Marijauna and hairloss?



I'm not gonna beat around the bush, I smoke weed. I have since I was 13 and I smoke at least 2-6 times a day until now I'm 21. I noticed a year and a half ago that I was thinning at my temples and looking back at pictures I think I slowly started to bald about 2-3 years ago.

I strongly beleive over ejaculation can throw off natural body chemistry especialy the dht related hormones. I think people see this as a wise tale because of the roman-catholic churchs nobility against pleasure of any kind and older brothers. Hair on your palms is a wise tale, depleting a finite number of hormones due to over ejaculation IS NOT! This also reeks havick on the brains chemicals because you only have a limited supply there as well. I wrote a quote which conciously looks at addictions as a natural and rational reality if you will, "all adictions are one, the addiction of thyself indulgance" which basicly says anything that is pleasurable has to effect your brains chemicals first. with that said, ejaculation, ectasy, and pot all do the same thing, deplete natural hormones and chemicals. So thats two ways of a depletion synergisticly, NOT GOOD!

I also now strongly believe that these 2 things that I have been constantly indulging in for the last 17 years have finally started to catch up with me.

Here is my evidence:
Both pot and over stimulation/ ejaculation has rendered my semen count to 20% and dht is up%. My body than will naturally let the oppisite sex know that I am no longer fertile so off with me hair, it's no longer needed.

The lion is a well known mamal that also loses its hair or in this case it's mane. Darwin believed this to be the main attraction for females and is a perfect perpetually natural fertility sign. Scientist believe a lion to lose it's mane because it lost a battle for a female which is a sign of weakness. this in part causes a dop in fertility and vice versa (A drop in fertility can cause a lion to become weak).

I started masterbaiting at an extremely young age, 4. I also lost my virginity to the nieghbor girl at age 6 (firts erections). This lays the way for my next statement that us rationalizing humans no longer run on intinct and have the ability to search ourslves you could say. with no knowledge, one (like me at a young age) can pleasure ones self. This has allowed us to pleasure ourselves unnaturally (like a dog that won't stop eating and kills itself) and has led to numerous problems within our human race like baldness, erection problems (why we take v**** but a 105 year old turtle can f*** with the best of em), MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS (my dog would never need prozak), and many other deseases you could link to overubundant and depleting hormones like cancer.

The reason you have side effect to dht inhibiting drugs is not just the drug but the drug entering your already fucked up body. I hear the IDENTICAL side effects for both over ejaculation and dht inhibiting drugs: loss of libido. erections not full and watery semen (Interesting). I bet if you got rid of all your semen and dopamine through drugs and ejaculation and the on top of that take a potent dht inhibiting drug and you might just grow some tits. This is nature boys, welcome to the wild!

I'm not saying that masterbation or drug use causes hairloss, I believe it has to do with fertility and the depletion of certain hormones and chemicals and the BALANCE between them which in return causes you to lose your fertility and therefor your precious beautiful hair. Note this is all being done unnaturally. This is why humans bald like no other animal on our planet.

Whats really weird is the more I learn about hairloss and what might be happening to lose or grow hair, the more I see a connection in EVERYTHING. It all has to do with chemicals, thats what we truly are. Cells and genes would be rendered useless without the chemicals to run and make them.


In conclusion I believe the men that lose hair are in fact programmed to genetically release exess dht in a way that signifies they lost a battle or will lose the battle for the mate in the future. This only holds true in nature, a place where us humans (both sexes) no longer reside, hence bald men being very attractive to the oppisite sex. Just as we have the ability to control ourselves, we also can decide or be decided by our society what is attractive. We no longer rely on nature to give us beauty, in fact what we are naturally attracted to no longer exists like body odor (pheramones) and hair.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, don't blame your dad, blame your bodys attempt to stay perpetual in itself and with nature.


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A medline boolean search for "marijuana and baldness" from 1960 until the present failed to find one reference.


I'm curious as to see if anyone agrees , disagrees or both to what I have claimed?

If you disagree do you at least see a logical conection between all this nonsense or is it just an old wise tale?

I just started thinking about this last night and after writing what I wrote on this post it seems to make even more sense.

I too somewhat suffered side effects from finasteride but after 3 weeks of trying to keep my self regular and balanced (no masterbation) these side effect mysteriously went awy. I'm not a great responder to the big 3 but man did I respond after ejaculating on 2 times a week. It seemed like it wasn't the min or finasteride but rather the simple equalization of my internal chemicals due to the fact that I responded at week 7 (week 4 of no ejaculation) with an explosion of hair in all areas of the scalp. Keep in mind that you already lost hair so just equaling joe sh*t out will not be your answer. This is why there is no proof that what I say holds true or even relevence for that matter.

Thanks for your replies.


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Honestly...I think you read way too deep into things and maybe in a little bit of denial.

Sounds like you wrote it during one of your bong sessions.

Sorry don't agree with any of it. All theory and coincedence and no fact.

Don't have the strengh to go any deeper with you...must be all the masterbation :lol:


asalof, there is no research because it's never been rationally thought through . I could be the very first person to have stumbled on to this.

