Malic acid and choline may cure most of us


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squeegee said:
Guys...everybody is different around here..yeah he is sometimes overexcited but at least he comes up with content or happy mood..because 90% of people here are lazy , Mr know it all ,ignorant haters..Don't like the thread just bypass it..He said the word cure!!!! OMG ! this is the end of this World! Hairlosstalk should ban the word c**e!
Take it with a grain of salt..f*ck... why so serious?

Ozzy knows the cure!


Thanks man, I know I was a bit quick to use that word, I'm not sure if it was the right choice now.

Thing is though the thread title is accurate. If this DOES work, then it's a cure, as once the person cleans their liver and it's filtering healthily again, they are set for life until either it becomes clogged again or their circulation or something (possibly some other detail dictating the organ's raw processing ability.. metabolism? I'm not sure on this yet) declines dramatically with something like old age. Also, if it does work, I think it will work for most, so the thread title is totally accurate, although I'll admit perhaps a little too much of it atm hinges on the word "may"!!

And haha that clip was cool (I just got it to play on this Android phone) - I've never seen any of Ozzy so young actually, only modern stuff as I'm not huge on Black Sabbath. My fave older band is probs The Who ^^

EDIT -- Also if this is right it means I can cure my FRIENDS, which makes me so happy! One friend can have his dreadlocks back again, and the other can be protected from high cholesterol (he's worried about that due to diet). That would make me really happy to be able to help my friends and people! :)

The Natural

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squeegee said:
Guys...everybody is different around here..yeah he is sometimes overexcited but at least he comes up with content or happy mood..because 90% of people here are lazy , Mr know it all ,ignorant haters..Don't like the thread just bypass it..He said the word cure!!!! OMG ! this is the end of this World! Hairlosstalk should ban the word c**e!
Take it with a grain of salt..f*ck... why so serious?

You are being a tad dramatic and "serious," wouldn't you say. Relax, Huckleberry, nobody is hating anyone here. At least, not yet, anyway.

"Lazy" is one who just talks, or in this case, only posts about something that may or may not work, but never follows through on his own to try out said treatment.

Oh, and the "just bypass it" recommendation of yours may be applied to my posts as well.


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heh, of course I'm planning to put this approach into practice as I mean I followed it primarily because it made so much sense for myself, and then just kept thinking and theorizing based on that! I know I was quick to declare "cure" though! heh

Don't worry though just give things time, I mean the truth about all this will show itself with some time :)


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Jacob said:
But Hoppi..liver health and even the at-least-a-bit-of-a-connection to hairloss has been discussed for years. My fav thing for liver health is phytosomal milk thistle/silybin/Siliphos..either by itself or in a combo:

Jacob.... I'm sure many things have been discussed for hundreds or thousands of years. Liver and kidney health as related to male pattern baldness is covered heavily in traditional Chinese medicine I believe, but I'm only 25 and I've only had male pattern baldness for just over a year - everything is new to me.

For the record, silymarin IS good for liver protection, but as far as I know is not best for cholesterol build-up or stones, calcified stones or parasites, all of which are very important.


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But also is available in combo products.

Monolaurin is one thing I take..and I've seen it referenced to even liver parasites:
Viruses can lived in your stored fat and in the fat in your liver. Monolaurin, according to studies is supposed to be effective against these viruses by breaking down the shell, membrane, or outer wall of the viruses so that they are chopped into bits, turned to liquid, and eventually are removed from your body.

Also..glutathione itself..look into liposomal glut or even things such as cysteine peptide.


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What's amazing about male pattern baldness though is just how many things stem from something fundamentally so simple. For whatever reason you have an androgen increase/increased response, but it can or does lead to body hair, loss of scalp hair, dandruff, excess sebum, hair looking paler or whispier, or in poorer health in general, inflammatory conditions on the scalp, etc, ALL these things over a simple hormonal response! No wonder people had so much trouble pinpointing the cause for so long!!


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I also think I might throw in 2 or 3 things to attack liver/gb/biliary tree parasites, as it seems there is a considerable connection there too (although I still think the main problem is cholesterol). I'm currently looking at pomegranate, Clarkia/Humaworm and oregano oil. That should do the trick quite nicely, although yeah it's damn near IMPOSSIBLE to tell the extent to which parasites like flukes are involved or responsible.


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#4? What do you mean?

EDIT -- Wow Humaworm really is SO good. My big 3 at the moment are malic acid, choline and Humaworm, and that's likely to be the case for some time now :)


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bboy said:
You're so full of sh*t you should be a nutritionist.

Thing is, which bit is sh*t? The fact the liver affects hormones, probably more so than any other single organ? No. The fact that liver toxicity hinders it's ability to filter them leading to hormonal changes and build-up? No. The fact that sludge, stones and parasites all profoundly affect this, and that hormone level changes are KNOWN to cause male pattern baldness (the most obvious example being steroids)? No all that is true as well.

So please tell me what part of this is sh*t.


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The Natural said:
No worries, Hoppi. I hope it works out for you.

the Natural, his ideas seem a bit crazy but a least he has some initiative, curious mind and being proactive about hairloss which nobody knows really what is the real cause(s) yet.. this is why this forum exist btw.. and then you only here in this thread in the experimental section being an a**h** about it? At least the forum is not on the idle mode and he adds some personality to the place which you don't have. Why don't you stay with all the conformists people in the finasteride/minoxidil threads? :smack: at the end it is all theories.. so what?


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Heh, dw squeegee, I have nothing against The Natural :) hell I mean, I have nothing against anyone I've met online through this battle with male pattern baldness! At the end of the day let's face it - we're all on the same side!! :)


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I'm willing to try something to improve my liver. Had most hairloss when I was a heavy drinker (around years 16 to 17/18) and Dutasteride and Finasteride aren't good for the liver either.

Plus, my grandmother on mother's side had hairloss because of a hormonal imbalance so... Yes, I'm willing to believe this.

The Natural

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squeegee said:
The Natural said:
No worries, Hoppi. I hope it works out for you.

the Natural, his ideas seem a bit crazy but a least he has some initiative, curious mind and being proactive about hairloss which nobody knows really what is the real cause(s) yet.. this is why this forum exist btw.. and then you only here in this thread in the experimental section being an a**hole about it? At least the forum is not on the idle mode and he adds some personality to the place which you don't have. Why don't you stay with all the conformists people in the finasteride/minoxidil threads? :smack: at the end it is all theories.. so what?


Again, if you don't like my posts, then follow your own advice: ignore them. But I will advise you against using that kind of tone with me in the future, Huckleberry.

Now, carry on about your business.



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The Natural said:
squeegee said:
[quote="The Natural":s4pft6fb]No worries, Hoppi. I hope it works out for you.

the Natural, his ideas seem a bit crazy but a least he has some initiative, curious mind and being proactive about hairloss which nobody knows really what is the real cause(s) yet.. this is why this forum exist btw.. and then you only here in this thread in the experimental section being an a**hole about it? At least the forum is not on the idle mode and he adds some personality to the place which you don't have. Why don't you stay with all the conformists people in the finasteride/minoxidil threads? :smack: at the end it is all theories.. so what?


Again, if you don't like my posts, then follow your own advice: ignore them. But I will advise you against using that kind of tone with me in the future, Huckleberry.

Now, carry on about your business.


What about I will advise you against using that kind of attitude in the future? It goes both ways.

Who is Huckleberry? This guy? BTW TN are you the same guy on IH? welcome aboard then! :punk: