masturbate can cause hairloss


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Experimentally I'm pretty possitive about the correlation between those two.
The days when i don't ejaculate i notice less shedding in the next couple of days.

I don't know about sex and hair loss, since i don't have a relationship these days, but as for masturbation i think it to blame for being one of the causes of hairloss.

Just try jurking off once in a week only, improve your diet and you'll notice a huge difference and less shedding.

My primary goal from now on, is 1 ejaculation per week (2 at best).
Which is kind of hard having in mind all those p**rn around in the net.


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re-seeding said:
Anyone else tried stopping all sexual activity? results?

i dont think this is possible lol

Garm1 said:
My primary goal from now on, is 1 ejaculation per week (2 at best).
Which is kind of hard having in mind all those p**rn around in the net.

i tried very hard to keep it at 2 per week, never done once a week. its even harder as i am going into my prime. i remember in the highschool days i jerk off everyday sometimes twice, hairs falling out crazy


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Yes. I think it is worthwile to get some pleasure less, for a better hairline.

Just think. What Propecia does, is lowering somehow your testosterone thus your libido thus your drive to ejaculate.
You can do it be yourself, with a little psychological effort by jurking off less or having sex less.
I'm not implying that masturbation causes hair loss to all people the same. It just somehow seems to accelerate the rate of shedding, if you have a bigger genetic predisposition into going bald as i do. If not, overmasturbation, might not be a problem.

I think it should be like this, from now on for me: 1 masturbation/per week or 2 if sex is included. Which is hard, given it's been for me like 5-6 times per week for over 8 years (im 22)..
Cutting it off completely is out of the question, cause the reproductive system should be able to work at any time and abstainging completely might damage any casual erections.
I'm now in week 3 of doing that ejaculating schedule i planned, hard wood is present every morning, shedding is less and less, I even noticed something close to a wet dream :hairy:
I even deleted all the p**rn stuff in my Pc, throwed away my hot dvds and Playboy magazines and everything that teases you to jurk off.
I know we got to sacrifice something and that's the difficult thing since we can't have it both.
You get pleasure-> you're losing hairline, i'll see if i can invert it.

I'm now a Norwood 2.5-3 with an upper thinning (no regimen yet. I have reasons for that)
I'll keep you informed here about my progress, cause i m gonna stick to this 1 per week for a while.

Hope I've been helpful and hopefully hearing hear some other opinions on this issue.


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that was posted in a german hairloss-forum:

Institute of Endocrinology, Narodni 8, 116 94 Praha 1, Czech Republic,

Twelve neuroactive and neuroprotective steroids, androgens and androgen precursors i.e. 3alpha,17beta-dihydroxy-5alpha-androstane, 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-androstan-17-one, 3alpha-hydroxy-5beta-androstan-17-one, androst-5-ene-3beta,17beta-diol, 3beta,17alpha-dihydroxy-pregn-5-en-20-one (17alpha-hydroxy-pregnenolone), 3beta-hydroxy-androst-5-en-17-one (dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA), testosterone, androst-4-ene-3,17-dione (androstenedione), 3alpha-hydroxy-5alpha-pregnan-20-one (allopregnanolone), 3beta-hydroxy-pregn-5-en-20-one (pregnenolone), 7alpha-hydroxy-DHEA, and 7beta-hydroxy-DHEA were measured using the GC-MS system in young men before and after ejaculation provoked by masturbation. The circulating level of 17alpha-hydroxypregnenolone increased significantly, whereas the other circulating steroids were not changed at all. This fact speaks against the hypothesis that a drop in the level of neuroactive steroids, e.g. allopregnanolone may trigger the orgasm-related increase of oxytocin, reported by other authors.

Institut fur Medizinische Psychologie, Universitatsklinikum Essen, Germany.

This current study examined the effect of a 3-week period of sexual abstinence on the neuroendocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm. Hormonal and cardiovascular parameters were examined in ten healthy adult men during sexual arousal and masturbation-induced orgasm. Blood was drawn continuously and cardiovascular parameters were constantly monitored. This procedure was conducted for each participant twice, both before and after a 3-week period of sexual abstinence. Plasma was subsequently analysed for concentrations of adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, prolactin, luteinizing hormone and testosterone concentrations. Orgasm increased blood pressure, heart rate, plasma catecholamines and prolactin. These effects were observed both before and after sexual abstinence. In contrast, although plasma testosterone was unaltered by orgasm, higher testosterone concentrations were observed following the period of abstinence. These data demonstrate that acute abstinence does not change the neuroendocrine response to orgasm but does produce elevated levels of testosterone in males.