Keep in mind that its not the pot that causes hairloss its a depletion of fertilty in nature that I'm saying causes hairloss. I'm saying that smoking pot can effect the natural equalibrim of hormones easpeacially dht. This might be a question that has to be thought about with our current knowledge and not "Looked up" on the internet.

If you were to look it up I would suggest looking for info about fertility and sterility with marijauna. Then you have to make the conection with ferility/sterility due to other causes like over unatural ejaculation or harder drugs. then you can start to unravel the POSSIBILITES with masterbation/sex/ejaculation and its direct link with alopecia androgenetica.


bad hair day, your right about this all being speculation especially since there is no research on this topic.

I am not in denial, I would kill just to be in denial, denial f*****g rocks when it comes to getting ove da blues. I am blue about male pattern baldness

Your right about over thinking about all of this but then I've suquestered many HUGE problems by over thinking.

The dude who invented the wheel was definetly over thinking his role in nature and look where that went. I geuss the way I look at it is "there is no such thing as over thinking because where human. Either we make up our minds and think or dont think at all (never invent anything or yourself)."

Also, its not the pot that makes me think this way, I smoke pot because I think this way though it is usually generalized as the oppisite in our society, the fucked up society that has alcohol and ciggs legal but nothing else.


bad hair day, your right about this all being speculation especially since there is no research on this topic.

I am not in denial, I would kill just to be in denial, denial f*****g rocks when it comes to getting ove da blues. I am blue about male pattern baldness

Your right about over thinking about all of this but then I've suquestered many HUGE problems by over thinking.

The dude who invented the wheel was definetly over thinking his role in nature and look where that went. I geuss the way I look at it is "there is no such thing as over thinking because where human. Either we make up our minds and think or dont think at all (never invent anything or yourself)."

Also, its not the pot that makes me think this way, I smoke pot because I think this way though it is usually generalized as the oppisite in our society, the fucked up society that has alcohol and ciggs legal but nothing else.


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Bald Eagle said:
asalof, there is no research because it's never been rationally thought through . I could be the very first person to have stumbled on to this.

Keep in mind that its not the pot that causes hairloss its a depletion of fertilty in nature that I'm saying causes hairloss. I'm saying that smoking pot can effect the natural equalibrim of hormones easpeacially dht. This might be a question that has to be thought about with our current knowledge and not "Looked up" on the internet.

If you were to look it up I would suggest looking for info about fertility and sterility with marijauna. Then you have to make the conection with ferility/sterility due to other causes like over unatural ejaculation or harder drugs. then you can start to unravel the POSSIBILITES with masterbation/sex/ejaculation and its direct link with alopecia androgenetica.

Well, have fun masturbating/ejaculating your way to baldness or the cure of it, whichever you think will happen ...


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well i think in some ways, youre onto something, in some ways you arent.

look, undoubtedly there must be a link between hairloss and ejaculation, of some sort. both are inherently linked to hormones, the more prominent of which being testosterone.

and testosterone is linked to dht, which is linked to hairloss. bingo.

what needs to be determined is if more ejaculation raises levels of test and dht in the body. this has not been established yet. maybe it does though, got to say i have my suspicions.

at the end of the day, we can have our suspicions, but nothing has been tested and proven yet. dont not masturbate at all, thatll just have other side effects probably. ejaculation is natural. it can probably even keep your hormones at a healthy level. but dont overdo it. then you cant have any complaints. its probably the healthiest way to be, and you dont have to really worry about a link between hairloss and ejaculation then.


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Am I the only person to notice this guy reckons he started masturbating at 4 years old and lost his virginity at 6?!?! :shock:

I smoke every day in the evenings, I personally don't think it causes baldness and I am sure I would have gone bald had I not touched the stuff in my life. Saying that, I doubt it helps the hairloss process, same as anything thats unhealthy for you eg. smoking cigs, drinking excessively, leading a generally unhealthy lifestyle


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Here's both the flaw and the proof of what you say. Not all people that masturbate excessively lose their hair, nor heavy pot smokers. You can find a dozen people who lead very healthy lifestyles who still lose their hair. I think that what some people might find excessive in themselves, if compared to the general population, they would find exceedingly normal.
On the other hand I find it interesting what you say about lions who have lost a battle consequently losing their manes. It's interesting, but that's it. Genetically, it does not hold up.
You have an interesting perspective but it's very introspective and cut off from true scientific evaluation. That is the same way I get when I smoke pot, very analytical without basis in objectivity.
Take a step back, weigh the empirical evidence, and come out of your hypercritcal shell.


Basketballhead said:
CRACK kills brother...

that there is why I love this thread :lol: :D :lol: :shock: :) :) :( :) :shock: :cry: :roll: :D :lol: :shock: :shock: :) :( :) :shock: :lol: :D :roll: :roll: :cry: :freaked2: :lol: :lol: :shock: :D :lol: :roll: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :shock: :lol: :) :) :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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What if you do both? If you masterbate excessively - and if you smoke pot excessively, do the two cancel each other out? Possibly...


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I really doubt ejaculation has any significant effect on hairloss one way or the other. But, if anything I would think it positive. I saw a thing on one of those quasi-news shows like Dateline where they said masturbating at least 20 or so times per month was good for the prostate (don't ask me why). It seems like what's good for the prostate is good for the hair, so there you go.