pick 6 foot tall and no more, and any taller would have a negative impact on dating.,1408.0.html

there was a post where the admin said 6 0 was the scientifically proven perfect height, but he didn't provide a link.

im sure there are way more 5 0 girls that want a 5 10 guy and not a 6 4 guy than 5 11 girls that want a man 5 inches taller than them (6 4 as example), 5 11 girls are ok with 6 foot tall guys because they realise that they are 6 inches above the female average and that they are the odd ones.

the female average is 5 4 remember, why would you want to be an entire foot taller than the majority of females, she would require a step ladder to kiss you hah!

Duh :doh: the opinions of a short peoples forum are not neccesarily going to be the opinion of an average person.
And 6' the perfect height? For what? Buying an off the peg suit?

Surely its better to be a bit bigger than average?
And if you're 'kissing' rule was correct then women would go for guys the exact same height as them.
A tall guy makes the woman feel/look small and feminine by comparison and she's more likely to feel protected by him. Also big is seen as being stronger and healthier in evolutionary terms than small.


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there not all short, many are 5 10 and even 6 foot , its not a short guy forum, its a LL forum, anyone can get taller if they wanted, even 6 foot tall guys

the post in that thread states

But all else being equal, the girl's gonna go for the 6'2 guy over the 5'10 or 5'11 guy any day of the week.

More nonsense. Study after study has shown that 5'11-6' is the most desirable male height for females.

there are many people on the forum who are 5 11 and considering LL and weighing the pros and cons.

so i dont see how 5 9 is like NW3, NW3 sucks, it doesn't suck to be 5 9, sucks to be 5 6 though lol


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FredTheBelgian said:
I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER EVER receeded sorry, I've always had a very high forehead: here's me at 12:

Same here, like you I've never been a NW1 not that many people really are, but when you see guys with hair like in the pic I posted you can bet that they are less likely to end up bald than we are. Guys like us are starting off with a disadvantage (weak hair genetics).


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HairPieceMan said:
there not all short, many are 5 10 and even 6 foot , its not a short guy forum, its a LL forum, anyone can get taller if they wanted, even 6 foot tall guys

the post in that thread states

But all else being equal, the girl's gonna go for the 6'2 guy over the 5'10 or 5'11 guy any day of the week.

More nonsense. Study after study has shown that 5'11-6' is the most desirable male height for females.

there are many people on the forum who are 5 11 and considering LL and weighing the pros and cons.

so i dont see how 5 9 is like NW3, NW3 sucks, it doesn't suck to be 5 9, sucks to be 5 6 though lol

I did'nt say they were all short anyone going on a LL site is obviously more likely to be short or have height issues.

And I dont care what your 'studies' say ask any woman her prefered height in a partner and they'll say tall meaning taller than most other guys in the room.


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s.a.f said:
FredTheBelgian said:
I'm 190 cm (6 feet and 2.8 inches) and NW1 :D, lucky bastard I know, pretty pointless topic IMO lol

You aint a NW1. :thumbdown2:

This is a NW1


Compare this to your previous avatar pic (where your not creasing up your forehead) - Better eat some more vit A pills. :wink:

And for the sake of this I'd agree with JiJiJiJi's opinions. If a woman could choose a mans ideal height it'd be about 6'3 definatley not less than 5'11. - sorry. :whistle:

i really like that persons hairline, maybe with my hair system i can ask for a hairline like that?

is that a true NW1 hairline and does brad pitt have a similar line?

i think my hair system might be a Norwood 1.5 or something, my temples receed a tiny bit, i think that is how they do all hair systems tbh, as that is how the guy does all his customers hairline.

would mean having to make a new template tho :thumbdown2:


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HairPieceMan said:
there not all short, many are 5 10 and even 6 foot , its not a short guy forum, its a LL forum, anyone can get taller if they wanted, even 6 foot tall guys

the post in that thread states

But all else being equal, the girl's gonna go for the 6'2 guy over the 5'10 or 5'11 guy any day of the week.

