Malic acid and choline may cure most of us


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Yeah I'm a great believer in the validity of flushes too. All you're doing is using the malic acid in apple juice to soften stones, the Epsom salts to relax the bile ducts, the olive oil to trigger a huge bile release and the grapefruit/lemon to provoke the gallbladder to squeeze itself. Many people report the disappearance of food intolerances after flushing, and many other improvements. One woman even used Gold Coin Grass to crush calcified stones and then flushed out the white powder! People also get out flukes and things when they flush sometimes, and some people flush clean.

On another note, I've been wondering today whether emulating Justin and merely pushing blood through the liver more is sufficient to "quick-fix" male pattern baldness while the person works on bile flow, parasite removal, stones, fat, toxins, etc. I wonder if morning (and optionally evening) castor oil packs or something are sufficient, or if it has to be exercise. Either way, it's a potential quick-fix I think to invigorate a sluggish liver with new life.

EDIT - If anyone can work out a really great supplement to invigorate bloodflow that would be super duper! Cayenne is apparently good, I don't know if it's the best. I know it seems lazy not just doing morning exercise... but life is very easy with supplements! lol

Hm look at this!

"Cayenne moves blood

There is no other herb which increases
your blood flow faster than cayenne.
Cayenne moves blood. When people ask Dr . Schultze, " What are the 10 most important herbs to have in the home ?" He tells them, " At the top of the list is cayenne pepper, because it will make the other 9 work better ."

Cayenne is the greatest blood circulation
stimulant known . You can take all the milk
thistle you want , but if you have bad
circulation to your liver , it ' s not going to do you any good. Cayenne increases your
blood circulation immediately within
seconds, more than any other herb .
When you have a sick area , there' s often a restriction of blood flow to that area . Blood flow is what takes nutrition and the healing properties of herbs to those cells .
Blood flow is also what carries out and
removes waste material.

Cayenne pepper is like TNT . It blasts
through all that blockage to get to that area which is sick, taking with it all the minerals and vitamins from the foods you eat, and all the vital chemicals from the herbs you take - all the way to the sick area ."

( ... ayenne.htm )

At the very least it sounds like an interesting addition! Apparently you can get it in different strengths according to the article. Blood flow seems very beneficial here that's why I'm putting the time in :)


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monty1978 said:
Wouldn't a week of vindaloos do the trick.

I could handle that alot easier

Well, it's only a relatively small part of a much larger picture, and I have no idea what the capsaicin content of a vindaloo is! There are probably many ways to improve liver blood flow :)


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monty1978 said:
Damn, thwarted again


EDIT - I'm very confident in the sheer power of Humaworm not just for parasites but also general cleansing and even at least partly for blood flow (cayenne and ginger, at least). It is by some way the most recommended parasite product on the CureZone parasite forum:


Black Walnut 200 mg
Wormwood 100 mg
Cloves 100 mg
Thyme 100 mg
Garlic 200 mg
Fennel 100 mg
Cayenne 100 mg
Ginger 100 mg
Gentian 100 mg
Hyssop 100 mg
Milk Thistle 100 mg
Marshmallow root 100 mg
Pau D ' Arco 200 mg
Burdock 100 mg
Elecampane 100 mg
Fenugreek 100 mg
Licorice 100 mg
Barberry 200 mg
Cascara Sagrada 25 mg
Senna 25 mg
Sage 100 mg
Psyllium 200 mg
Yellow Dock 100 mg
Cramp Bark 100 mg
Peppermint 200 mg

TOTAL 2,950 mg per daily serving. Dosage is 2 capsules in the morning and 2 more
capsules 12 hours later. EXAMPLE : Take 2 capsules at 7am then 2 more at 7 pm. Take your HUMAWORM at least 30 minutes before meals - this will ensure that the
parasites will get a good belly full of parasite killing herbs instead of your good nutrition! "

I mean, I don't know how much of this is parasites/bacteria as opposed to fat, but it will do your liver and digestion SO much good to take Humaworm for 2 months or so, I think it's worth just doing it!