Division of Clinical Psychiatry, Hannover Medical School, Federal Republic of Germany.

Data regarding the neuroendocrine response pattern to sexual arousal and orgasm in man are inconsistent. In this study, ten healthy male volunteers were continuously monitored for their cardiovascular and neuroendocrine response to sexual arousal and orgasm. Blood was continuously drawn before, during and after masturbation-induced orgasm and analyzed for plasma concentrations of adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, growth hormone (GH), beta-endorphin and testosterone. Orgasm induced transient increases in heart rate, blood pressure and noradrenaline plasma levels. Prolactin plasma levels increased during orgasm and remained elevated 30 min after orgasm. In contrast, none of the other endocrine variables were significantly affected by sexual arousal and orgasm.

Department of Life Science, Hangzhou Normal College, Hangzhou 310020, China.

The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. The serum testosterone concentrations of 28 volunteers were investigated daily during abstinence periods after ejaculation for two phases. The authors found that the fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal. On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline ( P < 0.01). No regular fluctuation was observed following continuous abstinence after the peak. Ejaculation is the precondition and beginning of the special periodic serum testosterone level variations, which would not occur without ejaculation. The results showed that ejaculation-caused variations were characterized by a peak on the 7th day of abstinence; and that the effective time of an ejaculation is 7 days minimum. These data are the first to document the phenomenon of the periodic change in serum testosterone level; the correlation between ejaculation and periodic change in the serum testosterone level, and the pattern and characteristics of the periodic change.


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So according to that article masturbation is good or bad for your hair?
I decided to register because I found this thread interesting, I also think I have more hairloss when I masturbate than when I don't.
During late winter to spring/summer months I know I did masturbate more than ever and coincidently it was during this period that I experienced shedding like never before.. but I also had a depressive period prior to that, not anymore though..
More recently, about a week ago when I did it more than I use to, after a couple days when I washed my hair I had again more shedding, so this may be related regardless what some people say.
I too need to delete the p**rn and hot chicks from my computer :oops: but I think that learning to avoid it is best rather than delete it, for me at least makes me go search for more new stuff when I delete the old stuff :hairy:


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from those studies, higher testosterone results from abstinence, which could cause higher DHT, which could increase hairloss...

you belong in the earth is 6,000 years old club if you believe it causes hairloss, and the blindness club too while you are at it


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I'm not saying that I believe it or not, it's just personal experience and I'm definitely gonna try to reduce it even more and see what happens, I think it's stupid to completely rule this out because there's still a lot that we don't know about hair loss. BTW I've read posts in other forums with theories about how higher T levels for some reason decreased hairloss, I'll try to find it.


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theories are either good or bad, not true or false, though these are so bad, they should be called false, as there is zero evidence besides speculation to support it, so it's not even a real theory


HairyBerry said:
BTW I've read posts in other forums with theories about how higher T levels for some reason decreased hairloss, I'll try to find it.

you're contradicting yourself as you go along, Hairy Barry.

First we heard that higher T levels from masturbation that convert to DHT cause hair loss. Or maybe they don't convert and just harm the hair in their original form.

But now you are saying that higher T levels, higher TEMPORARY levels, temporarybeing the key word, help stop hair loss? Wouldn't that mean that masturbation is good for your hair?



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Masturbation decreases T levels temporarily NOT the opposite. Abstinence makes your T levels peak after a few days, that's why some athletes choose to cut on any sexual activity days prior to important competitions.Now I've read also that hairloss in some cases is due to an inbalance between low T levels and high DHT levels, so maybe increasing T a bit more trough abstinence might help keep things balanced.


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i think it may cause hair loss if you do it excessively. just as doing something excessively has negative effects.

just becuase there have been no studies on a link between the two. doesnt mean its not true.


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Optimist said:
Masturbating is against my religion so I guess I'm safe.
Sex is my religion (religiously 1-2 times everyday) + spanking the monkey generously everyday 1-2 times.... so i guess I`m doomed. My sex drive is throuh the roof,reason why i started taking Propecia :lol: a few years ago to lower it but seems to me that is not working..... :hairy:


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mumuka said:
Optimist said:
Masturbating is against my religion so I guess I'm safe.
Sex is my religion (religiously 1-2 times everyday) + spanking the monkey generously everyday 1-2 times.... so i guess I`m doomed. My sex drive is throuh the roof,reason why i started taking Propecia :lol: a few years ago to lower it but seems to me that is not working..... :hairy:

haha, well thats the first time i've heard of someone taking propecia( the tranny drug) to lower their sex drive.

