Malic acid and choline may cure most of us


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Note - Anyone who wants to try this, I have my sneaking suspicions that 500mg a day of ANY brand of choline for say 3 months, maybe much less time, might do it. The rest helps but is probably not essential

Ok, bear with me here as this is based on lots of (probably true) assumptions.

1) In most people (especially those over ~22) male pattern baldness is caused by a sluggish liver.

2) The most common and likely cause of a sluggish liver is a fatty liver.

3) It's unlikely most people with male pattern baldness actually have real problems with CALCIFIED gallstones, probably just elevated bile cholesterol and cholesterol stones (Gold Coin Grass and Chanca Piedra are good for the calcified ones though)

4) Malic acid and choline purge cholesterol and cholesterol stones from the liver, remove biliary sludge and cleanse it.

5) This then "cures" male pattern baldness by renewing the liver's ability to remove androgens from the blood as needed, including DHT.

I would love for others to try this and report their success or failure. I predict it will be most effective for 22-45 year olds (ie, those whose male pattern baldness actually STARTED within that age bracket), and can be enhanced by vitamin c (perhaps 1-2 grams daily), Gold Coin Grass / Chanca Piedra, daily castor oil packs, morning exercise, adequate water, a low fat, low alcohol and low refined sugar healthy diet, liver "flushes" and/or the daily squeezed lemon + hot water + 2tbs olive oil drink, possibly black radish, limiting man-made chemicals and other potential "toxins" to reduce strain on the liver, and many other liver-healthy things like Chinese Bitters / Gentian root, milk thistle and papaya seeds. Lipoic acid is also good. However, even without all these things 1-2 grams of malic acid daily and 500mg of Swiss Natural Sources Choline Plus daily may well be sufficient. I am not 100% sure about all this, but I'm fairly confident, and hey let's face it 2 supplements (more are optional) is hardly a large financial or time investment!

It shouldn't take too long to see results, I would say from 3 weeks to 4 months on just the two, but with some of the other stuff it should be much quicker.

Hoppi :)


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When i see the name Hoppi i think of the main guy in "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" :)


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Look...Hoppi has cured male pattern baldness...for the 3rd time :whistle:

Hoppi said:
1) In most people male pattern baldness is caused by a sluggish liver.

So you're saying that most men (i think its fair to say that by 50 most men will have experienced SOME male pattern baldness) have a "sluggish liver"?

Its just complete sh*t. In most people, male pattern baldness is caused by a sensitivity to DHT that has nothing to do with the liver. You're saying that male pattern baldness is caused by the liver not being able to remove DHT from the bloodstream...well....finasteride removes more DHT than the liver ever could...and most guys who are on fiasteride still lose some hair..and those who dont..will still lose hair over many years, just at a slower pace. So whatever dht the liver filters is probably negligible.

Furthermore..if male pattern baldness is caused by a sluggish liver in MOST cases...then why is an athletic non smoking non drinking 5% bodyfat clean diet 23 year old like myself losing his hair? I highly doubt my liver is inefficient


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Chris87 said:
Look...Hoppi has cured male pattern baldness...for the 3rd time :whistle:

Hoppi said:
1) In most people male pattern baldness is caused by a sluggish liver.

So you're saying that most men (i think its fair to say that by 50 most men will have experienced SOME male pattern baldness) have a "sluggish liver"?

Its just complete sh*t. In most people, male pattern baldness is caused by a sensitivity to DHT that has nothing to do with the liver. You're saying that male pattern baldness is caused by the liver not being able to remove DHT from the bloodstream...well....finasteride removes more DHT than the liver ever could...and most guys who are on fiasteride still lose some hair..and those who dont..will still lose hair over many years, just at a slower pace. So whatever dht the liver filters is probably negligible.

Furthermore..if male pattern baldness is caused by a sluggish liver in MOST cases...then why is an athletic non smoking non drinking 5% bodyfat clean diet 23 year old like myself losing his hair? I highly doubt my liver is inefficient

I know that it's not true for everyone - it depends on your genetic susceptibility too, and of course there are other things that can cause androgenic fluctuations, like green tea, steroids, low SHBG, and then on top of that it seems that things like Rosacea can also lead to male pattern baldness through increasing the level of inflammation in the body. Particularly harsh toxins like alcohol may also harm the liver, plus parasites and a significant excess of other hormones, such as cortisol or insulin, or probably toxin or metal build-up. Kidney health may also play a role. However, I think that the largest percentage have an issue with fat in the liver.

EDIT -- Well, I now have ordered my choline and all sorts so I suppose soon we'll find out! Also, what's fantastic is the "fatty liver" theory explains why vegans do seem to retain hair more. By cutting out dairy and meat, just imagine the huge reduction in dietary fat that results in! Most of them also don't tend to binge drink regularly I wouldn't imagine, or overdo refined sugars as most commercial products high in them also contain animal-derived ingredients such as milk or gelatin. Again I'm not saying I'm definitely right, but it fits better than any other health-focused theory I have ever heard! :)


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By the way if it does work for some people then... Merry Christmas! lol ^_^


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My new theory is this:

Testosterone is produced in the testicles...test is converted to DHT, which causes hair loss... so..its best to kill the problem at the source...solution: cut off testicles..... male pattern baldness cured. Lemme know how this works out for you guys

Also...most testosterone in males is produced while sleeping...solution: Stop sleeping

let me know how cutting your balls off and not sleeping goes you guys


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Bukowski said:
What will your theory be next week Hoppi?

I know I move quickly on all this but that's only because I think about it a LOT, lol - it's like a challenge really and I've been completely determined to do it!