So yeah, this and morning castor oil packs seem like the very best additions to malic acid and choline :)


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I'm all for natural hair loss regimes but dude, your theories and methods are luny at best!


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elliotramsey said:

I'm all for natural hair loss regimes but dude, your theories and methods are luny at best!

Thing is people say this but... I haven't actually heard a real reason why this is a bad theory yet. It actually makes tremendous sense, at least as far as I can see. I just hope it's true so much, as the implications would be pretty big I think!


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idontwanttobebalding said:
Friendly question?... Have you already started using any of these products or practises? If so what have you done...if not....why? What you have been posting seems to make some sense (not harmful anyway!)

Thanks man :)

Basically, the stuff is still coming in the post. lol

I have the malic acid and Chanca Piedra now, and something is waiting for me at the post office but I dunno what!

Humaworm is ordered :)

Castor oil pack stuff is ordered, and I've decided that when I get the Nintendo Wii off my sis (she just got her hands on a 360 lol) I'm gonna go virtual jogging on there in the morning so as to escape the horrible cold outside ^_^

etc etc! I'm getting there, basically!

Man.. I'm scared lol, I hope I'm right goddamnit!! At the very least, the jogging worked for Justin I believe because it kicks the liver into life every morning.

Come on liver cleanse me!!!


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Thing is of course that with cholesterol you get a double whammy, because cholesterol like cortisol leads to an increase in DHEA which increases DHT.

It's quite simple when you start looking at it like this, and it makes sense!

Luckily, vitamin C lowers cortisol as well as cholesterol :)


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Hoppi..I clicked on your seems to change faster than the weather. Every time you get excited about something and tell us you're going to try never lasts. You're on to something else way way way before there's anyway to tell if it's "working" or not.


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Jacob said:
Hoppi..I clicked on your seems to change faster than the weather. Every time you get excited about something and tell us you're going to try never lasts. You're on to something else way way way before there's anyway to tell if it's "working" or not.

I'm just always researching and learning, and I don't hesitate to drop things in a flash if I think they are incorrect or not needed anymore :) I think I'm there now though... but only time will tell!


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Hoppi said:
Jacob said:
Hoppi..I clicked on your seems to change faster than the weather. Every time you get excited about something and tell us you're going to try never lasts. You're on to something else way way way before there's anyway to tell if it's "working" or not.

I'm just always researching and learning, and I don't hesitate to drop things in a flash if I think they are incorrect or not needed anymore :) I think I'm there now though... but only time will tell!

So everything else was incorrect and/or not needed anymore. Gotcha :)


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Jacob said:
So everything else was incorrect and/or not needed anymore. Gotcha :)

Erm... yeah, basically! lol :)

And monty.. I would, but see I always feel like I'm moving in a direction, the treatments aren't really unrelated as they're all part of the same learning curve. And god I hope I'm right!! lol ^_^

I've 90% started this one now!


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Ok so around 2005 or so I did my first liver flush I got out hundreds and hundreds of stones really successful flush I also was part of a group buy for PSI at the time I had 100 mg which was about a month supply I started this at the same time I got the most incredible regrowth like 50 percent regrowth in bald areas I was no longer able to source the PSI and I didn’t do any more flushes over the next 6 months I lost all my gains gradually back to baseline
At the time I attributed ALL of my results to PSI now I’m not so sure I’ve done a few periodic flushes over the years which weren’t nearly as successful as the first flush but every flush coincided with thickening or regrowth but there again I attributed it to topicals I was using at the time .
Now these flushes were like 1 every 2 years or so
I’m thinking what if the liver flushes all
Along we’re responsible for the regrowth? And I just never connected the dots??
I’m seriously thinking about trying a flushing protocol now maybe once a month flush and try to prove this?
Anyone else get any improvement with liver flushes??


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It’s a proteasome inhibitor had quite a lot of interest years ago but too hard to source