If only we had been told that masturbation causes hairloss instead of blindness........i think that could have stopped me.


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Ok, I think it's about time I should leave a comment here. First off, english is not my main languages nor have I ever been grinding english lessions in school more than the very basics. So please, excuse any errors and what not you may find. Also please, read everything before you leave a comment.

This subject, masturbation and hairloss, has always been very interesting to me. I've done a lot of resarch on the web, read many articles, been talking to people about it.

I believe that masturbation is a contributer to hairloss. Now, relax before you jump on me. Here's why:

As of today, nobody can say with an accurate answer to why some men lose hair. We believe it's caused by DHT and there are many factors supporting this, and I do believe myself that DHT is one of the scoundrels in hairloss. However, I think there are more to it, things we yet have to discover. Then you'd ask, why doesn't all men lose their hair, because all men do produce DHT.

Because not every man has genes that are weak to it. As everyone's body is different, everyone's body reacts differently to DHT as well as every other substances in your body. Some people are more fragile to coldness, whilst other can bare it rather good. It's all genes.

Now, I'm sure you all already know this. But the problem is - if a person (call him A) that's fragile to coldness, how does that hurt him and how does he avoid it? For starters, he'd get a cold much easier than a average man would do. He would cough more than others, he'd have a stuffy nose etc. You get the point. And how does he avoid it? Simple, he stays away from the chill, doesn't spend his time outside in the winters etc. There's no medicine that can fully heal him, as the problem lies in his genes. Of course there are medicine that may help him, protect him from the cold, making him stronger for the moment being. And I think it's the same for us (person B) who suffer from bad "hairloss" genes.

Chill triggers person A, while high amounts of DHT triggers us, person B. And I think we won't lose our hair Just Like That. I think we can avoid it, just like person A avoids chill winters by staying inside or w/e (perhaps it was a vague example but we could take anything really, a man who suffers from epilepsy he'd have to avoid seizyues by not drinking alcohol or abusing any drugs that might trigger him). Our situation is though, as we all know, much harder because we don't know exaclty how to avoid it. But I'm sure there's something - and until we've come up with the correct answer (which very well can be masturbation) we won't know for sure.

When I hit puberty, at 14y/old I started masturbating. At the age of 15, i started losing my hair but I didn't really think about that back then. I did masturbate a lot, and I did also begin training hard at the gym.

I think that these two factors, masturbation and early hard weight lifting in combination with my bad genes, caused my hairloss. I believe that if I would Never had done any masturbation, nor train as hard as I did, I would have much more hair today. As we don't know anything else that could potentially cause hairloss today other than masturbation(and heavy weight lifting) we don't have much to work with.

We know that there's a connection between testesteron and dihydrotestosterone, and masturbating does increase your testesteron levels.( ... one_levels) And more testesteron in your body Could mean more DHT conversations. We dont, know, we dont know, but it's a possibility. And obviously if you produce more DHT it would damage your hair.
Finasterid is for us a medicine that helps us for the time being, like person A takes his meds for his cold. It doesn't cure him, nor does finasterid cure us. All it does is helping us for as long as we take it and the moment we quit, dht will go back as normal, exaclty the same as with person A, the moment he stops taking his meds he too will suffer from his cold. There's no medicine that completley cure us, we can't fight the genes; they will never give up and they will win the moment we give up.

I've seen many who are against the idéa that masturbation causes hairloss claims a research study on the subject. But really, how easy is it to do one of those reasearches? You'd have to find teenagers that are in the age of 14-20 that suffer from bad genes of hairloss that are willing to do this study as well as 'healthy' teenagers that does not suffer from hairloss. I don't think that's an easy task. And also, I haven't read any research that disproves this theory niether.

Oh well I think I made my points clear. I'm sure the numbers will stay the same - the ones that are against the idéa of hairloss and masturbation will continue stay that way and people like me will still believe that there's a connection will continue believe that. Please, these words are just my thoughts. It might be completley false or it might not be. I guess who lives shall see.


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I started balding from the day I was born yet I started to masturbate in my teens so I think this is rubbish.

diffuse_curse said:
i do 3 times a day

:jackit: :jackit: :jackit:

diffuse_curse said:
4 times a day

:jackit: :jackit: :jackit: :jackit:

well which is it?? Do you masturbate 3 or 4 times a day???!!!


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so you all have heared about this new discovery that prostaglandine d2 causes hairloss.

If you masturbate too much you can suffer hairloss, because sperm contains the inhibitor of prostaglandin d2.

When ou masturbate too much, you have less of those inhibitors and and the danger of hairloss raises.