Bear in mind also that I have already cured one guy's male pattern baldness who had a different trigger, and this liver theory is also built on a success story. I've got my fingers very tightly crossed for it!! :)


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I wouldn't mind trying this but all this information/steps you are giving are too hard for me to take in so I'll just wait to hear if you got any good results. Also I've studied fasting a little bit and it supposedly cleans your system as well so maybe fasting would be an alternative but I'm not sure how many people would be willing to give up food.


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(sigh) another cure Hoppi? This is the 9th or 10 thing you said will be a cure for people. I'm not trying to be mean but this is getting old. Stating something may help is one thing but throwing the word "cure" around every month is not cool unless you for sure it is and tried it for some time to prove it.


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Mjotter said:
I wouldn't mind trying this but all this information/steps you are giving are too hard for me to take in so I'll just wait to hear if you got any good results. Also I've studied fasting a little bit and it supposedly cleans your system as well so maybe fasting would be an alternative but I'm not sure how many people would be willing to give up food.

I know I over complicated it all a bit, but all I would really recommend is the 1-2 grams of malic acid a day (1000-2000mg), 500mg of choline (ideally that Swiss Natural Sources brand as it might be a bit more bioavailable with lecithin in the capsules too) and if you wish then 2 grams of vitamin c also. This should provide a very effective liver cleanse, at least for fat. I'm also trying to work out what the best thing would be to really encourage bloodflow, as I believe that is why daily morning jogging worked well for Justin, as it "awakens" a sluggish liver every morning. I would love to mimic this beneficial effect with a supplement, but in the mean time morning exercise and/or castor oil packs would probably do it but aren't essential, it's just to speed the whole process up.

PropeciaJunkie said:
(sigh) another cure Hoppi? This is the 9th or 10 thing you said will be a cure for people. I'm not trying to be mean but this is getting old. Stating something may help is one thing but throwing the word "cure" around every month is not cool unless you for sure it is and tried it for some time to prove it.

I know, I'm sorry, I did think about that before I wrote it :( In fairness though I beliiieeeve this is only the second time I have declared something as a cure, and actually the first time it involved the liver too I just didn't quite understand as much back then!

Do you really think I've done this more than twice? I can't fully remember but I don't think I have lol

EDIT -- Also I do believe that malic acid may well be the primary part of apple cider vinegar that helps us with hair loss - I've just hugely increased the dosage that's all lol - I have no time for half-assed approaches hehe


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brightside said:
I enjoy the theories :)

And i enjoy making them! lol

One day... ONE DAY, I'll nail this mother! And hell it might be in this thread today! ^^


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Hoppi said:
1) In most people male pattern baldness is caused by a sluggish liver.

Really? :) :mrgreen: :laugh:

Hoppi, you're one for the books.


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My Regimen
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I don't understand why you're assuming hair loss is a disease. It is not, so there is no cure... we can only find ways of interfering with its natural development.

It doesn't affect your health nor it causes you to die... does it?


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guybrush said:
I don't understand why you're assuming hair loss is a disease. It is not, so there is no cure... we can only find ways of interfering with its natural development.

It doesn't affect your health nor it causes you to die... does it?

Mental healty is getting a big hit?


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guybrush said:
I don't understand why you're assuming hair loss is a disease. It is not, so there is no cure... we can only find ways of interfering with its natural development.

It doesn't affect your health nor it causes you to die... does it?

I'm not really sure if that's the point. A hormonal imbalance doesn't have to kill you, in fact I'm sure they very rarely do!

I'm not saying that ALL mpbers have a hormonal imbalance necessarily, but I currently believe that most do, including myself.


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You have to bear in mind as well that I'm not only doing this for me. I want to help other people as well so much - so we can all have fat dreadlocks lol (that's my goal if this works for myself hehe, which I seriously think it will)

I'd love to just say to someone that all they need to do is take high dose malic acid, vit C and choline (or a future improved variation on this theme) for 2 months and not only will their hair recover but EVERYTHING will improve in their body. A clean liver, gallbladder and biliary tubing, as well as filtering your hormones and toxins efficiently again, will work MIRACLES for many people's digestive health. Less acid, better digestion, better microflora balance, less candida, fewer parasites, lower chance of stomach ulcers or colitis, healing of most or all digestive food intolerances, EVERYTHING. Better absorption of nutrients, better immune system throughout the WHOLE body.

Liver, gb and bile duct health is pretty much the health CORE of your body IMO. If that is healthy, it's almost like the foundation of your body.

Cholesterol stones, toxins, calcified stones, blah blah blah. The cause of male pattern baldness in many or most people IMO is CHOLESTEROL (in the liver or those surrounding areas).

Overwhelming the liver with insulin or cortisol or toxins are ofc all bad too, but cholesterol is the real liver/hair killer IMO.

Right, time to get really stuck in and prove or disprove this theory!

The Natural

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Shame, shame Hoppi. You know better than to throw around buzz words like "cure," without the slightest bit of personal experience to support your claims.

Perhaps if you spent more time testing out your theories than you do making them, people (here and at other forums) would take you a bit more seriously (which does, in fact, seem to be your ultimate objective - to be taken seriously).



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Guys...everybody is different around here..yeah he is sometimes overexcited but at least he comes up with content or happy mood..because 90% of people here are lazy , Mr know it all ,ignorant haters..Don't like the thread just bypass it..He said the word cure!!!! OMG ! this is the end of this World! Hairlosstalk should ban the word c**e!
Take it with a grain of salt..f***... why so serious?

Ozzy knows the cure!