More nonsense. Study after study has shown that 5'11-6' is the most desirable male height for females.

there are many people on the forum who are 5 11 and considering LL and weighing the pros and cons.

so i dont see how 5 9 is like NW3, NW3 sucks, it doesn't suck to be 5 9, sucks to be 5 6 though lol

Why do you start a thread asking for opinions and then get pissed at people for giving their opinions :thumbdown2:

The optimal height is most likely 6'2". 6'2" covers most girls by a good amount when they are in heels (which is what matters). I am 6'0 and I would not be considered "tall" by a 5'8" girl in heels.


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jijijijiji said:
S.A.F. is an idiot. Everyone starts as NW1. You just happened to have a high hairline. :punk: :punk:
Actually, people like Dr. Rassman claim that the NW1 is a "mature hairline". The start of baldness if you will. So people are born with that mystic "NW0" hairline

The Norwood Scale sucks, but it's the only thing we have to try to measure in some way the degree of baldness a person has

And the topic is stupid, two thing that can't be compared. What about nose types?


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well i was hopeing for peoples opinions on the Norwood to height scale, but i was afraid people were going to say "6 foot tall isnt perfect, 6 3 is", the problem with saying these things is that it messes up the scale.

Interestingly, there seems to be a "ceiling effect" where tall males (over 6 feet) suffer a decrease in fitness. That is, women tend to find extremely tall men less attractive. This has been noted by several researchers. Women tend to prefer men of a medium stature over really tall men or really short men. In a study by Graziano et. al. (1978) similar results showed that men of medium height (5'9"- 5'11") were rated as more attractive over shorter (5'5"- 5'7") or taller men (6'2"- 6'4"), regardless of the height of the women (4'10"- 6'1"). This means that if you aren't average, or slightly above average, then you are going to have to work hard to attract mates.


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FredTheBelgian said:
I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER EVER receeded sorry, I've always had a very high forehead: here's me at 12:


and look at my avatar, St Thomas :)

You're in denial if you think you have the same hairline you had when you were 12. You look like a Norwood 2 now.


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HairPieceMan said:
well i was hopeing for peoples opinions on the Norwood to height scale, but i was afraid people were going to say "6 foot tall isnt perfect, 6 3 is", the problem with saying these things is that it messes up the scale.

Interestingly, there seems to be a "ceiling effect" where tall males (over 6 feet) suffer a decrease in fitness. That is, women tend to find extremely tall men less attractive. This has been noted by several researchers. Women tend to prefer men of a medium stature over really tall men or really short men. In a study by Graziano et. al. (1978) similar results showed that men of medium height (5'9"- 5'11") were rated as more attractive over shorter (5'5"- 5'7") or taller men (6'2"- 6'4"), regardless of the height of the women (4'10"- 6'1"). This means that if you aren't average, or slightly above average, then you are going to have to work hard to attract mates.

Study was done in 1978. People are a good 1-2 inches taller now. So 5'9"-5'11" becomes 5'11-6'1". In my experience 6'2" seems to be the best, especially because every girl wears bigger heels these days.

I don't mean to discourage you with my opinion, but I suggest you stop obsessing over it. Being tall isn't a free pass to getting laid. I know plenty of 6ft+ guys who suck with women. Focus on what you can change, enjoy life my man.


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Nene said:
FredTheBelgian said:
I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER EVER receeded sorry, I've always had a very high forehead: here's me at 12:


and look at my avatar, St Thomas :)

You're in denial if you think you have the same hairline you had when you were 12. You look like a Norwood 2 now.

You're in denial. It's exactly the same, he just has waaay less volume in the front now :smack:


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ye looking at your avatar you are definetly showing signs of receeding, i guess it may be NW2 but its more in a V shape which i think implies true receeding and not a mature hairline type thing.

don't take my word for it though im a diffuse NW5 i never receeded like ever!


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FredTheBelgian said:
I've never receeded, sorry you guys make me sick, my father really receeded when he was 17, at 17, me noooothing but diffuse, that's why it took me a while to notice it, and my father didn't even see it (see what, there's NO RECESSION). You are all in a very dark place it seems :)

Thanks the guy just above me ;)

Leave them

Guys its because there is more volume when he was a kid and its hanging over his head as well. I guarantee you if he had a pic of him pulling his hair back when he was a kid it would look the same as it does now.