Its is all related together Minoxidil for example has an effekt on prostaglandin too..

I have stopped now masturbating ... i hope it helps.


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pets93 said:
Ok, I think it's about time I should leave a comment here. First off, english is not my main languages nor have I ever been grinding english lessions in school more than the very basics. So please, excuse any errors and what not you may find. Also please, read everything before you leave a comment.

This subject, masturbation and hairloss, has always been very interesting to me. I've done a lot of resarch on the web, read many articles, been talking to people about it.

I believe that masturbation is a contributer to hairloss. Now, relax before you jump on me. Here's why:

As of today, nobody can say with an accurate answer to why some men lose hair. We believe it's caused by DHT and there are many factors supporting this, and I do believe myself that DHT is one of the scoundrels in hairloss. However, I think there are more to it, things we yet have to discover. Then you'd ask, why doesn't all men lose their hair, because all men do produce DHT.

Because not every man has genes that are weak to it. As everyone's body is different, everyone's body reacts differently to DHT as well as every other substances in your body. Some people are more fragile to coldness, whilst other can bare it rather good. It's all genes.

Now, I'm sure you all already know this. But the problem is - if a person (call him A) that's fragile to coldness, how does that hurt him and how does he avoid it? For starters, he'd get a cold much easier than a average man would do. He would cough more than others, he'd have a stuffy nose etc. You get the point. And how does he avoid it? Simple, he stays away from the chill, doesn't spend his time outside in the winters etc. There's no medicine that can fully heal him, as the problem lies in his genes. Of course there are medicine that may help him, protect him from the cold, making him stronger for the moment being. And I think it's the same for us (person B) who suffer from bad "hairloss" genes.

Chill triggers person A, while high amounts of DHT triggers us, person B. And I think we won't lose our hair Just Like That. I think we can avoid it, just like person A avoids chill winters by staying inside or w/e (perhaps it was a vague example but we could take anything really, a man who suffers from epilepsy he'd have to avoid seizyues by not drinking alcohol or abusing any drugs that might trigger him). Our situation is though, as we all know, much harder because we don't know exaclty how to avoid it. But I'm sure there's something - and until we've come up with the correct answer (which very well can be masturbation) we won't know for sure.

When I hit puberty, at 14y/old I started masturbating. At the age of 15, i started losing my hair but I didn't really think about that back then. I did masturbate a lot, and I did also begin training hard at the gym.

I think that these two factors, masturbation and early hard weight lifting in combination with my bad genes, caused my hairloss. I believe that if I would Never had done any masturbation, nor train as hard as I did, I would have much more hair today. As we don't know anything else that could potentially cause hairloss today other than masturbation(and heavy weight lifting) we don't have much to work with.

We know that there's a connection between testesteron and dihydrotestosterone, and masturbating does increase your testesteron levels.( ... one_levels) And more testesteron in your body Could mean more DHT conversations. We dont, know, we dont know, but it's a possibility. And obviously if you produce more DHT it would damage your hair.
Finasterid is for us a medicine that helps us for the time being, like person A takes his meds for his cold. It doesn't cure him, nor does finasterid cure us. All it does is helping us for as long as we take it and the moment we quit, dht will go back as normal, exaclty the same as with person A, the moment he stops taking his meds he too will suffer from his cold. There's no medicine that completley cure us, we can't fight the genes; they will never give up and they will win the moment we give up.

I've seen many who are against the idéa that masturbation causes hairloss claims a research study on the subject. But really, how easy is it to do one of those reasearches? You'd have to find teenagers that are in the age of 14-20 that suffer from bad genes of hairloss that are willing to do this study as well as 'healthy' teenagers that does not suffer from hairloss. I don't think that's an easy task. And also, I haven't read any research that disproves this theory niether.

Oh well I think I made my points clear. I'm sure the numbers will stay the same - the ones that are against the idéa of hairloss and masturbation will continue stay that way and people like me will still believe that there's a connection will continue believe that. Please, these words are just my thoughts. It might be completley false or it might not be. I guess who lives shall see.
Agree with you completely but how we could stop masturbation forever


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afghan said:

so you all have heared about this new discovery that prostaglandine d2 causes hairloss.

If you masturbate too much you can suffer hairloss, because sperm contains the inhibitor of prostaglandin d2.

When ou masturbate too much, you have less of those inhibitors and and the danger of hairloss raises.

Its is all related together Minoxidil for example has an effekt on prostaglandin too..

I have stopped now masturbating ... i hope it helps.
But what about women? My mom also suffers from hairloss and of course she doesnt masturbate! So?